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I dunno, it does all feel a bit WCW to me. When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside. . .

Anyway, about the PPV. I didn't watch any of the pre-show, as none of it mattered one fuck. 

The ladder match, up until the very end, was a bag of wank, if I'm being perfectly honest. It had absolutely everything that I hate about multi person ladder matches. It was quite clearly MJF the second he walked out onto the stage, every mannerism was young Max. I liked that they did the reveal later though. They could have even done it in a few weeks, but I was fine with it after the main event. Delighted he is back. 

The two women's matches on this show ranged from just about passable (Jade and Athena), to terrible (the four way). I put a lot of that on Athena and Toni Storm, both of who I think are pretty damn poor. Jade looked incredible and Hayter should have won. 

Glad to see House of Black didn't win, as I really see little value in them as a group. Brodie King is the useful one of the trio. I've yet to like Black anywhere that he has been. 

FTR and Wardlow with Dax's daughter, I really enjoyed all of that. Hopefully these three (and Joe too) move onto something more meaningful. Jay Lethal has possibly the worst entrance music going today. Suitable for the prick. 

The main event was great on the night, I don't think anyone expected they wouldn't deliver a great match in a vacuum. Mox has been the wrestler of the year, then there's Dax Harwood, and then there's the Grand Canyone before you get to everyone else. Still, it was a convoluted mess of a way to get here that hurt my interest in it going in. The MJF reveal at the end helped move the story along and left the show on a big high. 

I really didn't have a lot of time for Jericho Vs Danielson if I'm being honest. I'm all for slowing it down and reducing the needless bumps, but this sent me into a coma. Danielson needed to win too. He's ice cold compared to a year ago. 

The Elite Vs Dark Order was great. Absolutely loved how all of the backstory weaved throughout this one. Hangman costing his mates at the end and being distraught about it is what he needs to get back on the horse again. Something to sink his teeth into. Omega and Hangman's face off's in this were superb. A much better match than the one from Dynamite with Will Osprey and the other two who's names I don't remember. 

The Acclaimed Vs Swerve & Lee was a completely unexpected gem. Could have put the titles on Bowens and Caster here, but then FTR really should be the team that have them. Swerve and Lee should be heels. Strickland especially, doesn't come across very likeable. 

I expected Jungle Boy and Starks to both lose. I was surprised how easy Starks lost though. How they handled the Jungle Boy angle was well done I thought. Much better than him losing a back and forth 12-15 minutes. There's value in both him and Christian and I think they found a way to not hurt either of them here. Starks, not so much. This was a setback for him. Always a possibility in a match following a split where a decision has to be made, both guys need a win and it can be hard to protect both. They managed it with Christian/JB but not with Starks and Hobbs. 

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3 minutes ago, Factotum said:

I know Khan is copping some flack here but what really could he say in that moment? He should give Punk a dressing down for it, but in private.

Yeah, you’re right. If Khan had told him to shut the fuck up here he would have looked really bad. Bring the media event to an end and conduct business behind closed doors. Delete the character from your EWR or whatever you did in them. 

Did they appoint a HR person or did I imagine that? Maybe it’s MPDTT, but they should have some work to do. 

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2 hours ago, air_raid said:

That part I didn't have any issue with, if we're kayfabing then its Bret taking the piss out of Shawn's "pussyfoot injury" in 97 again. In fact, nothing Toni said is problematic if its in the context of a worked wrestling interview. The problem they've got is that the events of this presser have baffled everyone into not knowing whether its a work or whether EVERYONE is just going into business for themselves.

It's a minor thing, but Storm and Rosa are meant to be friends, they're not exactly Bret and Shawn.

You're right though, the issues around AEW generally and this interim women's belt in particular make it a bigger thing than it should be 

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3 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Reports that Punk threw a punch at the Young Bucks. The same thing Eddie Kingston got suspended for.

Moxley as the first ever two-time Interim Champ this Wednesday?

They’re lucky it didn’t land what with his legit MMA skills. 

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1 minute ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Does anyone know what Nick Jackson is supposed to have said? It clearly happened as Khan verified it, but I have no idea.

Apparently Page said something about ‘workers rights’ in a promo that got Punk all pissy.


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