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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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That was one of those moments where you wish you didn't hear the rumours. I like Bray. Never fell out of love with the guy like a lot of people and am delighted to see him get this shot. Just wish I didn't know. I'm sure I'd have worked it out by the end that they were probably setting up Orton/Wyattt but that pin on Cena would have come out of nowhere for me. Really good match.The lack of realism in the commentary is hammered home by the fact they didn't mention the possibility of Bray vs. Randy until 2 secs before the end of the show when Randy gave them a massive clue by walking out.Skipped through a lot of the rest. Crowd reactions were the usual jumble. "Thank you, Ziggler". "You deserve it" at Naomi. Cheering Miz mocking Bryan. Cheering most heels in fact. Odd times.Glad Alpha retained and they've re-setup the Uso feud.

I can't blame them for cheering Ziggler. The booking has been fucking awful. 2v1 in favour of two bland, boring babyfaces is completely backwards.


You deserve it for Naomi though. Seriously. She deserves it for what? Having a shit match? Never, ever having a good match in five or six years? It seems she deserves it for merely not being fired and still existing because she's never actually done anything of worth. Hopefully Mickie relieves her of that belt at Mania. She's been really good since she came back.

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Is it just me that feels SmackDown throws the belts around like nobodies business? I know they aren't really valued at much anymore anyway but just looked since the draft and July and the below amount of champions.


WWE Championship - 4 champions since July.

Intercontinental Championship - 4 champions since July (granted Miz was champ twice).

Tag Team Championship - 3 champions since September.

Women's Championship - 3 champions since September.


Just reckon that's a bit more than normal but somebody can probably prove me wrong.

Edited by FUM
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Edit - another strong showing from Corbin wasn't it?

He was decent but it's yet another great bit of booking. How they can book him and Strowman so well and nobody else is beyond me. That said, I don't need to see anyone get done with a roll-up, let alone by someone half their size.


I can't blame them for cheering Ziggler. The booking has been fucking awful. 2v1 in favour of two bland, boring babyfaces is completely backwards.

I don't blame them at all. I was just pointing it out. A lot of strange people always liked Ziggler so now he has an edge and is beating up Mr Smiley and a Jumping bean, he's gonna get cheers. The fact he still looks and works the same and had patriotic tights on doesn't help. 


Is it just me that feels SmackDown throws the belts around like nobodies business? I know they aren't really valued at much anymore anyway but just looked since the draft and July and the below amount of champions.


WWE Championship - 4 champions since July.

Intercontinental Championship - 4 champions since July (granted Miz was champ twice).

Tag Team Championship - 3 champions since September.

Women's Championship - 3 champions since September.


Just reckon that's a bit more than normal but somebody can probably prove me wrong.

It certainly feels like an unusual trend. Dunno if it is. It's the reason why Smackdown feels miles better than Raw though. Something seems to happen every week.

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Decent enough show, this.


Can't say I'm particularly arsed about Bray or Randy's acts most of the time, but, oddly, they have somehow managed to make each other semi-watchable most weeks. Not sure the feud is strong enough for the title to be involved, but I guess it's an easy out for them to turn Randy. Shame Cena's 16x run was a bit of a nothing, because I'd rather he had a run with the belt until 'Mania. I suppose WWE may think a "record breaking" 17x is worth more than equalling some made up number.

The Chamber match itself wasn't one of their better ones, but it did the job.


The only other thing that annoyed me was Alexa Bliss losing her belt, because she's Alexa Bliss and she has to stop doing that in ring belt pose with the filthy wink. Shame. I like Naomi, though. Her Joel Schumacher directed entrance was brilliant when I watched Smackdown at the Hydro; made her stand out from everyone else on the show. "You deserve it".

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Grew into a really solid show that. Orton/Harper and the Chamber match were both class. Always good to see a new face win their first title and hopefully Wyatt keeps it for a bit yet.


Wyatt/Orton, Ambrose/Corbin and Cena/Nikki v Miz/Maryse got set up on the SD side for Mania with AJ/Shane likely to follow then. Bit of a waste of potentially the two best big match performers in the company in Cena and Styles but at least the names that deserve it look like they'll actually get a proper feud rather than thrown into a multi-man ladder match or a battle royal.

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Hmm, was my sound dodgy or is the flooring on the new Elimination Chamber so soft that it doesn't make any sound on impact at all?



It's padded with extra foam it seems these days.


It's good they're trying to make it safer for the wrestlers but the lack of sound from the bumps just detracted from the moves. Ambrose doing that move on the outside to AJ early on looked good but sounded like nothing. 

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What was the point of putting the belt on Cena at all? The 16th reign has been the biggest waste of time out of all of them. They should have kept it on Styles since he was the one who actually dropped the belt to Wyatt anyway.


Didn't like how polished the new Chamber is. It's supposed to be scary but they've stuck pissing lights all over it

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The only other thing that annoyed me was Alexa Bliss losing her belt, because she's Alexa Bliss and she has to stop doing that in ring belt pose with the filthy wink. Shame. I like Naomi, though. Her Joel Schumacher directed entrance was brilliant when I watched Smackdown at the Hydro; made her stand out from everyone else on the show. "You deserve it".

She'll just go back to the feather stick until she wins the title back

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Week of rematches when Raw do their PPV? Three champions since September for the women's title on Smackdown is surely better than all the "Sasha wins on TV, Charlotte wins on PPV" nonsense. Naomi's was out of nowhere and it kind of makes sense given that she'd pinned Alexa twice, but she'd not been doing very much before she arrived back on the scene.


Matches against the likes of Alexa, Mickie and Nattie will hopefully help her both get more over and improve further ahead of either a program with Becky, Nikki or Carmellsworth.

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What was the point of putting the belt on Cena at all? The 16th reign has been the biggest waste of time out of all of them. They should have kept it on Styles since he was the one who actually dropped the belt to Wyatt anyway.



I'm guessing just to get it out of the way so that they can start building, even if it's a year or so down the line, to Cena winning the record-breaking 17th world title. That'll be the big moment.

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What was the point of putting the belt on Cena at all? The 16th reign has been the biggest waste of time out of all of them. They should have kept it on Styles since he was the one who actually dropped the belt to Wyatt anyway.


Because they had to have Cena go over AJ, they can't have AJ beat Cena 3 times and John have nothing back, it's what the fans remember last, and now when folk look back the last time they faced for probably a fair while if Cena is tagging with his bird and AJ inevitably turns face is Cena pinning AJ clean and winning the title.

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I enjoyed that more than I thought I would. The three womens matches all told good stories and I was surprised with the title change.


That has to have been done to get her on the mania card. Is mania out doors this year?


Agree with the idea of keeping the title on AJ until Elimination Chamber. They didn't have to do Cena AJ at the rumble. It's a bit like when Dolph won the IC for no reason.


So will Cena main event next year's mania as challenger for the title? Will we get a run of can't win the big one to break the record.


Dolph's match they tried to make interesting but no one cares.


I honestly thought the only reason to have 2 faces against a heel would be to turn one of the faces.


Chamber looked like a glorified he'll in the cell.


Also more heel Usos going forward please.

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