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Frankie Crisp

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I watched this Don't Look Up on Netflix after everyone was banging on about it (and what can I say? I'm a DiCaprio simp). It was very good in the sense that I wanted to turn it off after 30 minutes because I was so frustrated with the fictional actions taken by the fictional characters and the fact that their reaction to everything is just about exactly how their real counterparts would react to something like that.

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43 minutes ago, 69MeDon said:

I watched this Don't Look Up on Netflix after everyone was banging on about it (and what can I say? I'm a DiCaprio simp). It was very good in the sense that I wanted to turn it off after 30 minutes because I was so frustrated with the fictional actions taken by the fictional characters and the fact that their reaction to everything is just about exactly how their real counterparts would react to something like that.

Adam McKay needs an editor but I also enjoyed it. There has been a mad coincidence across my social media as it seems every vaccine sceptic and conspiracy theorist who watched it hated it. As I say, I’m sure it’s a coincidence. 

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a few films to kick off the new year for me - 


Antlers - this bored me too tears, good premise but poorly executed and what's with keeping everything dark so you can barley see the monster once it finally appears


American Assassin - this type of film is right up my street, dumb actioner where you can switch you're brain off and have fun . Won't be for everyone but i enjoyed and Michael Keaton gives a top performance 


Blue Steel - some one recommended this too me last year, finally got round to watching it today. Wow, this was brilliant .... Jamie Lee Curtis stalked (where have we seen this one before?) by serial killing madman Ron Silver who turns in an absolutely insane performance.  A real gritty, brutal film. I've never seen a Kathryn Bigelow film before but ive been told by a friend to check out her other films so ill definitely be doing that now. Highly recommend this too you guys if you havent seen it before


I watched Blue Steel on IMDB TV, never browsed their selection before until today and they have a great ranging choice of films especially 90's and 80's movies, plus its free which is a bonus 

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15 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

Mubi has 3 months for £1 at the moment. Definitely worth it if you're not on there.

Aye, and the first film is "Red Road". Fire right in. Be prepared to be shocked. She's watching you know (courtesy of film). In real life, the Red Road flats are no more. Demolished years ago.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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On 1/2/2022 at 7:32 AM, HarmonicGenerator said:

Watched this for the first time last week and these are my feelings exactly! I did quite like the final scene as well, on the train platform, but the New York stuff was all awful. Was it well regarded at the time as well as being popular?

I think Crocodile Dundee holds the highest viewing figure for its movie premiere on Christmas Day '89 on BBC One

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On 1/2/2022 at 1:05 AM, Devon Malcolm said:

Better Off Dead

Much like Three O'Clock High, this should be better known that it is and it's even weirder. In fact, really fucking weird, stuff like Curtis Armstrong snorting snow and what-have-you. I love it.

I watched this a few weeks back and really enjoyed it.

Better Off Dead (1985)

When his girlfriend of six months dumps him for the captain of the Ski team, Lane Myer sinks into a depression and thinks he’ll be better off dead. Surreal romantic teen comedy that is quite unlike any romantic teen comedy of the era. Crazy, weird and funny and with a cameo from Porky himself!

Ended up watching One Crazy Summer a day or so after which I didn't realize was from the same director but the similarities are clearly there.

One Crazy Summer (1986)

After graduating high school, Hoops McCann decides to spend the Summer in Nantucket with his best friend. Wacky comedy that it is similar in style to Better Off Dead (both have the same director). Even Bobcat Goldthwait is hilarious here, especially when in the Godzilla costume. Fun movie.

I'll check out The Lost Daughter as I really enjoy Jessie Buckley and she has never been less than excellent in anything I've seen her in.

Edited by Magnum Milano
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LICORICE PIZZA - I doubt I will see a better film all year. I really like PTA films, but some can need a few watches to really appreciate them. This isn't one of them. I was quite taken with how free wheeling and carefree this is. The two leads are superb, its refreshing to see how normal they look up there, and you get that excitement that you are watching two stars being born. Hoffman has his Dad's little mannerisms, and Alana Haim could be the dark horse for the Best Actress Oscar this year. All in all superb and just fucking fun. Definitely high up on his best films. Going again at the weekend. 


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1 hour ago, Factotum said:

LICORICE PIZZA - I doubt I will see a better film all year. I really like PTA films, but some can need a few watches to really appreciate them. This isn't one of them. I was quite taken with how free wheeling and carefree this is. The two leads are superb, its refreshing to see how normal they look up there, and you get that excitement that you are watching two stars being born. Hoffman has his Dad's little mannerisms, and Alana Haim could be the dark horse for the Best Actress Oscar this year. All in all superb and just fucking fun. Definitely high up on his best films. Going again at the weekend. 


My friends saw it the other week in Australia and said 


They hated the will they/won’t they between the leads due to the ages of the characters

It’s put me off a bit I won’t lie. Is it a distraction?

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2 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

It’s put me off a bit I won’t lie. Is it a distraction?

Not at all, as its absolutely one sided. I've seen some criticism of it about the age thing but to be honest the gap is sort of the point of the film, but not in the way some people seem to be thinking of it. That's for me anyway. Most of the time I was too bloody charmed by the thing.

Also Bradley Cooper is great and it was nice to see Sean Penn be a movie star again. 

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1 hour ago, Factotum said:

Also Bradley Cooper is great

There's a first time for everything!

I'm holding out hope for seeing this at the cinema even though Anderson hasn't been any good since There Will Be Blood. Got to support the Haim girls though.

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Just checking on what PTA I’ve missed out on (The Master and Phantom Thread) and I noticed he was 26 when he made Hard Eight. He made Boogie Nights a year later. Absolutely baffling to me that someone so young can make films so complex and accomplished. Think I’ll use my birthday to trick my girlfriend in to watching Liquorice Pizza with me next week.

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