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Something major is happening with Ring of Honor


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Gawd, imagine if Impact outlasts Ring Of Honour!  I still remember one user on here having a sig that predicted the death of TNA by (IIRC) the end of 2004, and fair play they kept it for years after as penance.

Edit: just to say, the Harris Brothers had a WWE run and got on PPV.  So that puts them neatly above the Briscoes.

Edited by Loki
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23 minutes ago, Loki said:

Gawd, imagine if Impact outlasts Ring Of Honour!  I still remember one user on here having a sig that predicted the death of TNA by (IIRC) the end of 2004, and fair play they kept it for years after as penance.

Edit: just to say, the Harris Brothers had a WWE run and got on PPV.  So that puts them neatly above the Briscoes.

Wasn’t that Ian, or was his about Cena turning heel?

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13 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Wasn’t that Ian, or was his about Cena turning heel?

I made that guy change his user name after he bet me that Miz would pin Cena clean at Mania 27. Which weirdly enough was very near the time I lost interest in ROH.

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48 minutes ago, Loki said:

Gawd, imagine if Impact outlasts Ring Of Honour!  I still remember one user on here having a sig that predicted the death of TNA by (IIRC) the end of 2004, and fair play they kept it for years after as penance.

Edit: just to say, the Harris Brothers had a WWE run and got on PPV.  So that puts them neatly above the Briscoes.

Never mind outlasting ROH. Guarantee you by the time WWE are in a Disney graveyard somewhere, the likes of Sabin and Petey Williams will still be doing sound stage spots on a TV network that sells stairmasters and Bible verses printed on to commemorative plates the other 23 hours of the day. 

TNA is 4 lyf. 

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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I remember the homophobia. What's the story with the Briscoes being racist was there an incident? I actually quite liked them before the homophobia. They certainly have some charisma and looked the part. Shame they are obviously prize bellends.

Haven't watched ROH in years and only really dipped in and out. Last time a checked them out was the MSG show and we all know how that went. They quiet clearly lost direction by that point. No idea if it picked up. Gutted for the roster though. That's a lot of jobs lost. Hopefully everyone gets a shot wherever is their preference. 

I look forward to Dynamitehausen.

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13 minutes ago, DEF said:

I remember the homophobia. What's the story with the Briscoes being racist was there an incident?

Kitted out in the confederate flag for pretty much their whole careers?

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27 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Kitted out in the confederate flag for pretty much their whole careers?

Ah right. Do they still do that? Seems like the type of shit nobody would want a bar of these days. I don't equate that with overt racism straight away, so much as being a fucking ignorant tone deaf arsehole. So it didn't occur to me. Now you mention it it makes sense. Certainly points to them being racist pricks.

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The last TNA house show I went to was 2012 (I think?) in Nottingham.

Anyway, these idiots in front of us were all kitted out in Ring of Honour gear and spent almost the entire show heckling anyone who wasn’t an RoH alumni and chanting “R-O-H” at anyone who was.

For some reason this thread made me think of them, the pricks.

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