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Things that you know will be shit

Gus Mears

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I think it's smaller. I bet they couldn't have it the same size as the other 2 or it would have wrapped onto the line underneath. 

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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13 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

Stolen from Twitter. I'd move house.



Doing this on my street. Pissed off I gotta park my car on another street. I’ll be off out for the day. Might ring the police and tell them people are taking illegal drugs and shooting fireworks at each other from the safety of a far away town.

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If it's an "organised event", then the police will likely do very little. Someone on my street somehow managed to get it closed for a private party last year. I came home, pulled into the bottom of the street and was met by what can only be described as bouncers demanding £20 entry. I ended up parking three streets away, which in hindsight was a blessing.

Noise went onto until around 4:30am. Women were squatting down and shitting in the middle of the road, men were pissing up the neighbours cars, and the police told us that they were powerless because it was a private event, somehow approved by the Council (which we'd had no notice of).

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10 hours ago, Thunderplex said:

That production shot of the group of them, fucking hell. “Everyone just gather in the car park, we’ll just do it there”. It’s even got the shadow of the photographer on the floor, proper bush league stuff (so probably accurate to most Britwres after all)

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2 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Lo-Fi Hip Hop Disney tunes anyone?

I remember a friend sending me a pirated copy of a CD called Mouse House: Disney's Dance Mixes, which was turn of the century American dance/pop remixes of classic Disney movie songs. It was as bad as it sounded, and has aged even worse. 


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Apparently on at the Finsbury Park theatre soon.






Tony! [The Tony Blair Rock Opera]

By Harry Hill & Steve Brown

Directed by Peter Rowe
A work in progress sharing

'Look anyone will tell you, I’m a pretty straight sort of guy.' Tony Blair

A reckless reappraisal of the life of former Bad Rumours front man and Britain’s first pop Prime Minister Tony Blair.

The story of how one man went from peace-loving, long-haired hippy and would-be pop star to warmongering multimillionaire in just a couple of decades. A hilarious tragedy of political intrigue, religion, power and romance that plays fast and loose with the facts, owing as much to Citizen Kane as it does to The Marx Brothers - Karl and Groucho.

Throw in a cast of larger-than-life characters - Cherie Blair, Princess Diana, John Prescott, Peter Mandelson, Alistair Campbell, Osama Bin Laden, George W Bush, Saddam Hussein, Gordon Brown and of course that dodgy dossier. 

A first-look at the new work-in-progress rock musical by comedian Harry Hill & Steve Brow



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