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This Time with Alan Partridge


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Watched the new Alan Partridge last night and loved it. Looking at the comments online there doesn't seem to be any middle ground with it. People hating the pacing of it but as a takeoff of BBC magazine programmes it was painfully accurate. 

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It was brilliant and you just know as he gets more emboldened by being on the show its only going to get better. People seem so quick to jump all over everything now when Partridge has always been about the layers slowly coming off.

I loved it. I've seen a lot of below the line sniping at it, but that just seems to be the thing now. Imagine sitting through that and not finding it incredibly funny? You are dead inside.

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3 hours ago, chokeout said:

Watched the new Alan Partridge last night and loved it. Looking at the comments online there doesn't seem to be any middle ground with it. People hating the pacing of it but as a takeoff of BBC magazine programmes it was painfully accurate. 

I remember back when I used to have a fairly sophisticated sense of humour, and whilst I definitely enjoyed this, the only belly laugh came from the off camera "PARTRIDGE YOU WANKER!" which has me giggling uncontrollably now as I try and type it.  I think his co-presenter is SUPERB in that role, and that it's overall a far more subtle humour than some of the previous sitcom series - I think whoever said it earlier is spot on, that it'll build toward an eventual proposterousness, but for right now, I really like the direction they've taken.

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I liked the really touching story about his Grandad that appeared from nowhere. A Coogan trope

There's a bit in Alpha Papa where they're doing the practice interrogation or something and the policeman is shouting at him about say goodbye to his kids and Partridge starts talking about how his kids don't speak to him. Its only about 10 seconds but he utterly conveys the tragedy of the character.

He's superb Coogan. He really is the Sellers of our times

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The delivery of '...creamy hands' and 'we mustn't' was astonishing.

I used to hate Alan Partridge, and avoided him like the plague. Didn't get it, didn't find it funny. Around the time the movie came out, I thought I'd give it another chance, and tried the 'Travel Tavern' series of 'I'm Alan Partridge', and it all clicked into place. 

The longevity of the character adds so, so many levels. It's partly because we've seen his failures and (sort of) triumphs. And we also know how long he's waited for this, and how much he needs it, which raises the stakes and makes the failure that much funnier. He now feels more real than 'Edmonds' or Morgan. 

The audiobooks are actually my favourite Partridge - 'Nomad', in particular, made me cry laughing in places, especially when he talked about his 'Jam bombs'.

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