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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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Maybe its more around the fact he fired his entire staff when challenged to disclose his anti-vax status, rather than, you know, just disclosing it. Seems to be a bit of a scumbag, but then again, this is wrestling where you leave your morals at the door.

Mind you, as mentioned, he was in a segment with Jericho and is probably met with open arms (Socially distant, of course)

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As bad as the Saraya promo was, at least they tried to push a couple of different storylines along in the women's division. 

On the back of that one section of the show they could put three women's matches on next week that make logical sense - Nightingale v Hayter, Baker v Saraya and anybody against Storm. People have been rightly critical of AEW and their treatment of the women's division so to see them try and push a couple of feuds in one go is a step in the right direction in my opinion. Unfortunately though I still think it'll just end up a clusterfuck of a multi-tag match 

I don't know if Jade and the Baddies were there but it was crying out for them to clean house. 

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So is Saraya a commissioner type figure? Or a wrestler? It was very confusing there.

Also the finish of that match that followed makes me think Saraya might not be in the best place for her given her neck issues. Top rope piledrivers rarely look good and carry a lot of extra risk. 

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16 minutes ago, JimmyAnderson said:

As bad as the Saraya promo was, at least they tried to push a couple of different storylines along in the women's division. 

On the back of that one section of the show they could put three women's matches on next week that make logical sense - Nightingale v Hayter, Baker v Saraya and anybody against Storm. People have been rightly critical of AEW and their treatment of the women's division so to see them try and push a couple of feuds in one go is a step in the right direction in my opinion. Unfortunately though I still think it'll just end up a clusterfuck of a multi-tag match 

I don't know if Jade and the Baddies were there but it was crying out for them to clean house. 

For me it just re-enforced the worst bits of AEW's women's division. Let's just smoosh it all into one segement and get it over with.

Could easily have a similar segment where Saraya comes out and wants to be the revolution leading to Britt & Co out to confront her, leading to a brawl. Leaving the Interim Women's Title match alone.

Storm v. anybody already exists as she's the Interim Champion. Baker & Saraya was set up by the debut last week, they're going to have to figure out soon what Saraya can actually do in the ring. Hayter v. Nightingale leading to a feud i'd be cool with that. If it's just a match that's what Willow's done her entire stint in AEW so far.

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Saraya introducing Toni Storm, and the match as a whole, makes it look like they're positioning the shiny new toy as bigger and more important than the champion or the division. It reads like trying to leach credibility off the ex-WWE name on to the existing division, rather than doing what AEW are generally quite good at and integrating the new signing into an existing story. It's the most TNA thing they've done - like making Ric Flair be AJ Style's manager because AJ was an up-and-comer who needed mentoring by a veteran, even though he was already a multiple time World Champion at that point. The fact that Saraya's promo was about a "Revolution" and fixing a broken women's division, only to go straight into a "cram all the women into one segment" match didn't help, and the promo felt like one Paige would have been cutting after debuting in WWE and being the "Anti-Diva" rather than in a company that ostensibly takes women's wrestling seriously.

It feels like Rikishi showing up in TNA and not even remembering the name of his opponent, the gimmick behind the match, or anything else. Or like a World of Sport wrestler being wheeled out on a British indie show and doing a promo about how "we do it better than the Yanks!" like it's still 1991 and that's something people care about. Just a character that feels completely transplanted from another time and place, with no effort made to integrate them into this show, and no effort on their own part.

I wasn't even that opposed to them bringing her in at first, even if she can't wrestle - if they're planning a UK show next year, it doesn't hurt to have a big name English wrestler with movies and documentaries made about her on the books, and in terms of hoping to bring more eyes to the product, she has more than twice as many Twitter followers as AEW does, so there's something to be said for that. But now, it's two weeks in and already looks like a disastrous decision. If it turns out she still isn't even cleared to wrestle, then the best thing they can do with her is have her be the one to convince Jamie Hayter to turn on Britt - I'd rather Jamie reach that point on her own, but we are where we are, and it's the only way I can think of to book themselves out of a shitty situation where the new signing is shitting the bed and the star everyone wants to see has been sidelined into a supporting role.

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2 hours ago, theringmaster said:

Lets be honest-Saraya career was made because channel 4 decided to make a documentary about her, if that never happened she would have just been another person in nxt. Because of the success of the Doc she was pushed to the front of the que. Her main roster run outside of her debut was extremely forgettable and then she became more famous for stuff outside the ring. She has always just had this smart mark darling tag because, well i actually don't know, do wrestling fans have a thing for goth girls?

I predict she will fall out with them within 18 months and leave.

WWE pushed her because of a documentary shown in another country? Nothing to do with her talent and experience, and her unique look?

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8 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

WWE pushed her because of a documentary shown in another country? Nothing to do with her talent and experience, and her unique look?

A documentary shown in another country two years before she debuted on the main roster, too. Always striking while the iron's hot, WWE.

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7 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

A documentary shown in another country two years before she debuted on the main roster, too. Always striking while the iron's hot, WWE.

I think he watched the film Fighting With My Family believing that was the documentary instead of a film based on a documentary.

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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