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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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54 minutes ago, Chili said:

Lambert I very much love with ATT. I don't care if he says horrible things to be honest. He sounds and looks like a shit bag, so as long as he gets his face punched it's grand. Be a big edgelord, I hate when all wrestling has to be chinstrokey, Dan Lambert should be a smart arse troll.

 While I agree with the character point, I struggle to suspend my disbelief with him - the show's endorsing his saying them. It's like a while back when MJF was talking about some fat people in the audience, and the camera focused in on an overweight couple. At that point, it wasn't the character mocking them, it was the show. And when I can't suspend my disbelief, it's all the show. At some point, there's been a decision to liken Brandi to a stripper and talk about her tits - and that probably works better for the reality show than the wrestling one.

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54 minutes ago, Nick James said:

Job done for Brandi, she's turned Lambert face, if only on here. 

Joking aside, it was the last week of the Inner Circle for me. Lambert being clearly bothered by the chants and responding with "My face isn't even that fat!" was the first time I found him genuinely funny. Then he was full Heenan for the match itself, and that was fine. He's a character that needs to get his comeuppance reasonably regularly, and he could be fun doing that - I'd be fully up for an equivalent of the old Weasal outfit matches.

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The Daniel Moxley twist was interesting. I wonder whether Mox turns him down and he gets nasty. I also have an awful feeling Tony Nese will be turning up soon. 

I wasn't a fan of them just deciding to stick Danhausen with Best Friends. I know he has that thing going on with Orange Cassidy, but it really just felt like they stuck him out there to give him something to do. 

Brandi getting "shut the fuck up" chants during her promo said it all, really. Namedropping Josh Alexander while his contract in Impact is winding down might be a harbinger of the future, but I don't know what he'd do there. Well, I do, he'd have great matches. 

The blindfold stuff from Pac was impressive. 

I still have no belief that Archer is going to beat Page next week, in spite of the attack this week. 

MJF coming out with the best part of an hour to go was a surprise, but what a match it was. The false finish, the bulk of the match taking place in the ring. MJF is such a good heel. I thought they were doing the turn when Wardlow came out. You could feel the tension when he was eye to eye with Punk. It'll be interesting to see where it goes from here. 

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27 minutes ago, Factotum said:

You reckon Wardlow costs MJF the rematch?

Either that, or MJF lashes out at him in frustration after Punk wins and we get the turn that way. The body language is brilliant. This is the new Page Omega in terms of a slow burn angle they're running. 

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MJF being Punk’s first loss is so clearly the right call that it becomes predictable. Always impressed that AEW tend to avoid overthinking these situations and going for the swerve. Thought they’d possibly done it with that weird Wardlow match the other week but everyone seems to have recovered fine.

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Finally found the time to watch the main event. What a fucking belter! The whole match was fantastic, both guys looked amazing, I loved the fake finish with the restart and then the reveal at the end with Wardlow was absolutely brilliant. Proper clever stuff. Home run. Best MJF has ever looked. Just in time for Wardlow to knock his head off. Has any man ever looked better in a winter coat? Incredible.

Remember last year when the whispers started about Punk and Danielson coming in? Unbelievably, both guys have completely surpassed even my wildest expectations. However many millions each of them are getting paid, it’s a bargain. They’ve come in, delivered by the truck load, and done business perfectly, making genuine stars out of the homegrown talent without losing a single shred of momentum or credibility themselves.

When it’s good it’s fucking great.

Honestly, I don’t have the energy to even discuss Brandi and Cody’s bollocks anymore. I’d rather focus on this top tier shit that leaves me in a fantastic mood. What do we reckon, then? Rematch in a cage at the PPV? Wardlow murders MFJ on the post-PPV Dynamite?

Edited by Supremo
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Cody and Brandi are starting to feel like a prom king/queen who never moved on a year or two after highschool. Back in 2019 they were an important part of the show and cosy especially worked as a focus point. He's had a hand in building the foundations and getting everything going while his early feuds were some of the more captivating stuff. 

Now AEW has a range of establish guys old and new all co fortavly doing their own thing. Even the rest of the founding members have evolved as characters from where things started. However those two can't seem adapt to their new more "grown up" surroundings.


Does their reality show actually draw many viewers? It comes across as a complete vanity piece for them. Surely the only ones watching it are AEW fans who hope to possibly hear some backstage tidbit they didn't know. It's a concept done to death by WWE. 




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4 hours ago, simonworden said:

Does their reality show actually draw many viewers? It comes across as a complete vanity piece for them.

Not really but it's cheap to make and it fills time in a pretty dead time slot. Good pay day for Cody & Brandi and from their point helps Cody with what is absolutely his real dream - breaking into Hollywood.

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5 hours ago, simonworden said:

Does their reality show actually draw many viewers? It comes across as a complete vanity piece for them. Surely the only ones watching it are AEW fans who hope to possibly hear some backstage tidbit they didn't know. It's a concept done to death by WWE.

Viewers not so much. Went from a high just short of 500k down to 300+k. over its run. Despite that, it held a decent demo number that would usually keep it in the Top 20 of original programming for the night.


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Tony Kahn is really pushing just how big this free agent debut is going to be on Wednesday. I am...kind of starting to wonder if it isn't actually Shane fucking McMahon.

Could also be Cody Rhodes since he is a free agent.

Edited by 69MeDon
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