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Devon Malcolm

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I seen someone say on Twitter today they voted Brexit to keep illegal streams being a thing as EU are trying to stop piracy. Honest to fuck I don’t understand something that small being a reason to vote that way, but it’s the closest I have come to a proper reason for Brexit that would benefit someone in real terms over the last two years 

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A reminder of the vote by area. Highest Leave at the top, spoiled for length. 


Hannibal's Basildon is high but not as high as Castle Point where I grew up ?


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Wrexham pointed terribly to leave. I don't think it's for the Bennite reasons one would hope though. As a disciple of Bob Crow and massive fan of Nellist I am massively anti EU, but had to vote remain as I couldn't let this shower be in charge of negotation.


Although speaking of Bennites, Bolsover's was the same, and they'd not fuck with Skinner.


But for those interested on a left wing take on the EU, here's a bit of reading which would make my position clear.



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7 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

 As a disciple of Bob Crow and massive fan of Nellist I am massively anti EU, but had to vote remain as I couldn't let this shower be in charge of negotation.

That's not far from where I'm at - while I'm in favour of a romanticised ideal of the EU as a tool for global cooperation, and as one of the great successes of post-war Europe, in practice it's a massively flawed institution, and there are plenty of valid reasons to want out, and plenty of left wing arguments to Leave. But there isn't a single valid or leftist reason to want to leave with an inept Tory government negotiating the terms. Much better to stay and have a voice at the table, than to leave with nothing, and be at the mercy of that shower of bastards.

All that said, I didn't have a vote in the referendum - I've not been ordinarily resident in the UK for years, and the cut-off point of me still getting a vote was about five months before the referendum. Which is frustrating as, not unlike Gibraltar (who did get a vote), we will be affected, and our own government are even more inept than the UK's - and we're more or less powerless to do anything about it.

Particularly galling because Jersey was technically never a member of the EU (it's a confusing mess), so if the UK wanted to know what being a British, non-EU member state overly reliant on a declining finance industry, with an aging population and a steadily falling GDP would look like, they didn't have far to go.

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13 hours ago, Louch said:

I seen someone say on Twitter today they voted Brexit to keep illegal streams being a thing as EU are trying to stop piracy. Honest to fuck I don’t understand something that small being a reason to vote that way, but it’s the closest I have come to a proper reason for Brexit that would benefit someone in real terms over the last two years 

That's an odd reason. Some people did have reasonable beliefs to leave. Things like fishing towns wanting to get the fishing borders, parents worried about their kids education as some classes in this country are heavily filled with non English speaking children, there are others but overall they were all lead by a racist campaign. I knew one guy who voted leave because he said the NHS would be gone as the EU would not allow it and we had to leave to keep it. I asked him who told him that and he got angry and said it's true. Red bus basically. 


I want to know who could be Conservative leader. I don't think the extreme right lot will have enough support to get someone through. If they do they will be fucked at the next election 

Edited by westlondonmist
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1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Did anyone see last nights shit show of a Question Time where Claire Parry made an absolute tit of herself and then blamed this on Corbyn being an Anti-Semite. She was bizarre the whole night

I did. She'll be lucky not to have solicitors in touch after that, appalling behavior and a bizarre act of deflection. Sadly, you see that kind of behaviour all too often in British politics.

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Just a quick question for @BomberPat

Does the Bailiwick of Jersey have the right to make an application for EU membership unilaterally without needing any sort of "permission" required from Westminster e.g. An Order in Council or something similar?

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The only slight positive I can see come of all this is that other nations such as Italy see us leaving and press to do the same, at which point the people in charge will realise that the EU as it is isn't fit for purpose.

I remember years back when I used to argue with friends about my reasons for wanting out of the EU I would mention a future where we see an actual EU centralised army, and they all laughed at me, saying we'd never see such a thing and that I was "bonkers" for thinking that.

Yeah, not laughing so much now.

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