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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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12 hours ago, bAzTNM#1 said:

Some neighbour prick has drunkingly tried to take all my decorations off the door that I had up for my baby nephew for Halloween. Spent hours on it. I'm fucking raging. Mum says just get over it, but is this a "word with the neighbour" situation to you? A bit of a scummy thing to do methinks.

Sounds like a creepy situation, so, Halloween goals achieved, right?

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16 hours ago, bAzTNM#1 said:

Some neighbour prick has drunkingly tried to take all my decorations off the door that I had up for my baby nephew for Halloween. Spent hours on it. I'm fucking raging. Mum says just get over it, but is this a "word with the neighbour" situation to you? A bit of a scummy thing to do methinks.

100% this sounds like the start of a dark, British horror by the chap who made Sightseers. 

Go and machete his cat. Show him you mean business 

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Has anybody ever pulled a sicky because you're chronically tired? I don't sleep very well at the best of times, but for the past few nights I've probably been averaging about 2-3 hours of decent sleep per night. I'm thinking of calling in sick if the same thing happens tonight but I'm not sure if it's ethical to do so.

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I never phoned in at work but I did miss a fair chunk of college through insomnia. I suffered a fair few concussions in a short space of time, which I stupidly tried to work through, and one of the side effects is that it's totally fucked up my sleep pattern. Some nights I just couldn't sleep, or I'd wake up after two hours and be unable to get back to sleep. I was doing a professional cookery course and I really didn't trust myself working with hot pans, oil etc, on no sleep. Not to mention that I would've fucking destroyed the food, which really wasn't fair to my classmates. The only reason I made it into work was because it was only two days a week and I really needed the money.

If you don't need the money, or you've got the sick days to take, then phone in. There's no ethical dilemma if there's actually something wrong with you, and there is. It's not like you're just taking the piss. If you were then you wouldn't even be thinking about it, much less asking for advice about it.

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Just wondering if anyone had ever taken a sick day from work for their mental health?

My heads been all over the place recently due to forgetting to take tablets for a while and then restarting them and other factors causing stress and anxiety.

Just felt like I wouldn't be able to cope with work the last couple of days so phoned in sick. Just wondered if anyone else had ever done the same?

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Yes. I went to my doctor and explained my issues - at the time, depression and anxiety - and he gave me a two week sick note, for four or six weeks straight. 

I'd like to think employers are a bit more aware of mental issues nowadays. Just because you're not physically sick, it doesn't mean you're fit to work. Don't hesitate to take that time off and get yourself well if you need to. 

Also, if you don't want to go into loads of detail about it with your employer, you don't have to. My sick note just said, I think, stress/anxiety and that was fine. 

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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Yeah my work was completely understanding and signed me off for like a month when I went mute, was at my worst for anxiety and depression and wasn't sleeping three or four days at a time. 

That being said that was a very student environment on a three times a week part time job so not sure how it correlates to the real world. In contrast Sainsbury's were absolutely shite at taking my mental health issues seriously when I was ill to the point I had to quit as they were making it much worse. 

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10 hours ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

Yes. I went to my doctor and explained my issues - at the time, depression and anxiety - and he gave me a two week sick note, for four or six weeks straight. 

I'd like to think employers are a bit more aware of mental issues nowadays.

My University were complete dicks about my whole mental health carry-on in 2003. I hope they've improved now, or somebody will be handing them down a hefty discrimination suit.

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12 hours ago, Divorced Dad said:

Just wondering if anyone had ever taken a sick day from work for their mental health?

My heads been all over the place recently due to forgetting to take tablets for a while and then restarting them and other factors causing stress and anxiety.

Just felt like I wouldn't be able to cope with work the last couple of days so phoned in sick. Just wondered if anyone else had ever done the same?

Not quite mental health, but my employers were absolutely fine with me taking a day off on Monday for my sleeping issues I talked about above. If anything, that shows that attitudes are definitely changing and a sick day isn't just considered for being stuck on the toilet with the shits anymore.

Although, this morning I'm actually stuck on the toilet with the shits, and I'm worried they'll definitely think I'm taking the mick if I phone in sick again.

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22 hours ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

Yes. I went to my doctor and explained my issues - at the time, depression and anxiety - and he gave me a two week sick note, for four or six weeks straight. 

I'd like to think employers are a bit more aware of mental issues nowadays. Just because you're not physically sick, it doesn't mean you're fit to work. Don't hesitate to take that time off and get yourself well if you need to. 

Also, if you don't want to go into loads of detail about it with your employer, you don't have to. My sick note just said, I think, stress/anxiety and that was fine. 

I've had a couple of polar experiences with this. One job I had manages to let every single employee know that I was struggling with my mental health, which led to me becoming a bit of a social pariah there. I ended up packing it in after I was marginalised by everyone, and was sent a continuous stream of abuse online, and ended up attempting to take my life(didn't work obviously and thankfully). Management wouldn't take my appeals for help seriously either. They just made me feel guilty for "dropping them in it" by being signed off...

The next job I had I was really weary of signing off, due to the past experience. This caused my mental health to get a lot worse, to the point of suicidal thoughts again(but I still kept it private as long as I could). In the end, one of the directors pulled me to one side as he saw the tell tale signs in my behaviour and persuaded me to go to the docs to get signed off. As a company, they were fantastic, and supported me all the way(even paying me in full while ever I felt the need to have time off, and putting in writing that this was an open ended offer). Absolutely top class form.

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