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On 5/22/2024 at 11:38 PM, Olly1984 said:

Mate I was 15 so Beulah until I delved into the younger years, think it was Extreme Warfare then it was Kimona ???

That's a genuinely brilliant compilation tape apart from the entrance music dubbing. Was my 2nd ECW tape after one of the hour long PPV comps they released. The Cactus/Sandman barbed wire match really sold ECW to me and a lot of school pals. After lending it around it wasn't that match that had the rewind/pause tape damage. 

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Sukeban have just uploaded their LA show for free on YouTube 

For anyone who isn’t aware of the promotion it’s an all Japanese roster, Bull Nakano is the GM and all the characters are based on 60s/70s girl gangs.

Renee is on commentary too!


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I really wanted to like it. Toryumon/Dragongate is still the promotion that holds the most special place in my heart, so I love the unit structure and colourful presentation with themed units and gimmicks. Also absolutely love the idea of a wrestler without a faction who is literally called “Stray Cat”. 

I’m not against the idea of booking established talents but giving them crazy new gimmicks and having this promotion exist in its own whacky campy universe, and emphasising the silliness over the pro wrestling. HUSTLE shows were often train wrecks but at its best it was a wonderfully hilarious spectacle.

I don’t mind doing a wrestling show not exclusively aimed at wrestling fans. I actually love it when live pro wrestling manages to captivate an audience of people who are sceptical or who wouldn’t normally be interested. Those lucha libre matches they did as art exhibitions several years ago, the NXT shows at Download where half the crowd was wrestling fans and the other half still fell in love with No Way Jose regardless. 

I’m a fan of Renee Paquette and it was cool to see her in this role for a new upstart promotion. 

I love a 90 minute run time! I think that might be my favourite thing about the promotion other than Bull Nakano being their commissioner. 


However, this show did not quite land in any of the sweet spots I wanted it to. Some of the gimmicks/costumes looked a lot worse and less flamboyant than what these wrestlers wear in their regular personas, at times they didn’t look comfortable wearing or performing in them and they seemed like a Western person’s idea of what KERRAZY JAPANESE WOMEN WRESTLING would look like. 

I feel like a lot of them could have got over and captivated the audience just as well if not better if they performed in their usual gimmicks. If they’re not going to do that, then they needed  to go the other way and explain these characters beyond funny names and costumes. Who are the villains, why are they villainous? What are the heroes fighting for? Which gangs hate each other?  Maybe have Stray Cat making sporadic appearances during the show like she’s looking for a faction to join, some of them are nice to her, some of them aren’t. Can easily visually tell that story but instead she was just in a tag match with one of the other wrestlers from an existing unit. 

They put “baby face” on some of the entrance videos but what does that mean in the context of the show, or indeed to the TikTok/influencer crowd you’re trying to court? Literally just have a narrator over some of the cool anime visuals and animations you already have quickly telling us the story. If you’re going full campy then make it like a pantomime type presentation. I know myself and many other make fun of your Bully Rays needing everything to be spoon fed to them, but for a show like this it is EXACTLY what they should be doing. 

A key example of the “what are they going for here?” issue was in Sarray’s match. She was wrestling at full pelt and put on the best match of the night, but it was just her doing what she always does whilst wearing a sillier costume. All the while the commentators are taking about her run in NXT. Why?!?! She is Sareee Bomb in this universe. Tell us about who that is or it’s just Sarray in a silly costume. And again, this show is streaming on TikTok! TikTok I say! Where normals and the zero attention span section of the youth can be found. Who the hell cares about NXT in this context? 
So it was a bunch of super talented wrestlers wearing silly costumes and largely wrestling very watered down versions of their usual matches, but with not nearly enough of the HUSTLE batshit mental factor to give it that WTF appeal. 

When Nobuhiko Takada was running HUSTLE, he did the absolute polar opposite of what he’d been known for. From the most serious shoot-style/legit MMA guy to Generalissimo Takada, the supervillain trying to destroy the sport. Him and the monster army were there to destroy pro wrestling, the HUSTLE army was there to stop him: 


Either commit to the bit or don’t, the middle ground of Sukeban is not it. 

Edited by JLM
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This has probably been posted a few times on here but I absolutely love this. Dave Taylor and PN News (along with Brian Dixon) trying to defend themselves against a gang of children and housewives who went to a show and were expecting Bulldog and Warrior. All with Eamonn Holmes stuck in the middle! 

Dave Taylor getting arsey with the woman and going “I were pathetic? I were pathetic?” tickles me. And then PN News “I’m fat…but, you know…what are you gonna do about it?” Just a masterpiece. 

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I know the WWE roster just kept their gimmicks better hidden, but day drinking your press commitments and goofing off through them is peak WCW culture. They'd be out of business in six months. 


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