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VHS and Betamax You Have Recently Rented

Frankie Crisp

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Kind Hearts and Coronets

I watched this on MUBI last night, ahhhh it’s fantastic isn’t it! I was all in after the first five minutes. I know Alec Guinness gets all the plaudits for his eight (!) roles but I thought Dennis Price in the lead was absolutely immaculate!

I usually hate it when films play for a few minutes then go back in time for the majority of run time but in this example, and Brief Encounter, it works perfectly.

Im having a MUBI session at the moment so The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie is up next 

Edited by waters44
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20 minutes ago, waters44 said:

Kind Hearts and Coronets

I watched this on MUBI last night, ahhhh it’s fantastic isn’t it! I was all in after the first five minutes. I know Alec Guinness gets all the plaudits for his eight (!) roles but I thought Dennis Price in the lead was absolutely immaculate!

Dennis Price is one of this country's greatest ever actors. His range was amazing which is why I think he often got characterised as a character actor, rather than someone who was comfortable in any size role. Highly recommend seeing him in I'm All Right, Jack, Tunes of Glory and A Canterbury Tale, all of which are great films.

Edited by Devon Malcolm
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59 minutes ago, waters44 said:

Kind Hearts and Coronets

I watched this on MUBI last night, ahhhh it’s fantastic isn’t it! I was all in after the first five minutes. I know Alec Guinness gets all the plaudits for his eight (!) roles but I thought Dennis Price in the lead was absolutely immaculate!

I usually hate it when films play for a few minutes then go back in time for the majority of run time but in this example, and Brief Encounter, it works perfectly.

Im having a MUBI session at the moment so The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie is up next 

I was lucky enough to see Kind Hearts And Coronets in a cinema when they did a re-release a couple of years ago. Lovely stuff.

Brief Encounter was on iPlayer recently - I’d never seen it before and fell completely in love with it. The structure you mention can be annoying more often than not, but it’s one of the best uses of it there’s ever been. It’s heartbreaking.

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The Dead Don’t Die. Even by Jim Jarmusch standards the tone is way off for this one. It’s a shame because Bill Murray and Adam Driver  are a sure fire home run for me but the humour was just too wild and had too many misses. It does feature the song The Dead Don’t Die by Sturgill Simpson though.

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I watched Happy Death Day (Other means) and Clue (Prime) as a double bill. Soon realised I’d never seen Clue all the way through (ending A is the best). What a great little film, cracking cast as well.

Happy Death Day was really fun as well. Wasn’t expecting it to be as funny or gripping. But what surprised me with both is they were both blood free, which was strange for films with so many deaths. Both highly recommended though

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Happy Death Day 2 U is superb as well, takes an unexpected direction, looking forward to the third one. Same director did Freaky, which was also lots of fun.

Hombre (Talking Pictures TV)

Fantastic western. One of Paul Newman's quieter and more considered performances. What an actor that guy was, honestly, there's never going to be anyone else even close to him as a star and actor.

Bounty Tracker (Prime)

Lorenzo Lamas vs Matthias Hues! Lots of decent action in this leading up to a good final fight. Thought it was going to be a buddy cop film though so I was bit disappointed overall.

Nomadland (pirate)

Yeeeeeeeeah..... not sure about this. Bit too slow and ponderous to really hammer home its messages. McDormand great as ever, will no doubt walk home with piles of awards. Not for me though, Clive.

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4 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

The Secret of Kells. Been meaning to check out some of Cartoon Saloon's films for ages and this one's on iPlayer now. Gorgeous animation.

Cartoon Saloon are the best in the business right now. All their films are stunning.

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I Rewatched Kong Skull Island, not seen it since the cinema, I still really liked it. 

Cool to see King Kong be the proper goodie of the film for once, I loved how he looked and carried himself, he gets loads of screen time and doesn't die falling off a building. 

I forgot how many big names are in it; Samuel L Jackson, John C Reilly (they were great) Brie Larson, John Goodman and Tom Hiddleston are all in it too (Shea Wigham and Toby Kebbel as well for movie buffs) everyone had a pretty developed character even if they didn't always have something to do and the Vietnam era setting added something as well.



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Watched Slither for the first time since its original release. (Netflix and a VPN) 

It's peak James Gunn, essentially a Troma film with a budget and a great cast. Some horrendously dated CGI aside, some of the effects hold up quite well and it's obviously a little love letter to The Thing and Society. Well worth a watch for anyone who wants a cheesy 80s horror homage. 

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