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I think Street Fighter 6 or Tekken 8 would be your best bets if you're looking at playing on consoles. A lot of the KOF games that are in arcades seem to be the ones from '94-'96, but again they're pretty "pure" in terms of the mechanics involved.' 95 is possibly your best chance. It's somewhat underrated, but is the first one to feature a team edit mode where you can create your own team from three characters rather than the "rebuilt" teams from' 94.

I still personqlly would recommend trying to get into playing Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (against other people, or on a Japanese version if you absolutely must play solo as there's a bug with the AI in the original version where it's super difficult) as it's pretty well balanced, or Street Fighter Alpha 2, which is similarly well balanced, and purer than Alpha 3 (plus Dan is in it). Third Strike can be a great game, and looks spectacular when you watch high level play, but there's also a LOT to have to try and learn to get there. The older Street Fighters can have pretty good communities because there aren't many people that still play them. Again though you'd probably need a copy of Fightcade on your PC, or to be able to get to an Arcade Club etc.  Try and hunt down a copy of Capcom Vs SNK2 as well if you have a way of playing it on PS2, or in emulated form. It's a heck of a lot of fun. 

Edited by Jazzy G
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Persona 3 Reload (Gamepass Xbox Series X) 

Completed recently in preparation for The Answer DLC (about 89 hours on normal) and it's a solid remake.

Anyone looking for something akin to Final Fantasy VII Remake might be disappointed since outside of some additions it's just beat for beat remake of P2 using the P5 engine.

Anyone looking for a challenge will want to immediately bump the difficulty level up. Like P5 it's a bit of a joke on normal, especially for veterans of Persona/SMT games.


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Got in to some street fighting last night and it was great. I didn't dislike 5, but I am liking number 6 more immediately; really like the drive system even though I don't fully understand it yet.

Not sure which character I want to focus on to start with. I'm drawn to the likes of Kimberly and Rashid but I think they may be a bit too fast for the speed of my brain quite frankly. Marisa is going to get another look in for sure and may be more suited to my pace.

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Been playing more Red Dead Redemption 2 in spurts during work or on a morning before.

Fully invested in this game now and I'm quite shocked how glad I am it's not like GTA at this point. They've done such a good job with all the NPCs that I can't bring myself to kill any of them, same as all the wildlife. I'm genuinely gutted when I accidentally trample a rabbit and I don't enjoy the hunting at all because compared to other games it all seems too real.
Recently did the mission with the Bison poachers and it took all my might to spare the guy.

Enjoying the random encounters. So far highlights have been helping a guy hid up a tree from a cougar, getting into a shootout with some guys blocking a bridge (who by the way killed my fucking horse! Thankfully I had a horse revival) and some cult or something executing people by a river. When I killed them and started dumping their bodies into the river, the biggest crocodile I've ever seen just ran at me full speed and it was squeeky bum time let me tell you. I didn't even know they were in the game, you all could have warned me!

I was completely lost when I got to St Denis. It seemed so out of place for what I'd seen so far. Civilized life, trams and roads. I had no idea where I stood with it so I made my excuses and left back into the less impressive but easier to navigate frontier.

Encountered a few deaths by this point too. A couple in shootouts, one because I accidentally ran my horse into another horse trying to round up bison, and my most recent one was being kicked to death by a horse trying to loot it's saddle bag. Live and learn.

Really enjoying it now though. There's definitely improvements I would make like the amount of buttons you have to hold or press to do basic things like speak to people or access your weapons. The health/stamina bar and core systems confuse me a bit too. I'd also like to be given time to loot during missions without being shouted at please and thank you.


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4 minutes ago, FLips said:

I was completely lost when I got to St Denis

Oh man it felt like I was playing a different game!  It’s testament to the characterisation of Arthur that you feel like such a fish out of water in what is a pretty basic city by gaming standards! Can’t work out if you’ve reached one of my all time favourite gaming moments or not so will hold back until you’ve finished. 

Although you’ve deffo did the bit where Arthur and Charles look like they’re about to get into a huge saloon brawl in Valentine and it jump cuts to something different!

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22 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Although you’ve deffo did the bit where Arthur and Charles look like they’re about to get into a huge saloon brawl in Valentine and it jump cuts to something different!

I have done that bit! That was good fun. 
In terms of story missions I’ve just done the bit where you have a welcome home party for the Irish lad you rescue and they’re all singing a song about fannies.

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Not sure if I've reached your favourite bit yet Keith, but these are my latest goings on in Red Dead Redemption 2. I'll be putting spoiler tags for some bits from here as it feels like there are the rumblings of major story plots starting.

Went fishing with Jack when


that motherfucker from Red Dead Redemption 1 turned up.

We've since moved camps and I much prefer the new camp to the old one. Thoroughly enjoyed the mission taking Sadie into town to go shopping and post a letter. I like how they take time to give everyone in camp a personality.

Also enjoying the Lemoyne Raiders as disposable goons that are now constantly on my travels holding up carts and trains. I've been trying to play as a good guy and don't particularly love the missions where I have to go and rob houses and stuff like that, so getting the chance to play the hero is appealing to me on a character level.

