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Change One Thing.

CL Punk

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1 hour ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

Yeah but you can't deny there would of be a massive shift as to how his future would of played out both inring and as a exec.

No NXT Gold! Imagine that!

I didn’t. I do deny what was posted, which Hunter’s 99-2000 and his rise to main event while Austin was injured might have been different. Which it wouldn’t have, because he was already entrenched in the main event scene, won the WWF title multiple times and become established as The Rocks opposite number, when he was still with Chyna.

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I'd like it if the teases that occured through 2011 actually paid off, and we got Stone Cold vs. CM Punk at WM28. The sit-down promo they did with JR to promote WWE 12 was amazing, as was their confrontations on a few Raws through the year.

Austin returns to co-main event with Rock vs. Cena, has a banger of a match and realises he can still go to a high standard, locking him in as a Undertaker/HHH esque special attraction over the following decade. As for Punk, the marquee spot keeps him happier for longer, due to his fandom of Stone Cold and the critical acclaim the match gets. As a result, he isn't presented as second fiddle through the remainder of his WWE Championshp reign, and has more respect within the company. Therefore, he's allowed breaks and a lighter schedule when he needs it, and doesn't walk out in 2014.

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Let Lex win the belt from Yoko at Summerslam 93.

Nah, as much as I would've liked that, I'd probably go with the 'Bret doesn't get screwed' scenario, purely because I love him. Bret gets the superlong contract WWF offered him that he deserves, and we get years and years more of Bret matches and storylines. If that means the attitude era doesn't play out all the same, so be it. Endless other possibilities play out, Bret uses his influence to stick up for the boys, saving countless wrestlers from misfortune, Owen doesn't die, Bret won't get kicked it the head and suffer the resulting health problems. Etc etc etc. 

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9 hours ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

All I said was:

"Another I'd like to see...

The curtain call dosent happen.

As a result Triple H wins the 1996 KOTR instead of Austin."

What are you denying?!?!?

The post I was replying to. To which you then replied, telling me I couldn’t deny something which I wasn’t. Read it again.


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1 hour ago, LEGIT said:

Let Lex win the belt from Yoko at Summerslam 93.

I'd be intrigued to see what would happen if they did this. Presumably they either get the belt back onto Yoko sometime afterwards, or maybe Bret wins the Rumble and wrestles Luger at Mania X, which I wouldn't mind. They could even try and turn Lex heel or do Bret's Canadian Heel gimmick a bit earlier. 

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8 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

I'd be intrigued to see what would happen if they did this. Presumably they either get the belt back onto Yoko sometime afterwards, or maybe Bret wins the Rumble and wrestles Luger at Mania X, which I wouldn't mind. They could even try and turn Lex heel or do Bret's Canadian Heel gimmick a bit earlier. 

I’m not sure they’d kill off the sales of Brets posters, T-shirts, shades etc in the cash-starved mid 90s. The company’s still a heel factory with Yoko on top for a decent time the exception, not the rule. They’d already started pushing Borga, if you beat Yoko at SummerSlam they probably still go with Luger vs Borga and Yoko vs Taker as happened, possibly keeping Lex vs Ludvig off TV until Mania. Undertaker still asks for time off independent of this, if they persevere with Luger through Mania then I wonder if the next heels for Lex would be the Million Dollar Corporation, and they’d put Bam Bam or someone in the challenger slot next. Or - fuck it - go all the way with Diesel. I can see Luger as WWF Champ vs Diesel with two belts at main event of SummerSlam with Shawn ending up in the rack. Bret vs Owen underneath, not in a cage, Taker vs Taker still if they must, and I’d actually have HBK wrestle on the show (imagine that) against Razor, potentially put THAT in a cage so Kev can’t interfere.

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On 3/15/2022 at 10:31 AM, BomberPat said:

yeah, it's some real WWF revisionist history that Austin 3:16 was what made him. He was dicking about with Marc Mero at the next PPV, and didn't even make the Summerslam card.

It was Bret that made Austin, along with him being the natural foil for Pillman when they needed something to capitalise on that investment. Beyond that, he benefited from the WWF making the rare decision to move away from the Hogan/Bruno model of having one defined top babyface due in part to all the Shawn/Bret drama, and spend much of '96/'97 with a "matrix" of main event talent that could all be slotted in against each other - effectively Bret, Shawn, Sid and 'Taker, with Austin, Vader, and Mankind all available to be slotted into their roles as necessary - meaning that he got a level of opportunity and exposure at a top level that a "good hand heel" like him wouldn't have normally been afforded there, allowing him to prove his worth. A perfect storm of talent and timing, effectively. 

EDIT: Thinking about it, having mentioned Mankind in there, it's probably the same set of circumstances that allowed Mick Foley to rise above being a short-term heel threat to show his true potential too.

While yes to all of this, I was listening to a compilation of Pritchard's podcast about the Austin years (I know, I know) - he talked about how Austin's mouth (courtesy of Mero) was more badly injured than it came across at the time, so his schedule was relaxed for a little while. They were also trying to figure out what they had - they'd never really had a heel selling merch before, and it took time for Vince to be convinced to sell the Austin 3:16 shirt at all. He was also recovering from other injuries over the Summer, which was why they did all the vignettes calling out Bret Hart. So the next little while was them sticking with the original plans, letting Austin recover, and then slotting him into a new position.

Definitely not the story they tend to tell, but I think they were just moving more slowly than they began to from the following year as much as anything else, and Austin wasn't around enough to capitalise on straight away.

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6 minutes ago, Chris B said:

his schedule was relaxed for a little while. (snip) was also recovering from other injuries over the Summer, which was why they did all the vignettes calling out Bret Hart. (snip) letting Austin recover, (snip)

and Austin wasn't around enough to capitalise on straight away.

Let’s not oversell this. The time off Bruce refers to after King of the Ring and Raw the next night (where he did 15 minutes with Taker) amounted to one Superstars taping where he gave guys Stunners after refusing to wrestle them, then a grand total of 9 nights off. From July 5th at the Meadowlands until Mind Games, virtually the only nights Stone Cold isn’t wrestling is when he’s travelling with the rest of the crew to the South Africa tour, and when he’s on his way back. Bruce can pretend Steve being off was a reason he didn’t immediately catch fire, but it’s bollocks.

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Bischoff gets the WWF announcers job in 1990 and doesn't go to WCW in 1991. He isn't there when Bill Watts leaves in 1993 so Jim Ross gets the job instead.

It changes everything doesn't it? No Bischoff means Hogan doesn't go to WCW, there's no Nitro, no NWO, no Cruiserweights, etc.

Just as importantly, if Ross took over WCW it would mean Austin and Foley would've stayed as well, and without Ross in charge of the WWF's talent relations, guys like The Rock, Angle, Lesnar, Orton and Cena might well have been undiscovered or at least wouldn't be the superstars they became. Does Cornette even go to the WWF and then OVW with Ross in WCW? Does Heyman stick with ECW?

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I'm changing starrcade 97's booking.

The biggest card and the apex of their biggest angle and that's what they end up doing.

Lots gets talked of the uncensored 99 double turn and starrcade 98 as tipping points but nothing frustrates me more than seeing that would be  payoff get so badly butchered.

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