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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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8 minutes ago, hallicks said:

I’m probably over-analysing because I’m find him so terrible, but Cole seems to have been putting in a fair bit of the old “tell don’t show” Michaels-esque wankery in his matches lately, with his “you son of a bitch!” bit this week, and there was something else a couple of weeks ago that was very cringe where he was yelling the story out. 

Hasn't he always been like that? It's what they teach them in NXT. Imagine how different and better wrestling would be if they had Bret at the PC instead of Shawn.

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15 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Hasn't he always been like that? It's what they teach them in NXT. Imagine how different and better wrestling would be if they had Bret at the PC instead of Shawn.

Ahh probably, I tapped out on NXT right around him starting, that Ciampa-Gargano match with the ludicrous never ending near-falls. 

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I remember being at a PCW show a while back with @air_raidand Kevin Steen was there. During a Q&A he told an anecdote about bumping into Stone Cold at an airport sometime and asking him for advice. Austin's advice was to run your mouth during the match as it's a good way to tell the story. Presumably he's been sharing this gem with everybody he worked with since then, and some of them will have taken the advice. 

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I think the reason people, myself included, are focussing more on Adam Cole’s physique and height is because there’s a tangible sense that he’s being moved into the position of top contender.

It doesn’t matter as much when he’s doing silly, meta, comedy six-man tag matches with the Young Bucks. But when you can see the direction forming and he starts having his NXT-style, “epic,” matches again, you’re reminded of all his worst qualities and why he’s not suited to the top of the card. Shit look. Shit body. Shit gear. Shit offence. Shit melodramatic selling. Shit kick-out spamming. The king of the NXT shocked face.

Nothing about him feels particularly threatening. It genuinely feels like a toss up on whether Tony Schiavone could take him in a fight or not, never mind us as viewers. And to think he’s likely the next challenger after Archer? Especially coming off this week’s show, where Hangman and Archer had that thrilling exchange where they were elbowing the shit out of each other? Imagine the hoss match they’re gonna have! Big meaty men slapping meat! Following this up with Adam Cole as the PPV challenger is almost laughable. You sense even they realise it, too. I suspect that’s why they’ve booked this Lights Out match. Try and get some proper heat on him and at least do something to make him feel like a threat.

I’m not saying Vinny Mac was right in deciding Adam Cole should be a manager. I am saying he was right to not see him as a top guy though. Not without a lot of tweaking, anyway.

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23 minutes ago, Supremo said:

It genuinely feels like a toss up on whether Tony Schiavone could take him in a fight or not, never mind us as viewers.

It's not a toss up. Tony would beat his ass, plus beat his ass at video games, since that's his friggin' life. And how is Cole going to feel to go back to Conneticut and tell the motherfuckers that an old 64 year old man beat his ass?

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I'm not even sure why they seem to be preparing him for a big push. Wasn't he the top guy in NXT when AEW were hammering them in the ratings every week? Makes no sense to push someone who is a proven failure as a main eventer. He's a perfectly fine midcard act though.

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31 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

I don't want it. It means dragging Hangman back into the Elite/Undisputed Era nonsense that will be playing out alongside it.

It's going to be the catalyst for the Bucks to turn face, an uneasy alliance with Hangman vs the NXT Midgets and I'm not sure I want to see that so soon.

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The Bucks will ally with Page against Cole & ReDragon, then once that's over with Kenny will come back and we'll have some "whose side are the Bucks on?" stuff 

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Lio Rush has announced his contract is about to expire in February. He really seems like the guys in everyone’s work who can be right a lot, but management will never listen as he’s terrible at communicating things without making trouble 

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