I'm also liking the plot thread they've put in where every big job we take somehow goes completely off the rails and isn't as successful as we'd hoped. It feels like every time we do, as they're always pitched to Arthur, an easy job, the absolute worst case scenario happens. Examples so far being


robbing a train and getting ambushed, robbing a bank cart and getting robbed ourselves, and rounding up sheep and them immediately taking a cut because they knew we stole them but losing out entirely because Cornwall turned up and ambushed us in the saloon.

Feels like we have the worst luck in the world but I suppose it wouldn't be much of a game if we got rich quick.

Oh and I thoroughly enjoyed fishing out in the lake with Dutch and Hosea. They really know how to make little moments like that count in this game.

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Just as an FYI, RDR2 is coming to PS Plus May 21st.

How do I know this? Because my 11yo told me she can't wait play it to ride horses and murder people at campsites 🙃

Edited by SuperBacon
Arthur Daley!
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On 5/15/2024 at 6:20 PM, FLips said:

I was completely lost when I got to St Denis. It seemed so out of place for what I'd seen so far. Civilized life, trams and roads. I had no idea where I stood with it so I made my excuses and left back into the less impressive but easier to navigate frontier.

I felt the exact same way when I first stumbled into St Denis by myself. It didn't feel like somewhere I belonged at all. I resisted the temptation to explore and decided to leave until the game took me back there in storyline. I played like this for pretty much every main town or settlement on the map to be honest. I know this goes against the principles of open world exploration games somewhat, but it makes the story feel more real to me that way.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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21 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

I felt the exact same way when I first stumbled into St Denis by myself. It didn't feel like somewhere I belonged at all. I resisted the temptation to explore and decided to leave until the game took me back there in storyline. I played like this for pretty much every main town or settlement on the map to be honest. I know this goes against the principles of open world exploration games somewhat, but it makes the story feel more real to me that way.

I think I'm approaching it the same way. I very rarely go into town unless I need a bath or a mission sends me there.

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I'm enjoying these write ups on RDR2. It would be a bit of a stretch to suggest that it's an intentional feature of the game, but the way a lot of people feel about St Denis is how you have to imagine someone like Arthur would feel when venturing into a big city at a time like that. The only quibble I had is that I think I might have preferred a more generic big city that isn't based on anywhere in particular, but it did have a distinct personality and fit in well with the surrounding area. 

I've been slightly obsessed with the Forza series lately and have gotten back into Forza Horizon 4 in quite a big way. FH5 is great, but being able to drive past places I can see from my house is still mind blowing to me. I wish the Horizon festival would fuck off as the whole thing is full of insufferable irritants, but other than that it's as good as it gets for driving games for me. 

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I finished RDR2 when it came out on PS4 originally but as someone mentioned earlier I remember hating the long sequences of holding down X to get anywhere with the horse.

Better keep some money aside for a new PS5 controller in a couple of weeks…

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@FLipsmake sure you hang around camp at night, every now and then they’ll have a little shindig and there’s loads of ace stories to listen in on.

I got my best boy from Saint Denis. My Arabian stud Omar. 

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7 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

@FLipsmake sure you hang around camp at night, every now and then they’ll have a little shindig and there’s loads of ace stories to listen in on.

I got my best boy from Saint Denis. My Arabian stud Omar. 

I bet you can find some decent horses there as well. 

Sorry, I'll get me coat. 

I've been playing Two Point Campus on Switch. I sailed through the first mission, got the college up to three stars, and now am really struggling with the second one, as I anticipated. I'm soldiering on because it is fun. I'll have a crack at sandbox mode as that may be a little more my pace. 

Also got New Star GP. Cracking game. Looks a bit old school and cartoony. You can see the Virtua Racing influences, but the driving model is great. Tyre temperature and fuel load affect your handling. The other drivers are all pastiches and parodies of existing drivers. The seasons in career mode are different decades of F1. You start in the 80s, and move on whenever you win the championship.

There are other races as well, like arcade-style checkpoint races and elimination races. A little start boost system, put stops and strategies. The circuits are all based on real world circuits, but are different enough that they're not going to be getting sued by the FIA. Winning races or completing challenges earns money and unlocks perks, which can be used to improve your car/driver. You also have to try and keep your team members happy. It's surprisingly deep for something that looks so "simple" 

One thing I do find frustrating is that while some of the drivers will be a walkover in the regular races you'll be in an elimination race or a rival race against them and they're suddenly Ayrton Senna, although it doesn't help that for some of those modes the tyre temperature stuff is turned off so you're always driving around on cold tyres, which makes the handling dreadful. 

It's well recommended if you're into your F1. I picked it up in a sale for £15, and it's provided some grand times. 

I also got Lego Dc Villains on sale. I'm yet to give that a look, but I hear it's really good. 

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St. Denis was my least favourite part of the game for the reasons already mentioned. You do feel like a fish out of water akin to how Arthur must feel as you stroll through the hustle and bustle and the sheer carnage of it. Also, it's impossible to ride the streets without barging into some unsuspecting passer by and then end up shot to death by the police. 

Loving the write ups, @FLips can't wait for more!

I think I posted this elsewhere on here, but I really enjoyed this 70 odd year old chap playing RDR2 for the first time without ever really playing a game like it before. He plays at a meticulously slow pace and tries to take in every last bit. I love the little bits like always mounting his horse from the left as he would in real life and how each night he bathes Arthur and puts him to bed to start the morning fresh. Delightful stuff 


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