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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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Cesaro was forever fucked when they paired him with Heyman. Never thought he'd ever make get the chance after that. He has had loads too, but I've never invested in it. He's a swiss fella who is strong and awesome but he's not that good a talker. It was death to Vince that, plus he's a proper foreigner to Vince (as in his broken accent). Cesaro is a great worker but it was never going to happen and WWE should lay a lot of blame for it. Feels like they controlled the narrative on Cesaro and it stuck. 

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3 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

He's not though is he?

I think it's fair to say there's a middle ground where he exists between 'utter shite' and 'omg I cant believe he hasn't been world champion!!'. He's a capable wrestler with some great strength and some stuff that is over with crowds. Certainly not to the point where he needs to be pushed to the moon or anything but he's a solid enough hand to have around.

If you go back many a moon in the Raw thread, i've been banging this drum for the longest time. 

I absolutely despise watching Cesaro. He's horrendous. I cringe myself into a coma every time he's on screen. Everything about him is awkward and weird. He looks like exactly the sort of bloke who at a party, even having never met him, he'd slap you a bit too hard on the back and say something like "WATCH THIS BUDDY!" before he uncomfortably lifts a woman in the air for no reason as everyone goes quiet.

His suits don't fit. His weird shoulder jiggle is the lamest thing i've ever seen. That awful twat siren. The poxy swing. Just absolute ditch water.

I don't think he's done a single thing of note in his entire run. He's absolutely, completely inconsequential.

He's got an instagram page about flat white coffee's as well. Just awful. He's like an absurd cross between an uber nerd and an uber hipster. Awful.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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50 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

Ahh okay. You hate him like I hate fizzy water.

Mrs raid drinks fizzy water. She also eats cheese on toast with ketchup and mayonnaise on. She’s a psychopath.

She’s far more interesting than Raw, mind.

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I saw that Cesaro was having a cry online that he wasn’t in the Royal Rumble. Whatever you think of him as a performer, I find it impossible to feel sorry for him at this point. You’ve been, “misused,” or at least slotted at a certain position for years and years. Your contract comes due, you sign on for another few years, and then moan? What did you expect?!

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15 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Whatever you think of him as a performer, I find it impossible to feel sorry for him at this point. You’ve been, “misused,” or at least slotted at a certain position for years and years.

From that angle, I’d say anyone that was an easy scrub from a 30 man fucking match should probably be grateful they haven’t been cut already.

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8 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

He looks like exactly the sort of bloke who at a party, even having never met him, he'd slap you a bit too hard on the back and say something like "WATCH THIS BUDDY!" before he uncomfortably lifts a woman in the air for no reason as everyone goes quiet.

A very strange and oddly specific thing to say. Has this happened to you?

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10 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

A very strange and oddly specific thing to say. Has this happened to you?

I was more curious how his theme music was also his fault. Moxley couldn't scrub a reference to his mate having leukaemia. Doubt Cesaro could get all big man about stuff he isn't in charge of. 

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Cesaro was in a perfect spot teaming with Sheamus. A pair of tough, hard hitting heavies. The middle ground is completely gone these days though. Years ago we all had mid card favourites that we didn't expect anything more from. These days so many people think that anybody they think is good, is "getting held down if they don't have a run with the belt". No they aren't, they are just a good mid carder, and what's wrong with that? 

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1 hour ago, WeeAl said:

The middle ground is completely gone these days though. Years ago we all had mid card favourites that we didn't expect anything more from. These days so many people think that anybody they think is good, is "getting held down if they don't have a run with the belt". No they aren't, they are just a good mid carder, and what's wrong with that? 

It's mad to think I used to see Val Venis vs Road Dogg as a "work rate" match, based on Val doing a fisherman's suplex and Roadie's finish being a bit fiddly.

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13 hours ago, WeeAl said:

Cesaro was in a perfect spot teaming with Sheamus. A pair of tough, hard hitting heavies. The middle ground is completely gone these days though. Years ago we all had mid card favourites that we didn't expect anything more from. These days so many people think that anybody they think is good, is "getting held down if they don't have a run with the belt". No they aren't, they are just a good mid carder, and what's wrong with that? 

It seems to have gone from "who could rise out of the midcard?" To "why haven't they been given something above the midcard?"


Having guys doing 10 to 15 or even 20 year runs all the time probably doesn't help. I feel like some fans want people like Ziggler and Cesaro to have the belt almost like a "long service" award. It used to feel like for most guys if you hadn't risen ona certain level consistently in the first 5 years you weren't going anywhere and would be out on your arse sooner rather than later. 

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Yeah it’s what else can they do affer midcard4life and it’s only world title left, when what used to happen would be they would fuck off to wcw for a few years and come back fresh. Hopefully aew will see that happening back and forth, keep both sides fresh 

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On 1/18/2022 at 9:01 PM, jazzygeofferz said:

It's a good job this isn't a drinking game or there'd be some sore heads on a Tuesday morning.

As always….

15 years ago I used to watch the TV in its entirety. 10 years ago I’d Sky+ it and FF through bits that I knew would be crap or inconsequential. 5 years ago I’d read the report and look up on YouTube anything that sounded vaguely interesting. Today I just read the recaps and look for amusing tropes, and indicators of what the PPV matches will be, and little more.


On 1/6/2022 at 8:23 AM, air_raid said:

Anyway, the real reason I’m in this thread is to ask ; did WWE do an episode of TV where champions lost a non-title match? Yes they did.



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