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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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I feel like they're possibly waiting too much on people possibly being fit to work, if news on Omega was concrete we'd likely have a better picture of what Hangman and the Bucks are up to.

That'd probably have lead into something with the NXT lads, I still think that was the main thing for All Out. The Undisputed Elite split.

Edited by Merzbow
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32 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Four weeks away from All Out and outside of probably some kind of House of Black vs Darby/Sting match and Jungle Boy/Christian I can't guess a single thing on the card. I really hope they have some big angles planned for this week and next because there's fuck all going on at the moment. 

Bloody hell, I had no idea that it was that soon. Hopefully they make some sort of direction clear this week. 

I couldn't even begin to predict who might face Moxley. I mean, Hangman aside, it can't possibly be anyone in the top five rankings, can it?? But even Hangman seems unlikely. 


Edited by RedRooster
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32 minutes ago, Version1.0 said:

Moxley vs Jericho?

I did wonder that, actually, given that Jericho went over Kingston. If he's not the first choice, perhaps he's a back-up option should Punk not be available. I'd be completely fine with one more Kingston/Jericho match to round-off that feud, though. 

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Judging by what was said at San Diego Comic Con, Punk said his foot is healing but it’s not currently healed, and is apparently having to relearn how to walk as his foot was “shattered”. 
How much of that is just him playing things up for effect we don’t know, but it’s unlikely that he’ll be back in the next 6 weeks.

With him still being mentioned on TV as facing the interim champ at some point, I would imagine that they were hoping he would be back for All Out, especially with it being another Chicago-area show.

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They've done a couple of teases for Jericho vs. Danielson, so I could see that being the plan rather than Moxley/Jericho - otherwise, maybe Danielson vs. Kingston in the undercard alongside Jericho/Mox. Either way, I imagine we get some typical juggling of the rankings to push someone else up the ladder.

As a booker, it's becoming clear that Tony Khan can do big picture stuff pretty well, but falls down when thrown a curveball - some of the best booking can come from when an injury or absence forces your hand and you have to do something else, but other than Claudio's debut, I struggle to think of many examples in that vein by AEW in its short history. Instead we get interim championships (which I don't inherently disagree with, but aren't great) and Tony Khan basically saying, "don't worry, you'll still get that match later!" rather than focusing on what to deliver insteadMaybe they're kayfabing the severity of Punk's injury and we get him back in time. 

If this was WWE, "the PPV is six weeks away!" wouldn't be that much of an issue, even if WWE were firing all cylinders - we accept from them that they can build a PPV card in a month. In AEW terms, it's more "you've been treading water a while now, how much of this can you really pad out until September?" combined with "and when are you going to stop with this story, and start building a real one for the PPV?".

The end of the ROH show teased FTR vs. Blackpool Combat Club - the question is whether we get that in AEW or ROH; FTR vs. Claudio & YUTA for the ROH belts would be a decent match to throw into the mix. 

I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with Hangman & Young Bucks vs. The Undisputed Elite, setting the stage for an Omega return.

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44 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

They've done a couple of teases for Jericho vs. Danielson, so I could see that being the plan rather than Moxley/Jericho - otherwise, maybe Danielson vs. Kingston in the undercard alongside Jericho/Mox. Either way, I imagine we get some typical juggling of the rankings to push someone else up the ladder.

I'd LOVE to see Danielson vs. Kingston, but I'm a little worried that we're actually going to get Kingston/Soho vs. Sammy/Conti, given the random (and rather sudden) pairing of Eddie and Ruby, and the way that match ended. 

Edited by RedRooster
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the Eddie/Ruby thing is a weird one - they're very close in real life, and that's come up in a lot of YouTube stuff, and occasionally on TV (I think Ruby was a talking head for Eddie on the Kingston/Punk hype package, or something like that), so I think it's more a case of AEW assuming more knowledge of the audience than most of us have, and having booked themselves into a corner with the stipulation for that match.

Mixed tag matches almost always suck, so I hope that's not the route they're going - Kingston vs. Sammy wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, as "annoying heel with incredibly punchable face vs. man who loves punching people in the face" is a no-brainer, but building it around Tay and Ruby is playing to nobody's strengths. 

Whereas Jericho has taken credit for injuring Danielson, and Danielson (I think) Tweeted that he was enjoying watching Jericho and Kingston fight because it was the man who really hurt him against the man who's taking the credit, and when he's back he'll gladly fight both of them, or words to that effect. It definitely seems like that's in the pipeline, and I'd rather see Kingston/Danielson than Jericho/Danielson at this stage.

I wonder if one plan was to do Kingston & Santana & Ortiz vs. Blackpool Combat Club after Blood & Guts, given that Danielson has beef with Kingston, and they lent heavily into Eddie's history with Claudio, and then the story would be around where Moxley's allegiances lie, but then Santana getting hurt shelved that one.

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5 hours ago, RedRooster said:

Bloody hell, I had no idea that it was that soon. Hopefully they make some sort of direction clear this week. 

I couldn't even begin to predict who might face Moxley. I mean, Hangman aside, it can't possibly be anyone in the top five rankings, can it?? But even Hangman seems unlikely. 


Fuck the rankings, Mox vs Samoa Joe. I want to see it.

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