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18 minutes ago, RancidPunx said:

Surely it’s a bad omen if they don’t show too much actual gameplay.. 

No modern game ads show gameplay, usually it’s just cut scenes.

  • Paid Members
3 minutes ago, Chili said:

Was that Sting's chin in the trailer? 

Or was it in fact Sables fanny?

  • Paid Members
1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Was The Big Boss Man being featured proof he’s going to be in this years Royal Rumble?

It's his year. 


I only watched the trailer again this morning while skipping through raw and good God in heaven that clip of the ultimate warior shaking the ropes is so fucking bad its almost laughable.

They haven't released a game in 2 years and that sort of mess ends up in their trailer not a great sign of things to come 

  • 2 weeks later...
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I did a Google image search and the results were just sites selling a similar shirt. It thinks she's a mannequin. 

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