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Ok thanks - that would be awesome as Sunshine is my favourite! 

Are there any other games like Mario on Switch? I love the style and have OCD about collecting stuff like the moons or shines etc 

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There's a fair few excellent platformers on the Switch, but they're mostly 2D rather than 3D so maybe not exactly along the lines of Mario Galaxy/Sunshine. Assuming you've got Mario Odyssey? The only other 3D one I can think of off the top of my head is Sonic Forces, but it really isn't very good at all. 

If you don't mind a 2D platformer, Celeste is probably going to be included in a fair few game of the year lists at the end of 2018.


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1 minute ago, Ralphy said:

anyone remember this? i recall loving this game as a kid, one of my all time favorite platform games 



I’ve been playing that along with Dynamite Headdy on the Mega Drive Classics that came out on PS4 last week.

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Yooka-Laylee's still decent though. I've enjoyed it on PS4, and I'm sure it's as good on the Switch. Obviously don't be expecting a Mario-beater, but as a fan of Banjo, Conker, and (less so) Donkey Kong 64, it scratches the itch for me.

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Was Yooka Laylee a PS Plus game at some point? The name rings a bell. Saying that, I must have loads of PS Plus games in my library that I haven’t downloaded, hopefully there is something in there to scratch my platforming itch before my Switch arrives

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Completed God of War (PS4)

One of the best gaming experiences I've honestly ever had. Even for someone who had to catch up on the story so far beforehand, I was utterly engrossed in it and the relationship between Kratos/Atreus and how it all finally played out.

Tremendous gaming mechanics and truly enjoyable combat made the game a joy to play through. Only main gripes were the sometimes less than varied enemy types and the lack of super size bosses. But they're minor quibbles in an overall fantastic game.

Hope they can add NG+ too tbh sometime.

I bought God of War 3 Remastered yesterday and started that.

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The reviews of Poi all pretty much said it's decent enough but questioned why anyone would bother playing it when Mario Odyssey was being released that same week. It's on my shopping list for if/when it turns up in my local CEX, so I can use up some credit vouchers.

I've been playing Songbringer on the Switch this weekend. It's a weird slightly psychedelic-looking sci-fi Link To The Past-style dungeon crawler, where the layout of the overworld is procedurally generated based on whatever combination of letters you type in when you start the game. The actual dungeons seem to always be the same though, or at least they've been very similar in the couple of runs I've started. Really enjoyable, but I beat the game in just over 3 hours on my second run and I'm not really sure if the changes to the overworld are really enough to warrant any repeat playthroughs. It's a 7 out of 10 though, so if anyone's fancying anything along those lines it might be worth giving it a try.

Speaking of procedurally generated stuff though, has anyone played the roguelite Metroidvania A Robot Named Fight? It's really superb, like almost can't find any fault with it whatsoever.

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It's pretty tough but really fantastic. The internet was all over it when it was first released but the hype died down quite quickly and it seems to have been largely forgotten already. Not that it especially counts for anything, but I've been keeping a list of my favourite games of the year so far and nothing's bettered it yet.

The End Is Nigh might be worth a look if you're into Super Meat Boy, it's another platformer made by the same developer. Very similar, but scrolls from screen to screen rather than each stage being self-contained screens.

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3 hours ago, zep81 said:

Only main gripes were the sometimes less than varied enemy types and the lack of super size bosses.

Cleaned out the


, then?

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