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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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Highlights of this show - PAC and Dax having an excellent match, Jungle Boy having a good little beard growing, the closing segment which I enjoyed because I didn’t see the twist coming, and had actually been thinking it was a shame Callis wasn’t with Kenny any longer when Kenny made his entrance. 

Rest of the show felt a bit lacklustre, seemed a lot of ‘match finishes, heels run in to beat up face, face’s friends run in and see them off’. Must have happened three or four times last night.

Still hyped for Full Gear though. And just read that Kingston article. Fantastic stuff.

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Anyone else hoping someone from the Inner Circle turns heel, resulting in them breaking up? The last few times they’ve teased a break up or made it a potential match stipulation I’ve hoped they’d stay together, but that ship has long since sailed. They’ve completely jumped the shark and Sammy, Santana and Ortiz now feel held back by remaining in the group and being associated with Jericho.

They’re lucky Lambert always gets the heel heat he does because anyone else would be top babyface after interrupting them last night and saving us from another tired, outdated promo filled with five men ripping into one woman and/or making gay jokes like it’s 1989.

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19 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Anyone else hoping someone from the Inner Circle turns heel, resulting in them breaking up? The last few times they’ve teased a break up or made it a potential match stipulation I’ve hoped they’d stay together, but that ship has long since sailed. They’ve completely jumped the shark and Sammy, Santana and Ortiz now feel held back by remaining in the group and being associated with Jericho.

They’re lucky Lambert always gets the heel heat he does because anyone else would be top babyface after interrupting them last night and saving us from another tired, outdated promo filled with five men ripping into one woman and/or making gay jokes like it’s 1989.

Yeah. I'm like 80% sure Hager is going to turn on them.

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

Anyone else hoping someone from the Inner Circle turns heel, resulting in them breaking up?

I feel like Sammy has to turn at some point. Story wise it would be a really interesting feud and just from a performance standpoint Sammy is incredibly unlikeable as a babyface. When Jericho saw Sammy for the first time just before AEW started he said "he's a great wrestler but why is he a babyface? He looks like a complete asshole" and he was 100% spot on.

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I was searching back the old ppvs earlier to find a match, and found Hager vs Dustin Rhodes on a card. That would barely get on Dark elevation now never mind a ppv now the roster has expanded so well. 

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I wasn't thrilled with the contract signing. I think it was very "WWE" levels of trying too hard to generate some buzz when everyone's already at fever pitch. 

It all felt a bit unnecessary and the presence of Don Callis? Big nope. The best storyline in years does not need a blade job or Don Callis to get over. 

Second week in a row Hangman's mic work was a bit flat so I'm really hoping they deliver a classic on Saturday. 

Hard to believe that two years has flown in since staying up to see Jericho crowned the first AEW champion.

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10 hours ago, The King Of Swing said:

If there's a heel turn I'm leaning towards Sammy as well. 

No one is giving a shit about Hager Vs. Jericho even with AEW's solid track record. 

That's true, but Hager is just as shit a babyface as Sammy, so would benefit from a heel turn, and would be a far better fit with American Top Team than Sammy if that's the route they're going. Though saying that, the presence of American Top Team - which has some actual name MMA fighters on-board - really wipes out whatever credibility Hager's Bellator career brings to the table, so he's surplus to requirements in general, really.

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Surely this ppv is it for ATT? Feels like they are done for a while after this. MOTY could have Sammy join them or Hager as a bodyguard and then feud with p&p possibly. Sami seems better to fit with them and await a Jericho return for a feud that I'm certain will happen eventually.


Speaking of MOTY I realised we also have Leo Rush as man of the hour. Admittedly WWE/ Vince are mental not allowing two surnames or even first names be remotely similar but having two men/man of the.. teams seems a little too much. 


Oh and was FTRs music always so retro 70s Miami vice like?

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7 minutes ago, simonworden said:

Oh and was FTRs music always so retro 70s Miami vice like?

It's a reference to this. Personally I bloody love it. Hell of a theme, both versions. The original is based on a Georgio Moroder theme for the film of the same name.


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