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The Smackers Thread


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33 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Melter’s posted the following on his forum.



I’m calling bullshit on this. No way in hell does the plan change from Roman vs Rock at <<undefined future show>> to at Mania in January. He’ll have known his (a) fitness and (b) schedule would have had him good to go for Mania ages ago. He cancelled on them further out than this last year. He’s been ready for a while, clearly.

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5 minutes ago, air_raid said:

I’m calling bullshit on this. No way in hell does the plan change from Roman vs Rock at <<undefined future show>> to at Mania in January. He’ll have known his (a) fitness and (b) schedule would have had him good to go for Mania ages ago. He cancelled on them further out than this last year. He’s been ready for a while, clearly.

Plans change. 

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13 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

I know this have ruffled a of feathers, but isn't there a chance this is just a bit of a swerve in the story before Cody is slotted back in somehow?

What would be the point?

6 minutes ago, air_raid said:

I’m calling bullshit on this. No way in hell does the plan change from Roman vs Rock at <<undefined future show>> to at Mania in January. He’ll have known his (a) fitness and (b) schedule would have had him good to go for Mania ages ago. He cancelled on them further out than this last year. He’s been ready for a while, clearly.

Yeah, this very much seems like the kind of thing he’s been told, and is very much taking as fact without asking any questions. I do think there’s a good chance plans changed in a bid to affect the news cycle, but it seems implausible that The Rock was pushing for it, only for them to say ‘not now, Dwayne!’ 

If plans didn’t change, and this was the route they had already settled on, they way they’ve chosen to get to where they want to go is utterly insane. They’ve set themselves up for a major, major pushback.

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19 minutes ago, RedRooster said:


If plans didn’t change, and this was the route they had already settled on, they way they’ve chosen to get to where they want to go is utterly insane. They’ve set themselves up for a major, major pushback.

I think this is a real possibility.

Their fans don't want to push back, we've seen that for a while now that they're willing to buy what WWE has been selling.

But, even within that new audience, there'll be people who have bought into the new wave of stars who'll have the hump over this.

And whilst they probably have got a lot of the publicity they wanted today, I don't think the stories about a newly minted board member 'pushing hard' to get the main event spot is a great look. Their board must be full of absolute shites. If they're not alleged nonces, they're arrogant, entitled bellends.

8 weeks? So... 2 episodes of TV max from Rock and Roman?


Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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1310 superstars have entered the Royal Rumble, but only 34, a STAGGERING 2.6% of participants have won it all. 20 of them have gone on to win the world title at The Showcase of the Immortals. Just ONE of them said “nah I’m good thanks, bigger boys came and said they wanted it and I said lol ok”. 

Edited by JLM
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12 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

because it's a storyline? there's 8 weeks till Mania, a lot can happen.

That doesn’t really answer my question - what would be the point? You already have the path to the match you want, so why muddy the waters by teasing a match between Roman and one of the biggest stars in the world, only to go back on it? It’s totally illogical. The route to Roman/Rock is pretty stupid too, but it would be mad to go into this with the intent of pivoting, and treat the prospect of Rock/Roman as a negative. As a disappointing outcome. 

10 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I think this is a real possibility.

Their fans don't want to push back, we've seen that for a while now that they're willing to buy what WWE has been selling.

It’s possible, but I would like to think it’s unlikely. WWE booking has been pretty logical ever since Triple H took over. It seems more likely to me that they wanted to affect the news cycle - something that would be in the interest of The Rock too, being a board member. While the McMahon situation hasn’t gone away, the conversation surrounding WWE has shifted. The conversation surrounding who knew what and who was complicit is more hidden than it was. Google WWE, and news of The Rock wrestling Roman is more visible than WWE having its very own Weinstein/Savile hybrid. 

We might never know for sure, but it stands to reason that this would be something they might look to do. Fans are getting worked up about this, and less worked up about McMahon being a vile predator. Job done, sadly.

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I understand that people are passionate about all this, and I entirely agree that Cody has been properly castrated as a character.

 But let’s be honest, that happened a year ago.  It’s testament to his hard work that he even got back into the title picture after last WM.  We were all wishing him to the top but it the time was last year for the big WM coronation.

 Putting that aside, no matter how much you don’t want it personally, The Rock v Reigns is the biggest match possible, arguably the biggest of the last decade.  And the clock has nearly run out on it due to Rock’s age.

 It also HAS to be at Wrestlemania.  It’s the sort of match that WM was invented for.  The biggest stars clashing on the biggest stage.  The Rock is right about this one.  It makes business sense.

 Watching the two of them hugging, I assume The Rock was saying “you’re going to be the top guy here in a few years time, this will be your company.  But this is my last match, my last moment”.

 Cody has years ahead of him.  Lesnar is done, I suspect Reigns will retire early as well due to his health.  Punk isn’t a long term prospect.  Cody is the next Cena in terms of the face of WWE.

 Just… not quite yet.  When you get the opening to do a match of this size you have to do it.  So many times WWE has failed to actually land the dream match.  Not this time.

 It’s probably be shit.  But the whole debate reminds me of Rock-Hogan and that ended up being an all time classic match and moment.  I think there’ll be smoke and mirrors, interferences, I think they’ll throw the playbook at this one, so it could be a great  watch.

 In 2040 Reigns will be coming back for a one-off match and people will grumble and moan that he doesn’t deserve it.  But for me personally, this IS wrestling - the ability to put on matches that could never happen if it was a legit sport.


Edited by Loki
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I watched it back whilst having a surprise afternoon bathroom visit, and knowing what's coming makes Roman's promo even funnier/more outrageous.

They knew they were going to force Cody to eat some shit, but rather than add some sugar they thought Roman may as well add some ricin whilst he was at it.

I hope Cody pretends he's aggravated the pec injury he worked a PPV main event with for the cunts and takes 3 months off.

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I'm sorry but i'm fucking pigshit sick of shite ideas being rubbed in my face as actually good because it being some decent business idea trumps everything else. That's been every shite WWE idea for as long as I can remember now, "well, it may be shite but you have to admit" etc - nah, sorry, absolutely fuck The Rock in his arse, I hope his bollocks fall off.

Edited by Cannibal Man
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It was clearly deliberate that Cody didn’t quite come out and say he wasn’t challenging Reigns. They have left themselves an out if they need it.

A two-night fuckabout is clearly the way to please everyone.

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4 minutes ago, Cannibal Man said:

I'm sorry but i'm fucking pigshit sick of shite ideas being rubbed in my face as actually good because it somehow makes business sense. That's been every shite WWE idea for as long as I can remember now, "well, it may be shite but you have to admit" etc - nah, sorry, absolutely fuck The Rock in his arse, I hope his bollocks fall off.

They probably will!

 But you can’t expect the WWE to run their business solely for you.  Rock/Reigns will do big numbers, so there’s lots of fans who do want this, and will pay over money for it.


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