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"Seen this YouTube video, mate? It's well funny."

Astro Hollywood

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Fuck all of them. Jackie very much in the wrong, but there rest are such a bunch of arseholes that she's forgiven for it.

"...didn't attend a single meeting for six months. The fact that there were no meetings in this time period is irrelevant", Fuck off. If there's no meetings, they can't be penalised for not attending them. That's like complaining to KFC that it was only 11am and they had no Big Macs available.

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On 1/22/2021 at 12:55 PM, garynysmon said:

That was great @Astro Hollywood.

I'm embarassed to say there was a period during my teens that I found Jim Davidson funny and even got one of his VHS 

funnily enough, it was the UKFF that first introduced me to Jim Davidson standup. I was on the UKFF bus for the ill fated GWF show in Blackburn in '02...someone on that bus put a Davidson VHS tape on in the bus on the journey home.  

Strange day that.

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It's well established that Craig Ferguson was far and away the best American chat show host of all time, but this interview with Robin Williams is the perfect clanging together of two comedy lunatics.


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