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Worst Special Effects on TV and in Movies


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What is it about Hollywood and terrible deer? Plenty of mentions in this thread already, but there's also the horrendous deer in Knowing and I Am Legend.


Jewish/Illuminati symbolism.  Secret societies are into repetition ... ;)

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JP used a mixture of anamatronics and CGI which is why it looks so good. Until recently when i watched it on my newish tv and the green screen was so obvious.


Shouldn't expect too much for tv but the scene when Daenerys rode her Dragon in series 5 looked bad.

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There's a few great documentaries about ILM talking about Jurassic Park and Dennis Muren says that the reason it still stands up is because they wouldn't do it unless it was perfect and spent years creating the technology to make it look good. Literally years of work for 5 minutes of CGI dinosaurs ( and 15 minutes of dinosaurs in total). Now people just get lazy and CGI anything they can. CGI blood, fire, gunshots. All done out of laziness.

Compare Indiana Jones and the stupid crystal skull and its CG monkeys and car chases to raiders / last crusade and see which one holds up better.

Crystal Skull's a great shout for completely unnecessary CG. That gopher at the very beginning being the prime example.

Considering what it was a sequel too, it still blows my mind at what they attempted with the CGI in that movie. Even more so that they actually released it when finished.


King Kong is similar. There is some sublime CGI in that movie, but then there's moments like the dinosaur stampede that make you wonder "how the hell did they not see this looked like shit?".

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That was the consistently one of the biggest special effects blunders for ages getting a reasonable "man falling to death" shot. The Tim Burton Batman movie had a horrendous fall as well.

I remember that just looking like they freeze-framed Nicholson and just inserted ever-increasing smaller shots of the same frame.

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The Hobbit films are a great example of relying wholly on shitty CG rather than using it to fill a lot of the cracks, like the original trilogy. 

I don't agree that Azog was a bad effect but whatever, but what always baffled me about Lord of the Rings is the gulf between AMAZING effects and AWFUL effects is so huge in the same film / series. Like fighting the troll in Moria looks fantastic, but scenes of Aragorn with the Pelennor fields behind him look like I did them. Like the most basic cut and shut overlay shot.


For old school effects, this is pretty bad:



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There's a scene in one of the later Star Trek films where they didn't even bother adding the effects in which looks really out of place. The entire set is lit with a blue screen in the background and at some point they decided not to actually take out the blue screen. Im still stunned it's like that in the final film.



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There's a scene in one of the later Star Trek films where they didn't even bother adding the effects in which looks really out of place. The entire set is lit with a blue screen in the background and at some point they decided not to actually take out the blue screen. Im still stunned it's like that in the final film.



That's unbelievable! And for a franchise like Star Trek too.


I don't think the Jabba tail walk is that bad in the context of what they were trying to do. It's Jabba himself that is fucking shocking. It's like no-one pulled up footage of Jedi before doing it. "Nah mate, I watched in the eighties. I'll do it from memory."


So bad they remade it twice (badly).



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