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They were really close friends and Benoit helped him a lot during his career. While he doesn't deny the crime, I'm sure he's said that he finds it really hard to associate what happened with the guy he knew for so long. Denial, I suppose.

He does needĀ to stop it though. Regardless of his own feelings about Benoit, he still murdered his wife and son and people are always going to be uncomfortable with tributes to him. As I said in the Ashley Massaro thread, I've gone the opposite way - The more I've found out about Benoit since the murders, the more I think he was just an evilĀ fucking prick.

He especially shouldn't be doing it on shows. One of their top stars paying tribute to a child murderer really isn't a good imageĀ for AEW at this stage.

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Jericho's my all time favourite, and Benoit WAS one of my all-time favourites, but yeah... to pay that little tribute was a weird and ill-advised choice. Maybe he thought he was being super subtle, but I saw the resemblance in the tights right away, and his re-tweeting completely took away any subtlety.

Chris Jericho comes across as such an intelligent guy, I think his stance on Benoit is just his "I don't give a fuck" side coming out. Feel how you want to feel about your old friend, but doing it on that big stage is a bad look for him and AEW. Hopefully it doesn't gain traction as a story- "Top AEW Star Pays Tribute To Murderer" isn't a great headline.

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It's representative of a greater cognitive dissonance as a whole that permeates both the workers and wrestling fans, isn't it? Benoit was great at what he done, and what he does comes up a lot if you're a student of the game or serial watcher of old shows. So it's tempting to go with this inane narrative that he was a good brother right up until some evil CTE/steroid/Eddie remorse spectre consumed him, ended the 'good' Chris Benoit that it's still okay to mark out to and replaced him with a murdering fuckhead.Ā 

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Whilst it's certainly an ill advised choice from a publicity standpoint I can also kind of see where Jericho is coming from. He and Benoit were best mates for well over a decade and became almost like brothers. It might be easy for us to write off Benoit as an evil psychopath because we were never actually that close to him but just imagine if that was your best friend, brother or sister in that situation. Yes, you'd condemn them but deep down would ever really stop caring about them?

It's still a silly thing to do, especially the retweet but I can somewhat sympathise with Jericho here.

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Itā€™s a sign of his ego and/or how little respect he has for AEW. He knows heā€™d never get away with it in WWE, but he can do it here because of how big a fish he is in the little pond. Hopefully TonyĀ Khan has had, or will have, a word with him to make sure it doesnā€™t happen again.

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8 hours ago, King Pitcos said:

Itā€™s a sign of his ego and/or how little respect he has for AEW. He knows heā€™d never get away with it in WWE, but he can do it here because of how big a fish he is in the little pond. Hopefully TonyĀ Khan has had, or will have, a word with him to make sure it doesnā€™t happen again.

No chance. Jericho is the draw.Ā 

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If it becomes ok to like Benoit again I think I'm done with wrestling. I get Jericho has a hard time associating his good pal with the same guy that killed his wife and kid, but he's still paying tribute to a guy that killed his wife and kid. It's vile.

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10 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

It's representative of a greater cognitive dissonance as a whole that permeates both the workers and wrestling fans, isn't it? Benoit was great at what he done, and what he does comes up a lot if you're a student of the game or serial watcher of old shows. So it's tempting to go with this inane narrative that he was a good brother right up until some evil CTE/steroid/Eddie remorse spectre consumed him, ended the 'good' Chris Benoit that it's still okay to mark out to and replaced him with a murdering fuckhead.Ā 

That's the craziest thing about it.

All the oddballs bang on about how they're able to separate the child murderer and the five-star classic wrestler because it was all that pesky CTE's fault. But if you're taking that stance to justify watching your Super-J Cup 94 VHS, surely you've also got to admit you're watching him progressively give himself that CTE in the ring? Where's the fun in watching him smash his head to bits if you know what the eventual consequence is? How the fuck do you separate that fact?

From Jericho's perspective as well, for as much as I'm sure Benoit was a good mate to him, the amount of stories that have come out since his death suggests this wasn't that out of character and he was always a nutter. Even on that tribute show the day after they found the bodies, before the truth came out, I remember someone (maybe Triple H?) telling a, "funny story," about Benoit that wasn't funny in the slightest and made him sound horrible. And to think, that was the best story someone could come up with to make you sound like a nice guy. Bloody hell.

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1 hour ago, Michael_3165 said:

Jerichoļ»æ is the draw

You know the business is going down the toilet when you're putting the belt on Jericho.Ā 

On benoit wasn't there a story about him hiding in the wardrobe watching and wanking, or was that someone else.Ā 

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5 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

You know the business is going down the toilet when you're putting the belt on Jericho.Ā 

On benoit wasn't there a story about him hiding in the wardrobe watching and wanking, or was that someone else.Ā 

That was a Paul London story about Benoit and Jamie Noble, who was his little superfan. They were at a waffle house or IHOP or something, and Benoit was demanding that London take the waitress back to the hotel and fuck her while Benoit and Jamie wanked in the wardrobe.Ā 

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