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Vince McMahon is back. "I hear ya a racist now, father?"


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There has been quite a bit of tweet deleting and backtracking/repositioning on this item. 

Have people been swept up by a Twitter storm and mischief? Or perhaps WWE are sitting tight before a deal is done? 

Guess we’ll find out in due course. 

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1 minute ago, uklaw said:

There has been quite a bit of tweet deleting and backtracking/repositioning on this item. 

Have people been swept up by a Twitter storm and mischief? Or perhaps WWE are sitting tight before a deal is done? 

Guess we’ll find out in due course. 

Is it yes, is it no? Find out sometime in the future.

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1 hour ago, Nick James said:

I've seen a lot over on that there Twitter suggesting that WWE going under or networks walking away from WWE as a huge positive for Tony Khan and AEW, whilst I'm sure talent wise, thats possible, would it not actually have a negative effect in that, networks could just think fuck it and walk away from wrestling? 

I doubt it. As others have said, it's insanely cheap content and consistent ratings. From the networks perspective if WWE is tarnished but they want to keep the live audience, hey look, there's another wrestling company that's growing, doesnt have any skeletons in the closet (yet) that will give you half the WWE audience but at 1/3rd the cost...that's a pretty good deal.

Generally I agree with Gay As FOOK's excellent post. WWE just means absolutely nothing to me anymore. It's so far removed from what I love about wrestling that I barely even register it's existence. If it gets taken over by Saudi's and Vince runs in into the ground I'll mostly just watch and laugh from the sidelines and enjoy the memes on Twitter. Which is crazy when WWF/WWE used to basically consume every single spare thought I had in my head.

Edited by LaGoosh
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8 hours ago, hallicks said:

She got buried by the company (i.e. Vince) in some business magazine last year and either left or was booted then. She only came back after Vince initially stepped down. “Business is business” but I can’t imagine they’re on the best of terms.

Selling to Saudi is Vince going “NOBODY CAN FUCKING HAVE IT NOW CAN THEY”

6 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

"Hey hey lad, like a bit of beheading do you!!!"

6 hours ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

K-Kwik would have had no trouble.



K-KWESH, I think you'll find

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It's be interesting to know how many new wrestling fans AEW has generated as opposed to how many old wrestling fans they've converted. I ignorantly assume it's heavily weighted to them converting fans who either watch WWE or did watch WWE. 

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I think some people may actually be underestimating the effects a sale to Saudi ownership *could* have on WWE as a business.

Depending on how much influence they would have then things like the women's revolution are possibly done for and when the majority of them can go and do Only Fans pages less revealing than the old Divas DVD's for more money then they're making in WWE then fucking off to do that and wrestling for AEW or others just for fun could obliterate their division.

In a world where things have never been more diverse and inclusive you can forget ever having an openly gay or bisexual wrestler at the company again. Those who aren't openly out or have close friends who are gay or bisexual which I'd imagine to be a large percentage may decide fuck this I'm off, especially the more established stars who have potential to earn elsewhere and don't "need" to be there.

I think roster wise as well WWE has arguably never been less populated by wrong uns with no conscience. Between opportunities to earn elsewhere through their social media channels etc and AEW could we potentially see a mass exodus?

Mansoor is probably over the moon at the prospect of goodbye Maximum Male Models - hello Super Mansoor.

Cena & The Rock, arguably their two biggest names who may pop in for the occasional appearances likely wont want to be anywhere near involved again.

Sami Zayn is surely gone, I can't see Owens sticking around either. 

I think WWE has never had less casual fans either, even at the last two UK house shows I've been to in Newcastle and Glasgow they were 65% full AT BEST for shows usually you'd struggle to get a ticket for at all.

I think the hardcore fans have probably never been more aware and consciencious (sp) and Tony Khan must be rubbing his hands together right now.

From WWE looking to be on a massive upward trajectory with HHH at the helm and AEW looking to be on a rapid decline to a full 180 inside about 5 days. Crazy.

I wonder if HHH had the desire or financial backing to ever try and go into a seperate business for himself, or even team up with Khan.

HHH seems to still have very close relationships with The Rock, Austin and obviously Shawn Michaels. Hypothetically just imagine the impact their involvement with a company other than WWE *could* have.


Edited by Jonny Vegas
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18 minutes ago, Vamp said:

It's be interesting to know how many new wrestling fans AEW has generated as opposed to how many old wrestling fans they've converted. I ignorantly assume it's heavily weighted to them converting fans who either watch WWE or did watch WWE. 

This is obviously anecdotal stuff, and we're literally talking about a handful of people here, but my wife , my brother and a friend of mine - all non-wrestling fans - started watching AEW on my recommendation during the lockdown era. They all gave up on watching it last year, though my wife sat through last week's episode with me. 

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Like a lot of you, I'm not that fussed about the impact on current WWE product.  Wrestling, esp since AEW, is bigger than just WWE nowadays.

What's more concerning to me is that the Saudis are buying the library, which at this point is basically about 80% of all televised wrestling ever.  If they lose interest in the company a few years down the line, that could all end up sitting in a vault in Riyadh or worse.

Edited by Loki
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21 minutes ago, Jonny Vegas said:

I think the hardcore fans have probably never been more aware and consciencious (sp) and Tony Khan must be rubbing his hands together right now.

I don’t think they care to be honest. If they like the product, they will watch it. You have to wonder where the line is if you won’t watch something because its owners are Saudi but would watch it with a vile cunt like Vince in charge. And if those fans actually were bothered from a moralistic point of view towards the treatment of women, they would have a problem with AEW as well. They’ve got sex pests on the roster and had an actual convicted rapist on the other month. 

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My instinct here is that someone with an agenda is briefing something in order to push a deal with PIF along, rather than there actually being a deal.. However, let's say WWE does get sold to the Saudi PIF, what happens when the TV deals are up again? The LIV Golf series (which I understand is the Saudi states attempt to compete with the PGA Tour) have had to pay Fox for a slot on FS1. At a time when content has never been more valuable, I think this speaks volumes. If you count Raw, Smackdown and the Peacock deal, you're looking at approx. $750 Million per year - well over half WWE's total revenue. I'm sure that the Saudis would be able to secure something, but surely this sends alarm bells ringing?

This honestly just reaks of Vince wanting to cash in and run.

Edited by ElBigFella
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37 minutes ago, Loki said:

Like a lot of you, I'm not that fussed about the impact on current WWE product.  Wrestling, esp since AEW, is bigger than just WWE nowadays.

What's more concerning to me is that the Saudis are buying the library, which at this point is basically about 80% of all televised wrestling ever.  If they lose interest in the company a few years down the line, that could all end up sitting in a vault in Riyadh or worse.



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