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30 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I worked with him at Wembley at one of the Impact tours. Massive twat unlike his wife who was delightful

Ah yes I remember you hate him. Shame you had a bad experience as I've heard many good things about him over the years from others as well as my experiences. Hopefully yours was a blip.

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9 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

He can call himself whatever he likes, he's going to need more than pretending to break people's fingers to get people to care.

Yeah I don't rate him either. Useless bland spot monkey. His match against Gunther from a few years back is one of the shittest matches I've ever seen.

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I feel like people's issue with him the last year or so is solely to do with his name but at least he had something resembling a character and something to do. Now he's going to change his name back and about 8 people will care.

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3 hours ago, TheScarlettChad said:

It was a proper vince creation though. I'd rather he be bland than wear a flat cap looking like a extra from.either peaky blinders or emmerdale

Nah, that was the best thing he's ever done. He proper looked the part too. 

Give me Butch and Maximum Male Models over Johnny Gargano, Tommaso Ciampa and Tyler Bate any day of the week.

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1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

I feel like people's issue with him the last year or so is solely to do with his name but at least he had something resembling a character and something to do. Now he's going to change his name back and about 8 people will care.

Yeah to be fair I think he said himself he had kids saying how much they liked him for the first time and it ended up being a change for the better.

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I actually thought Brawling Brutes were a good little team for the tag division and were over enough to warrant their spot on the roster. It’s a shame Ridge appeared to be a liability as not sure any other reason they decided to split them.

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Peaky Blinders Scrappy Doo is so far and away his best work. He fit in perfectly, making the Brawling Brutes one of the best acts in the company. Going back to Boring British Strong Style as Pete Dunne is a huge downgrade. Even worse if it gets Trent Seven another chance.

I swear, nobody rates NXT Black and Gold more than Hunter himself.

For the record though, even better than being Butch, the best thing Pete Dunne ever did was that podcast he did, describing the ridiculousness of the British scene. I still giggle to myself remembering him describe a show he was on as, “featuring a Dudley Boy.”

“It was just a lad with cammo trousers!”


Edited by Supremo
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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

For the record though, even better than being Butch, the best thing Pete Dunne ever did was that podcast he did, describing the ridiculousness of the British scene. I still giggle to myself remembering him describe a show he was on as, “featuring a Dudley Boy.”

“It was just a lad with cammo trousers!”

This reminds me of @JNLister’s story about a tribute show that had a Dudley who went through the tables and how the veneer of thuggery disappeared when he was on the same bus home after the show. 

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

Peaky Blinders Scrappy Doo is so far and away his best work. He fit in perfectly, making the Brawling Brutes one of the best acts in the company. Going back to Boring British Strong Style as Pete Dunne is a huge downgrade. Even worse if it gets Trent Seven another chance.

I swear, nobody rates NXT Black and Gold more than Hunter himself.

For the record though, even better than being Butch, the best thing Pete Dunne ever did was that podcast he did, describing the ridiculousness of the British scene. I still giggle to myself remembering him describe a show he was on as, “featuring a Dudley Boy.”

“It was just a lad with cammo trousers!”


Which podcast was it? Sounds like a decent listen.

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On 1/13/2024 at 9:30 PM, Supremo said:

For the record though, even better than being Butch, the best thing Pete Dunne ever did was that podcast he did, describing the ridiculousness of the British scene. I still giggle to myself remembering him describe a show he was on as, “featuring a Dudley Boy.”

To be fair, Dunne's been on countless shows with Dudley boys.

Pride of the area at one time, since outshone a touch. Fuck Jude Bellingham though, who did he ever beat?

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The thing with renaming Butch to Pete Dunne is - what does it mean? What substantial difference is there, right now, between those two characters, and what will it change about him moving forward?

One of the first things Triple H did when he took over creative when Vince "retired" was to have Max Dupri do a promo dropping that gimmick to become LA Knight. But who is LA Knight compared to Max Dupri? Could he not have just separated from the Maximum Male Models and kept the name, rather than confusingly saying "the name that most of the audience know me by isn't my name, a different made up name is"?

It's like when the internet's only fantasy booking idea was "Eugene should take a chairshot to the head that 'cures' him, and then become no nonsense technical wrestler Nick Dinsmore". 

For all the praise Triple H gets as a booker, he doesn't seem to have that many ideas beyond "remember NXT in 2015?".

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32 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

For all the praise Triple H gets as a booker, he doesn't seem to have that many ideas beyond "remember NXT in 2015?".

There's definitely a trend between some of the decisions of both presentation and re-hirings where he effectively wants to say "Hey, guys - we know this didn't fly/insulted your intelligence/upset you - I'm doing my best to fix it." Which earns him goodwill in some corners of the fandom but doesn't always translate to logical stories in canon. Like when Piper Niven was given her chance to get back on TV, and was just Piper Niven again, and we all agreed to never mention Poochie Doudrop again.

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2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

One of the first things Triple H did when he took over creative when Vince "retired" was to have Max Dupri do a promo dropping that gimmick to become LA Knight. But who is LA Knight compared to Max Dupri? Could he not have just separated from the Maximum Male Models and kept the name, rather than confusingly saying "the name that most of the audience know me by isn't my name, a different made up name is"?

I mean to be fair he attacked them with a chair backstage, told Maxxine to stop calling him that name because he’s not going to be someone or something he isn’t anymore all to a great crowd reaction. I don’t disagree with your general point but the changeover to LA Knight was done fine and not a very good example.

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it's less about the execution and more just the general background - why was he called Max Dupri and being presented as Maxine Dupri's brother if that's not who he is? Why was he playing along with that in the first place? It's an idea that starts at the end point - "he was LA Knight in NXT, and people liked NXT" - and works backwards, rather than forwards, and plays into a name changing thing that I just dislike in WWE in general. The Doudrop thing is a similar example, where they at least had the get-out clause that Doudrop was a name given to her by Eva Marie, and I'm sure there are better examples than both of these, LA Knight was just one that came to mind.

I understand the impetus to say, "okay, you don't like this booking, so we'll stop it and do something you like", but I think there's something more to be said for moving forward and making sense of that booking rather than just hand-waving it away and saying, "forget all that, remember when he was good in NXT?". When a character has already been introduced as Max Dupri, why can't Max Dupri just stand up for himself and have a run without changing his name?

What's the difference between Pete Dunne and Butch that requires a whole storyline "I want the old Stone Cold" build to bring back Butch-but-not-wearing-a-hat? At least in Pete Dunne's case, it's obvious that Butch is a nickname/gimmick name, so "Pete Dunne" can be spun as him taking things more seriously (though then it raises the question of why he's not been taking it seriously before now), while stuff like LA Knight to Max Dupri and back again, or Ben Carter debuting under that name and then changing it to Nathan Frazer, with no real explanation beyond saying "this is my name now" is stuff that annoys me - we know that wrestlers change their names for WWE trademarking reasons, but in kayfabe, why would a bloke called Ben decide that he wants to be called Nathan two weeks into a run with a company? Is there any explanation for LA Knight being Max Dupri beyond "the previous booking team gave him that name"? 

I guess at the root of it all, my problem is with storytelling that's done "because wrestling", without much effort for a kayfabe explanation. 

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