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Food Rules


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The only rule I can think of and this might be because I am a fussy eater (sometimes) is when someone cooks for you (e.g mum in law) but doesn't actually tell you beforehand what they are cooking, then when you don't like most of it and don't eat much you get funny looks and questions.

It's not quite as bad if food is in the middle of a table and you take what you like, its when its just put onto your plate.

I've had some terrible experiences with various ex girlfriends parents, family etc. I hate to waste food as well, so its awkward on a few levels.

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40 minutes ago, Briefcase said:

The only rule I can think of and this might be because I am a fussy eater (sometimes) is when someone cooks for you (e.g mum in law) but doesn't actually tell you beforehand what they are cooking, then when you don't like most of it and don't eat much you get funny looks and questions.

It's not quite as bad if food is in the middle of a table and you take what you like, its when its just put onto your plate.

I've had some terrible experiences with various ex girlfriends parents, family etc. I hate to waste food as well, so its awkward on a few levels.

Where are you going that what you’re eating is a secret? Also, could you not just say “Oooh, this looks nice. What is it?”

I agree with @gmoney most things can be scranned if necessary...except a big plate of rollmops. 

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1 hour ago, gmoney said:

Nothing tastes so bad that you can't force yourself to eat it out of politeness, I reckon. Doesn't apply if your vegetarian, have allergies etc. 

Speaking as a shitarse of a picky eater myself, it’s not the taste so much as a mental block. Give me a plate of chopped tomato and I might know that physically it’s going to do no harm but psychologically the thought of eating it repulses me on every level. I am lucky to have the luxury to be so shit and reject food like that, but it would (and has) probably take a bit more than politeness to force me into it. I’m better than I used to be, but I recommend nobody be like me when it comes to food.

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I’m another that is on edge with unwarned feed. An ex’s mother once did me a bacon sandwich without the warning of no butter and when I took the first bite my gag reflex triggered immediately.

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 Around about the 3rd or 4th visit to my now Wifes parents her dad made a Mousakka. By the looks of it I was expecting a shepherd's pie,  when I chopped into it I got the nasty surprise of an Aubergine. Of course forgetting my company I chirped up with "Aubergine you are having a fucking laugh".

Fortunately they found it funny, still rightly getting ribbed for it when her dad makes any dish remotely exotic. 

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