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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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The Sony show was one of the most tedious hours of my entire life. Someone needs shooting for letting that go ahead. Two insanely pretentious folk interludes, a pair of berks talking shite filling in for the best part of 20 minutes while the live audience moved to a different venue, a bunch of overly long trailers that showed a ton of sneaking around and almost no interesting gameplay whatsoever, and one single surprise in the form of Nioh 2 which nobody's even that arsed about. Fantastic stuff. Makes you glad to be alive.

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@FelatioLips is not a fan but Friday 13th development has been halted indefinitely. A lawsuit rumbling around since 1980 from screenwriter Victor Miller has put a stop to anything new related to Friday 13th at all.


The (pretty poor) dev team will now focus on pure bugkilling. Which they should've been doing for the past year or so. It's a shame because it's a really enjoyable game with a great setup, and when a team is completely focused on the goal it's terrific fun. They never incentivized counsellors well enough to cohere if they didn't fancy it. They got hung up instead on trying to weight the Jason / Counsellor balance and got tied in knots.

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So the new Super Smash Bros for Switch is officially named Super Smash Bros Ultimate and is insane. It's like a massive fan service.

Every single playable character from previous Smash games is back in it, including characters that haven't been in it since the Gamecube like Pichu and Young Link, it has Snake and Ice Climbers back in it, all the DLC from the last game including Bayonetta and Cloud, plus new characters Daisy, Inkling from Splatoon and Ridley from Metroid. People have been practically begging for Ridley since the Wii game, maybe earlier, and Sakurai outright said he didn't want to put Ridley in but the fans have been demanding it forever so he did.

It's got an arseload of old stages, items, assist trophies, plus new ones obviously.

It has Gamecube Controller compatibility.

The gameplay engine is re-done to include new techniques and updated looks and movesets and meta-data for pretty much every character.

There's new Amiibos for all the new characters and it's compatible with every previously released Amiibo, even ones that weren't made originally for the Wii U Smash.

Release Date confirmed as December 7th 2018.

He said in the Treehouse gameplay video after the E3 Direct though as much as this was basically it for the Smash series as it has literally everything in it and he can't see himself topping it.

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I was so-so on the Fallout 76 idea but I'm warming to it the more I hear about it, to where I pre-ordered it last night. This documentary from excellent channel NoClip fleshes out a lot of detail about the game:

I'm in.

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I never normally sit there and watch the E3 presentations, just the trailers, but I watched every single minute of Todd Howard on stage this week. He's a good gaming personality. The Alexa versioon of Skyrim skit was pretty funny.

There's definitely an ESO feel to Fallout 76. I'm in, for sure. Elder Scrolls Blades also looks like it'll be fun on my commute.

Man, I love Bethedsa.

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38 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

The Alexa versioon of Skyrim skit was pretty funny.

That should've been eye-rollingly awful, but they got the script just right.

"...eat all the cheese."

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45 minutes ago, Steve Justice said:

Cheers for that.

Not sure if it's in that clip but there was also a kissing trailer from Last of Us 2 that was driving the internet nuts.


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1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

The game's forcing "marxism" upon us, and yes, I've seen that being said.

I've been following someone on Twitter for a few years and they've gradually gone full gamergate. It's a very disturbing world. 

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