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1 hour ago, Jesse said:

...and the supposedly reworked AI system is still wank (every car up to the first three are pointless and about half the races the car in 1st just races ahead with no way to catch them)

Yeah, once you have the drivatar difficulty more than halfway up the slider the lead car just Verstappens you and it takes every lap being perfect to reel in the lead they built up in the first half of the first lap.

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One thing that is pissing me off is the rolling starts. I start from the back of the grid but when it’s a rolling start it seems to take half a lap before you can race. Your speed is limited so you can’t overtake and when you have 23 places to make up, every corner counts!

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So I’m about 2 hours in on Spider-Man 2 and it’s already amazing! 

In terms of the story though I’ve only just begun as there is so much to do in New York, in a year where their are tons of contenders for game of the year this very well could be it.

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I'm about halfway through the main story of Spider-Man 2, and bugger me it really is an effing marvellous game. The set pieces have been outstanding, the story and characters are well-written and believable, it looks fantastic, the combat and gadgets are all fun and easy to use, and there's plenty to do outside of the main missions. Really just tremendous stuff all round.

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On 10/16/2023 at 7:31 PM, Tommy! said:

I'm also thinking of giving symphony of the night a try, I've plays 0 Castlevania games before, good idea or bad idea to jump in there?

Symphony and Rondo of blood is £3 on PSN at the minute FYI, so I've jumped in. 

Died a lot already and hardly got more the 10 minutes in.

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I’ve had time to play Super Mario Wonder this weekend, but not Spider-Man 2, although @TildeGuy~! and @CAREBEAR LUVVA are making me wish I’d divvied up my time a bit better.

That said, Super Mario Wonder is absolutely brilliant; easily the best 2D Mario game of all time for me. It’s endlessly creative and has had me grinning like a fool throughout. It’s such a joyful game, I love it. 

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8 hours ago, RedRooster said:

That said, Super Mario Wonder is absolutely brilliant; easily the best 2D Mario game of all time for me. It’s endlessly creative and has had me grinning like a fool throughout. It’s such a joyful game, I love it. 

Well that's helped me know what to get for my birthday now. 

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The over reliance on save scumming, outright cheese tactics and ludicrous amounts of enemies has sucked most of the fun out of Balder's Gate 3. Can't think of the last game I played that fell off a cliff, this hard. 

Oh you think you this battle is going well? Guess again, there's about another six enemies off screen and two are going to call in reinforcements. 

Yeah it's probably a me/skill issue but still, get fucked. There's nothing fun about watching upwards of 20 enemies (18 is the most I've counted, so far, excluding things like rats which barely count) take their turn, even if I come out on top in the end. 

Time for a much needed break. 

Think I'm gonna start a new game of Dragon Age Inquisition. Never got round to completing the expansion and I always have fun with Bioware. 

Might be what I need to mentally recharge before going back to BG3. 

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13 hours ago, TildeGuy~! said:

Got the Platinum on Spider Man 2 today.

Game of the year.

Best Story in years.

Game. Of. The. Year

I'm very early on in the game - but I'm struggling to accept the new model for Peter Parker, the 'Tom Holland' revision. Mary Jane looks different than I remember too, but perhaps that's all in my head. The Parker change is more jarring to me anyway, the original character model was much better. 

I'm not far enough into the game to have a firm view on it, but so far it seems more of the same from the previous games - which isn't the negative that it might sound. I think the Morales spin-off perfected the formula, and I also think he's the more interesting character anyway. 

I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes though, it's certainly getting high praise not only from you, but pretty much every reviewer. Final Fantasy XVI is my game and story of the year so far - in what has become a very crowded field, and I'm looking forward to see how this compares. 

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So I actually decided to get back into Dragon Age 2.

Like Mass Effect Andromeda, it's the black sheep of it's franchise but I still love it to bits. 

Fun little self contained and more personal story and not obnoxiously long like so many modern RPG's. Characters are mixed bag (Carver can go die in a ditch) but that's every Bioware game, ever. 

Yeah it has problems (battles can get a little too chaotic, recycled locations) but much like Andromeda, I think they are really overblown. Especially since from what I can remember the game was rushed out. 

Not looking forward to THOSE MASSIVE FUCKING SPIDERS, though.

Still a rock sold 8/10 for me.

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