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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

Strange how him and Stone Cold always had absolutely zero chemistry though.

I’m racking my brain trying to think of an Austin vs Undertaker match I really liked and I’m coming up with nothing. Like I said before, their Backlash 2002 match was dire. Judgement Day 2001 match was shite. Their matches at Over The Edge and Fully Loaded in 99 were crap as I recall, although given the circumstances of Over The Edge you can’t really hold that one against them. SummerSlam 98 was the biggest letdown after a great buildup over the summer, the old ‘Highway To Hell’ hype, being at MSG etc. The match was really flat though.

The only matches I remember kind of liking was Cold Day In Hell in 97, a Raw match in 96 and maybe their title change on Raw in 99. But even then, I don’t think they ever had a truly great match. 

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34 minutes ago, wandshogun09 said:

being at MSG etc.

JR's "I challenge you" spiel defying anyone to find a bigger pop for Stone Cold in the Garden that night was probably a turning point for me against Jim. It was clear he was told to say that, because it was preposterous.

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Posted (edited)

Taker taking over quad-torn Triple H's shovel for the WCW lads in 2001 is always glossed over too. He was a right cunt by all accounts during that period. Didn't he also refuse to put Brock over clean at Unforgiven 2002? less than a month after Brock had steamrolled both Hogan on Smackdown and beaten The Rock clean for the undisputed title at Summerslam. The Unforgiven feud also had that rubbish angle involving Taker's god awful wife ex wife Sara (of his awful neck tattoo fame!) and Brock putting his hand on her pregnant belly. 2002 was such a low point in general for WWE.

Edited by DCW
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3 hours ago, DCW said:

Taker taking over quad-torn Triple H's shovel for the WCW lads in 2001 is always glossed over too. He was a right cunt by all accounts during that period. Didn't he also refuse to put Brock over clean at Unforgiven 2002? less than a month after Brock had steamrolled both Hogan on Smackdown and beaten The Rock clean for the undisputed title at Summerslam. The Unforgiven feud also had that rubbish angle involving Taker's god awful wife ex wife Sara (of his awful neck tattoo fame!) and Brock putting his hand on her pregnant belly. 2002 was such a low point in general for WWE.

Yeah 2002 just felt exhausted. It's kind of funny how they never had Austin, Rock, and Triple H at full pelt for more than a few months at a time again after Survivor Series '99.

First you had Austin out for a year. Then they did have them all for about 4 months between Survivors 2000 and Mania X7. Then Rock made movies. H tore his quad. Austin flounced home. I wonder what those three years would have looked like if they were all at TV every week.

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It's nuts that they never did heel Austin vs Rock in 2001 too. Could have been Summerslam or Survivor Series 2001 main event, instead of Rock making a fool of an already struggling Booker at SS or the naff 5 vs 5 elimination match with Big Show shoehorned in, when he'd been an absolute embarrassment for the whole year.

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5 hours ago, DCW said:

It's nuts that they never did heel Austin vs Rock in 2001 too.

We had it at Rebellion, weirdly enough. With Jericho vs Angle underneath. Halcyon days.

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6 hours ago, TheScarlettChad said:

Its been said to death but RAW had a main event of THE NWO vs AUSTIN and ROCK.

I mean that's a Mania main event. On a random episode of RAW in 2002. 

It wasn't exactly a random Raw, it was the go home show for WrestleMania on which Hogan vs Rock and Austin vs Hall (w/Nash).

And given uncertainties about the future direction of several of the participants, it wasn't a match they could comfortably stow in their back pocket for next year, maybe even for next month. (As it turned out, they "had" to turn Hogan and break him away from the nWo all of 7 days later.)

Plus a handicap match WrestleMania mania event would be pony, IMO. 

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Yeh, I've never been a fan of handicap matches in general - they feel more like angles and a means to an end than actual matches.

An nWo match at Mania would've been good - a six-man vs. Rock, Austin, and an upper discarded they wanted to push, maybe - but it would've been a waste, considering what we did get.

Mind you, outside Hogan/Rock, they should've done an Outsiders tag match instead of just Hall vs. Austin, but I don't think Austin would've been up for a regular tag at WM.

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10 hours ago, TheScarlettChad said:

Its been said to death but RAW had a main event of THE NWO vs AUSTIN and ROCK.

I mean that's a Mania main event. On a random episode of RAW in 2002. 

In the space of a month they did:

Hogan, Nash & Hall vs. Austin & Rock

Hogan & Rock vs. Nash & Hall

Nash, Hall & X-Pac vs. Hogan & Rock

Nash, Hall & X-Pac vs Hogan, Rock & Kane


All on free TV, between the go-home episode of RAW before 'Mania, and Backlash. Maybe not a 'Mania event, but any one of those could at least have main evented Backlash - that they burned through Rock & Hogan teaming against the nWo the night after Wrestlemania is bonkers.

Admittedly, there were so many moving parts, but not as many as you might think - Austin was one foot out the door but he still made the Backlash card, as did Scott Hall, it was only The Rock and Nash who actually missed that show altogether, and in Nash's case it was due to injury so they wouldn't have known ahead of time.

So by Backlash, Hogan is fighting for the title, Austin's feuding with Flair and Undertaker with the nWo in the background, and the only actual nWo match is Scott Hall in the midcard against Bradshaw. It's crazy how quickly they shit the bed on the nWo in WWE feeling special.

I just think they were stuck in a post-WCW mindset of not having to worry about pacing things, because they had everyone they could possibly want under contract, no competition, and were still doing a victory lap, but hadn't yet shaken the short-termist Attitude Era mindset that your TV main event should always be your top guys in a big tag match.

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My memory from the time it didn't really feel like they were giving away huge matches for free on TV just because the reputation of the nWo was in absolute tatters. They just seemed old, uncool, out of place and shite. I don't think the fans really cared about them outside Hogan who they very clearly wanted to see back in the red and yellow WWF version. 

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I think Taker has only ever had 3 good matches - all against HBK (KOTR, WM x 2).

His matches with Triple H were plodding and boring, same with Austin. His HIAC with Foley was a spectacle for sure - but that match was just Foley taking 3 big bumps (off the cell, through the cell, backwards onto tacks).


Never rated him. 

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