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We watched Scott Pilgrim Takes Off on Netflix. It’s a reimagining of the live action film with the same cast and some of the same creatives. It’s pretty much 


The He-Man Revelations take on Scott Pilgrim 

And I think does a lot of good things with the material. If you liked the graphic novel or film it’s definitely worth your time. 8 episodes all under 30 minutes.

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There’s a new Nathan Fielder show on Paramount Plus called The Curse. If you’re a fan of Emma Stone, weirdness and


tiny genitalia

it’s a promising show. It’s weird seeing Fielder in a proper acting role but not as weird as


his baby nob


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New series of Tacoma FD - just as good a comfort watch as the first three series, I enjoy it even beyond the obvious charms of Hassie Harrison.

Started watching Hijack. Looks like a no-brainer of a fun series with that cast, Neil Maskell is already chewing the scenery as the main villain.

The 6th series of The Office is....ok? There's nothing obviously wrong with it but there's a clear drop in quality. I'm ready to move on to something else, really, just looking for an excuse.

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On 11/21/2023 at 10:09 PM, Merzbow said:

Fargo returns tonight, in the US at least. Reviews are great so far with it supposedly being a return to form so I know what I'm looking for to watch tomorrow morning.

I didn't quite click with season 4, a shame as 3 is one of my favorite bits of TV ever.

Ok, that was one hell of an opener, Juno Temple is perfect isn't she?

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Not that I ever held any aspirations of being so, but I've always idly dreamed that if I ever became a director I'd track down the rights to James Clavell's Shogun and make a new version of it. When I was 17 I was obsessed with this book. It hasn't aged well, unsurprisingly, but I don't need to imagine any more.


I can't trust an actor called 'Cosmo Jarvis', can I? The rest of the cast looks great.

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Everyone has that one book they love that they dream of seeing turned into a show, don't they?

Mine is Jonathan Franzens The Corrections, which is probably my favourite book of all time.

There was a fantastic radio version a few years back but as close as they've gone. Franzen doesn't like to give the rights to his books, which is fair enough.

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I always wanted to see a TV adaptation of the Raymond E Feist Riftwar Cycle, starting with Magician and ending whenever they run out of money because there is plenty of source material, but having seen the end of GoT, The Witcher, The Wheel Of Time, and the absolutely rotten Rings Of Power I'm not sure I do. They are working on it though, so I'm sure disappointment is in the future. 

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When I was younger I loved Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Another Judy Blume book. It was kind of adapted as a TV series but I don’t remember it being much cop, so a new version of that would be good.

The Indian in the Cupboard was another book I adored. I remember the film being good but I’ve not seen it in decades and it’s hard to come across so I’d love to see a new version of that.

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