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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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35 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

So Smackdown's turn with Backlash next?

Orton/Jinder, AJ/Owens, Zayn/Corbin, Nakamura/Ziggler, Breezango/Uso's, & Charlotte/Naomi look's like a decent watch for a couple of hours, nothing really must see on there though.

I think they might do a Womens 3 on 3 at Backlash rather then have a title match

Actually looking forward to Backlash a lot more then I was Payback which I ended up really enjoying so hopefully it will deliver as well

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The House of Horrors should have been set up like Bray was expecting a call from the Wet Bandits. Paint cans swinging down the staircase, electrified door handles, the works. Some of them could backfire, with Erik Rowan ending up tarred and feathered, and Bray furiously jumping up and down on a faulty trapdoor like Wile E Coyote.

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I would have preferred a fun fair type haunted house, Bray riding around on the ghost train, ghouls in sheep masks falling out of upstanding coffins, go full on camp with it rather than some sub-Rob Zombie shite. Also, that house was surprisingly nice. Give it a coat of paint, and a few new bits of furniture, it could have been lovely. Looked like a fairly nice leafy neighbourhood too. 

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The House of Horrors pretty much killed my interest in WWE for the week. Caused me to switch off the PPV right after it and I've not watched Raw and Smackdown for  the first time in a while. Not going to be one of these fans that come out with 'I'm never watching again nonsense' but I definitely think it's made me want to take a few weeks away from watching.

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They don't need to repackage Bray Wyatt. They just need to drop the horror shit and concentrate on him being a charismatic cult leader.

Also, from this week's Raw it was obvious AGAIN that people want to cheer the fella. Embrace it, lay off the spooky wooky bollocks and then gave him turn again in a while when it means something.

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I mean I agree but I don't trust them to do that in a million billion years. He's more like the Boogeyman now than he's ever been 

Look at how fucking awesome Strowman is now he's washed the Wyatt stink off him. Hoping to get the same for Harper over on Smackdown. 

I'm usually quite optimistic but when it comes to Wyatt I'd be surprised if I ever buy in again at this point. 

Edited by sj5522
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Wyatt as cult leader again wouldn't be much better. It'd inevitably just be a babyface beating the lackeys while Bray cuts promos that do nothing to build the match, then the match happens and does nothing for anyone because they haven't established any stakes or logic. I hope he goes babyface and ends up against Triple H at Mania next year in an attempt to bring down the machine.

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Wyatts character has been dead to me for ages. He's the kinda guy that should be on say 1/3 shows and say little , so his big speeches have Impact , and draw for his matches. Instead he's been used to fill ten mins of tv each week for so long, when he talks, he doesn't really say anything of any value. The hocus pocus stuff just doesn't work for him. If I was him I'd be looking at ways to move the character on to something fresh. Can always come back to what it was meant to be at some point. 

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As others have said, get rid of the daft dolls with two heads hanging over your hostess trolley and focus on him being a cult leader. Cut his bloody dreadlocks off and make him look like a cult leader, secret hand shakes, random people in the audience that you assume are there to assist him, get him recruiting or however they want to portray it, but let his charisma shine through.

Maybe one or two driver-less tractors, but that's all.

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It's like flogging a dead horse with Wyatt at this point. Unless he undergoes a complete overhaul I'll have no interest in him again. He's been doing the same old nonsense for years now, and whatever talent he has, hasn't been enough to rise above the shit stories he is involved in and nonsensical promos that he cuts. 

I can't speak for anyone else, as he seems to get good reactions, but whoever Bray gets paired up with in feuds I instantly have far less interest in. Their appearance on TV meaning that Wyatt is due to pop his head up anytime soon, means it's time to put the kettle on.

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Wyatt should be focused more on the cult leader type persona that SickWoy wrote about in that fantastic article from a few years back. It would be less hokey than all this spooky shit but could maintain the sinister edge. 

At the moment their caught between horror and cheese which is a pretty worthless position as far as TV goes. 


Edited by Silky Kisser
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I think they had a real opportunity to tweak his gimmick a bit when he had that long injury lay-off.

That picture came out of him shirtless, significantly slimmer, hair tied back and in camo shorts, and he looked awesome. They should have had him come back like that.

Beyond that, I'm just parroting what other people have said in the few posts above, but yeah: more sinister brawler who lives out in the backwoods, less poorly-envisioned horror film character.

As an aside - when did he start turning into the latter? Was it the Taker feud?  I don't remember the character having such pronounced supernatural/fantastical overtones before then?

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