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Things that you know will be shit

Gus Mears

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I've got the books, and there are some great questions in there. 

I had a couple of friends who I wanted to try and be on a team with, but one lives in Canada and the other lives in Colombia now. Maybe a Keffer team? I can be good but I need to get my eye in first, which doesn't bode well. 

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7 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

Anyway, we were one of the only teams to have never done any TV quiz work. Most of them had been on at least one show before, because if you've done it once you know the drill, it shows that you're going to be comfortable enough in front of TV cameras, and you're on all the mailing lists for whatever agencies they book people through. 

There's definitely an even more incestuous feedback loop between OC and UC, though.

Yes, the missus is part of that quizzing scene (and it's just as glamourous as you may imagine. Yes, I have met Paul Sinha and Barry from Eggheads), and they all know when shows are looking for people so all apply for the same things. My partner has also helped with run-throughs for pilots for new quizzes and that sort of thing, and sometimes they'll put you on the real show if it goes to series. The producers of these things don't really seem to care much, unless you've appeared on a few shows in a short period, in which case they'll probably ask you to apply at a later date. 

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I once auditioned for Dale Wintons In It To Win It, and they do a quick interview on camera and when asked what I would do with £100,000 I gave an incredibly boring answer, family on holiday, mortgage etc. The shittest possible answer for a Dale Winton presented show.

The mad old biddy next to me said she'd paint her house pink and open a llama sanctuary. Of course she got on. 

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6 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

I once auditioned for Dale Wintons In It To Win It, and they do a quick interview on camera and when asked what I would do with £100,000 I gave an incredibly boring answer, family on holiday, mortgage etc. The shittest possible answer for a Dale Winton presented show.

On a lot of shows they coach you not to say mortgage or debt as it's too boring/depressing. 

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I once really upset a woman on an audition for Dirty Rotten Cheater, which didn't last long when it made it to daytime BBC. 

It was family fortunes but one person had the answers and the "interest" was discussion between rounds. Some women said she wasn't cheating "on her children's lives", which I pointed out was meaningless and anyone could say it. She asserted this couldn't possibly be true so I said something clearly not true and asserted it was "on my children's lives".

She took it incredibly personally, forgetting the game, and got quite angry saying I clearly didn't have children if I'd say that. I pointed out we don't know she did or didn't and she sulked and had a bit of a strop. 

I wasn't invited on the show. 

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4 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

I once really upset a woman on an audition for Dirty Rotten Cheater, which didn't last long when it made it to daytime BBC. 

It was family fortunes but one person had the answers and the "interest" was discussion between rounds. Some women said she wasn't cheating "on her children's lives", which I pointed out was meaningless and anyone could say it. She asserted this couldn't possibly be true so I said something clearly not true and asserted it was "on my children's lives".

She took it incredibly personally, forgetting the game, and got quite angry saying I clearly didn't have children if I'd say that. I pointed out we don't know she did or didn't and she sulked and had a bit of a strop. 

I wasn't invited on the show. 

I'd have had you on in a heartbeat after that. 

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when we did Five Gold Rings, it was all filmed in the Netherlands, and we were picked up at the airport along with one other team. My brother said that his only real fear in doing the show was that he'd say or do something stupid or embarrassing that would become a meme, particularly as it was a show that carried a quite sizeable risk of slipping and falling flat on your arse.

One of the other guys in the car just said, "yeah, I've already decided that if I fall over I'm just going to shout something racist so they can't use that bit".

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I auditioned for Fifteen-to-One when I was at uni and it was Philip, the voiceover guy, who took the audition. First thing he said to us was "Sorry it's me and not William".

The only question I got right was one about The Daily Mail :( 

I was also supposed to do an audition for 100% but it was in Wrexham and fuck that.

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My dad’s always egging me on to try out for a quiz show but there’s no way I’d go in TV. A friend of mine was on The Chase and she for absolutely murdered on social media over her appearance, the way she talked, whether she got the answer right or not - it was relentless.

When Bradley was doing the intro bit at the beginning and ask her what she enjoyed doing she said she liked cooking. He asked what she liked to make and she said she was vegan so she liked trying out new recipes and stuff like that. Twitter went mental at the mere mention of being vegan and the next thing she was in some shitty online newspapers about her going on and on about being vegan which was totally untrue.

She’s very thick skinned luckily and made a joke out of a lot of it and even replied to some comments. I don’t think I could ignore stuff like that though and wouldn’t be able to stay away from social media but then I’d probably spiral in the negativity. I think you have to be a certain type of person to want to go on TV shows.

Here’s one of the articles with a clip if you want a look.

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12 minutes ago, deathrey said:

I didnt realise it was such a complex process to go on a quiz show! I cant believe so many of you have given it a go.

I hope to see you on OC eventually @SuperBacon

Thanks. We will keep chipping away at it. I said earlier on in the thread that we didn't get picked as we were too boring. I meant that we were too normal :)

I'll be honest, from when we do the application up until the online audition, we usually meet up virtually every Sunday and go through that week's episode or some old ones together, and that's lovely as we never all see one another, so that's a big positive from this whole thing. 

I forgot to mention that when we did our online audition, the wall we had was one of the recent ones where a group could be suffixed by DOM to make a word, with one of them being "poppadom"

As I mentioned earlier, my team mate, who is Indian, shouted that quite enthusiastically and it made us all giggle madly as we always tease him that if we got on and he got an Indian cuisine question wrong, his family would crucify him. 

Maybe that's the reason they didn't like us. Laughing like numpties. 

Edited by SuperBacon
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