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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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Looks like most of the AEW Womens Division have gone in on that berk JDfromNY over on Twitter after he made a comment regarding the announced Cargill vs Shafir match for Dynamite. IT's been quite hilarious seeing someone have quite the strop after being taken to task over past comments towards the Women. He's a complete moron at the best of time (Blocked him a while ago so I didn't have to see the shite he posts), but Britt Baker calling him out for commenting on her personally rather than her character was great.

The comment wasn't particularly bad initially, but think they have used it as the final straw to call him out on his shit. Jade, Britt, Rebel and even Deonna Purrazzo having their shot at him which all stemmed from this tweet:



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1 hour ago, Nick James said:

The comment wasn't particularly bad initially, but think they have used it as the final straw to call him out on his shit. Jade, Britt, Rebel and even Deonna Purrazzo having their shot at him


Yeah he's posted way worse about people but his hissy fit about them actually clapping back is hilarious. As if he can just talk as much shit as he wants and get away with it under the guise of "it's only about the character!" which obviously most of the time it isn't, and they're more than happy to show examples of that anyway. Guys like that really piss me off. Not just wrestling related but anyone online who thinks they can just talk utter shit about people like they're entitled and how dare anyone actually comment back.

I love how he's been saying how he's one of the ones who supports AEW so much and they should basically be grateful for him. As if he makes a blind bit of difference to their existence.

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Britt and Saraya has the potential to be a bit of a disaster. I really hope I'm wrong, but it's been painful viewing so far. I suppose it's nice to see a major women's feud that doesn't revolve around the title, but it's a shame that it involves people who don't exactly bring out the best in one another on the mic. 

9 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

OC v. Luchasaurus v. Rey Fenix

This sounds like it could be a lot of fun. It's a really weird combination of wrestlers, but it has the potential to be a corker of a match. I genuinely think I'm looking forward to this more than I am anything else on this show, and that's not a slight on the line-up!

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Probably the weakest Dynamite in weeks, carried mostly by the bonkers surprises. Tony definitely changed dealers this past weekend.

So we’ve got Jeff Jarrett coming in, and we’ve also got a Sting costume at hand. Shall we have Jeff in the Sting costume, for the big pop when he unmasks?

”No, we’ll put Cole Carter behind the mask.”


Fuck’s sake, Tony. He is the absolute king of the non-pop surprise. Jamie Hayter returning to help Britt Baker. The lights going out to reveal Satnam Singh. And now this. Rubbish. How can someone with such a great grasp of most booking have this humongous blind spot?!

Hilarious to see Jeff though. What a worker. The man always lands on his feet. I’m not against Lethal/Jeff vs. Darby/Sting, either. Let Sting no-sell the guitar at the PPV!

Colt Cabana, too! Ha ha! Chris Jericho is not a man of subtleties. Off you fuck, Punky.

Orange Cassidy vs Shibata as well! How big of a bag did Tony order in?!

It’s nice to see The Elite and House of Black both coming back. Hopefully they feud together before the year is over. Some very different vignettes though. I just can’t be arsed with spooky nonsense anymore. The only positive I can say about the House of Black vignette is that nobody was wearing a Bo Selecta mask.

Biggest thing coming out of the show was Anthony Bowens and Max Caster once again nailing a segment what had all the potential to bomb. The amount of guys in this industry that can successfully pull off prop comedy like that is extremely small. It’s absolutely insane how good these lads have become. Arguably the biggest success story in the history of the company.

But yeah. Look at this beauty. I love a match graphic that looks like it’s from another dimension. Mental.



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