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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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That Darby running assault looked incredible. It’s the little things like they come out together to his music and not Sting makes it clear where the focus should be

That’s as bad as Jericho has looked in a promo, if that was a pre tape it should have been redone. His 90s routine was poor then, and ares worse than his concave tits

big shout for the random turkeys that appeared in the graphics in the adverts. 

Can’t wait to see Hangman smash Danielson around. Glad they are playing into how thoroughly unlikeable he is 

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2 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

Dante signing with Team Taz was a really interesting and cool twist. Glad to see it and where it goes.

Yes, so much happened I completely forgot that. I was really surprised too but I like it. The Dante/Lio thing was odd anyway so he doesn't owe any loyalty to Lio. Him just walking over the table was such a tiny, dickish move, it was kinda cool.

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A babyface just deciding to join a group of heels is a great way to give him an edge. He can use a lot of what PAC does in tease and not use the flashiest of his offence, and he will pick up plenty on how to be prickish from them. 

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44 minutes ago, Louch said:

big shout for the random turkeys that appeared in the graphics in the adverts

Haha I loved these too....became almost hypnotic wondering where it was going to appear next! Most enjoyable Dynamite ad breaks on FITE so far!


11 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

CM Punk's obsession with The Miz is hilariously pathetic. Like, let it go, man, you're not getting that Wrestlemania main event.

This was my thoughts too. I've never been the biggest Punk fan but when he was so bitter about someone else getting his spot at wrestlemania it made me like him even less. So bringing it up again made me chuckle that hes still not over it. Doesn't help that I am a huge Miz mark and to me getting called a poor man's Miz is not an insult.

Really enjoyed the show, nothing much to add that hasn't already been said. I will actually miss JR if he's taking time off....his surley commentary and constant trip ups is an added layer of enjoyment to me, plus I could listen to him and Tony chatting about the old days forever.

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Cody Rhodes seconded by Arn 'pull out my glock' Anderson is one of the strangest acts there's ever been in wrestling. Each time I see the entrance with all the pyro I think 'oh they are building to a heel turn' but nothing else is pointing that way. I seem to be in a minority on here who thinks Cody's pretty great (I even liked the tag match at Full Gear) but yeah, its all very strange and difficult to parse. I don't hate it though.

I'm worried they don't know what they have in Eddie Kingston. There's about a dozen guys in AEW who consistently have a proper feud on the go, and Eddie's only peripheral to that group when he should be central. I know part of his appeal is that he shouldn't fucking be here and you compromise that by making him a franchise player, but comedy feuds over catering feels like a waste. Him and Punk blew the roof off the last PPV and there's been hardly a mention of it since.

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Daniel Bryan trying lure Danhausen into AEW by kicking out Colt's teeth was a great touch. The post match showdown with Hangman was great as well.

I didn't really understand what was happening with Cody's belt and the crowd. Bloody stupid though. But Chicago really has no love for Cody. Thought the main event was good, not great.

Big fan of the opening segment though. Great promo by both of them, playing enough on some home truths but not feeling forced (though I am guessing MJF was told no Colt Cabana mentions). 

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I dunno, I thought the Punk/MJF promo went on a good bit too long. MJF basically repeating himself and Punk slagging him off by comparing him to lad from another company that he's still jealous of. Apart from his return night, Punk's done nothing for me. Stale as feck. There was a hellish hint of something initially with Kingston, but it's not re-emerged. 

Polar opposite of Bryan who just gets better and was great again last night. Just the little touches, like doing the flex pose before locking in the la belle lock on Cabana, are so good. 

Edited by DCW
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3 hours ago, NavigatorFan said:

This was my thoughts too. I've never been the biggest Punk fan but when he was so bitter about someone else getting his spot at wrestlemania it made me like him even less. So bringing it up again made me chuckle that hes still not over it. Doesn't help that I am a huge Miz mark and to me getting called a poor man's Miz is not an insult.

Daniel Bryan's just as bad when it comes to The Miz, wouldn't be surprised to hear him bust out a zinger at some point. At least he's main evented the big one though.

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What a weird reading of Punk comparing MJF to The Miz as some sort of jealousy thing on his part. I think the context was quite clear as to why he was comparing them. It wasn't even really a knock on Miz! 

2 hours ago, DCW said:

Apart from his return night, Punk's done nothing for me.

He had one of the matches of the year with Kingston. But yeah bar that... 

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Feeling somewhat vindicated with MJF being called a Poundland Miz.

Aside from QT Marshall getting 11 minutes, this was a great episode of TV.

Bryan was great, Rosa & Hayter had a decent match, Billy Gunn and Sting are doing stuff in 2021 that isn’t a complete embarrassment, all topped off with a great main event where not only did Andrade finally decided to stop wearing his pinstripe trousers but The Brainbusters explode!

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