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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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I like Seth but he's in a tough spot because he's better as a smug twat heel but he's always wrestled like a babyface. He did a Pheonix Splash in the excellent three way with Cena and Lesnar and everyone went "ZOMG Rollins is awesome" and then he had that run with Cena that same summer where he further wrestled like a Tanahashi cosplayer, doing the Sling Blade AND the High Fly Flow and generally wrestling like he wanted to do anything to pop the crowd he could. He was in a good spot to become the big hero when he won the Rumble and took the title off Lesnar because he was perfectly capable of wrestling like a high energy babyface with crowd-pleasing MOVEZ but unfortunately still had a smarmy promo and face you want to smack.

I mean, I say I like Seth but my prevailing recent memory of him was looking like he was marking out when Cody came out to fight him at Mania, so... yeah, fuck him.

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I cannot bring myself to sit through his matches. I fast forward every segment or match involving him because the mere mention of his name puts my interest levels through the floor.  

The Colin Hunt-esque desperate attempts to be amusing/entertaining/interesting serve to turn me off even further. Whacky outfits and mannerisms go hand in hand with flamboyant personalities, but they don’t *give you* a flamboyant personality and they are not a substitute for a lack of one. 

Stripped of that, well,  he can do the moves and wrestle a fast paced and athletic style. I don’t think that’s enough. There are sooooo many guys who can do cool moves and pop the crowd with high spots. Plenty who can do it better than Seth, so even if I do want to turn my brain off and watch a mad spot fest and pop for the big moves I am more than covered. There was one on Rampage this week in fact. I’d rather watch Rampage than Rollins. 

Seth Rollins is like Tony Nese if someone told him he’s “such a character” and he believed them with all of his heart. 

Two out of three Shield members going on to be legit and credible main event talents is pretty good going still. I must admit in the early days I didn’t think Seth would be the one left behind. 

Edited by JLM
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12 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

, even Ospreay gets it more than he does.

Are you out of your mind Dane Merzbowers. The pair of them think that having played some of the Assasins Creed and dressing like it is a perfectly good substitute for having an actual defined character. What happens though when Ospreay signs for WWE? Put them in a tag team?

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I've only seen Ospreay in AEW but I really liked him, I immediately got his character ("dickhead") and thought his wrestling style was flashy but heelish to fit the role he was playing.  I was highly sports entertained.

Seth Rollins approaches character like he approaches the physical aspect of wrestling - get as much flashy shit in as you can.  It's all sizzle, no steak.  He's the perfect wrestler for 30s TikTok videos, and boring as hell over a 20 minute match.

He's a big part of why Raw is so flat imo.  Just wearing dark glasses and making weird noises is not why Macho Man was so entertaining.  That was something that his character DID, not what defined his character.

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I could genuinely believe Macho Man even at his most absurd. I’m sure cocaine played a big part in the promos, but you could really feel the manic energy and charisma radiating from him. Even when what he said was pure nonsense, I believed it all just popped into his head as the Macho Madness consumed him. Like he had no choice but to say these things and behave in this way, and we were just lucky that somebody put it on television.  Seth is always tryyyyiiiiiing. Oh how he tries. I hate it. 

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1 hour ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

Are you out of your mind Dane Merzbowers. The pair of them think that having played some of the Assasins Creed and dressing like it is a perfectly good substitute for having an actual defined character. What happens though when Ospreay signs for WWE? Put them in a tag team?

You could definitely argue Will was a pretty shallow MOVEZ guy for quite a while but much like AJ Styles he has definitely worked over the years in Japan and has a far clearer idea of what to do to put on great matches beyond a few GIF highlights.

Still a cunt obviously but a very talented one who has worked hard to reach that next level.

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10 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

You could definitely argue Will was a pretty shallow MOVEZ guy for quite a while but much like AJ Styles he has definitely worked over the years in Japan and has a far clearer idea of what to do to put on great matches beyond a few GIF highlights.

Still a cunt obviously but a very talented one who has worked hard to reach that next level.

As long as he is "Good in Japan" like AJ not like Albert. 

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19 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Glad to see all this wonderful Rollins hate. I've been slagging him off for years, he's absolutely dreadful. The ultimate cosplay wrestler. Weak as piss spotmonkey with negative charisma. 

Seth Rollins is like a Create a Wrestler in a WWE game. One where you give him a load of flashy moves and he has no personality.

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I’m here all day long for a good Seth Rollins slag off. The opposite ends of character authenticity in pro-wrestling are Eddie Kingston at one end and Seth Rollins on the other. A silly outfit and a loud cackle does not charisma make.

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2 hours ago, Merzbow said:

He's yet another reason why Corny is so full of shit, Jim loves Seth but hates both Sami and Kevin who are both guys from the same indie era that get it so much more.

I think Jim hates the latter two more for their personalities outside of the ring. He has been largely complimentary of their work in the past. 

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3 hours ago, Merzbow said:

He's yet another reason why Corny is so full of shit, Jim loves Seth but hates both Sami and Kevin who are both guys from the same indie era that get it so much more.

How much do you charge Cornette for living in your head Lil Merzbow? 

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