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Are The Sims 3 & 4 actually worth playing, compared to the original game from way back when? I played Sims 2 and it was shit, with too much unrealistic and gimmickey bollocks. I just wanted to work long hours and come home and piss myself in the living room before crying.

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Sims 2 was my intro to it so I'm used to all the gimmicky bollocks.  However, I think Sims 4 seems to be quite vanilla and built around expansion packs and the like.  I'm not too bothered by all that, as long as I can build a Fritzl cellar and recreate people I hate then remove doors so I can start a fire they can't escape from and burn to death, I'm a happy camper.

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Dead by Daylight was £11 in the PSN sale last week and after having a few goes round my mate's I snatched it up. It's pretty fun, worth the £11 but I'd argue not the £25ish regular price.

I sunk a load of hours into Friday 13th before realising the developers don't know their arse from their elbows and were never going to fix the plethora of issues it has, or they would try to and massively break the game elsewhere (which was commonly what happened). After hearing the massive engine update they've promised for around a year just obliterated the game to the point it's a broken unfixable mess, this seemed like a good alternative.

It's got a lot less going on, but it does make it much more tense. The maps are smaller, the teams are smaller and killers are super beefed up; but it encourages team work and tactics which F13th never did. It's got the licensed DLC for SAW, Texas Chainsaw, Elm Street and Halloween but it gives plenty of free content too so it feels fair. At this point if I was going to buy one of the two, it'd be DbD.

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Star Trek Bridge Crew is fun if you're a Star Trek fan with a Vive or an Oculus (although you can also play it outside of VR). Also, there is Star Trek: The Next Generation DLC on the way!

I also hated FIFA 18, @johnnyboy but it seems most people who play every yearly iteration tend to like it so what do I know?

Edited by SpursRiot2012
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When I first set up my Oculus Rift, for whatever reason, I was bounced straight into the home screen. It was only after I need to reset everything due to some issues that I took the path most new Oculus owners will take (with the touch controllers) and was transported into First Contact. It's really just a tutorial to teach you how to use the controllers but it's really, really fun. It's a first party developed experience so no surprise that it's one of the smoothest, most immersive VR experiences you're going to find. If you get a chance to try that, do so. Also, Superhot is fucking awesome.

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Oh my god. I've only seen two games on E3 so far and I'm absolutely psyched.

Firstly, Fallout 76. It seems to be another full game, taking place in Virginia, set before the previous games and FOUR TIMES THE SIZE of Fallout 4. And as if that wasn't enough...

Finally, a trailer for Cyberpunk 2077. Think Blade Runner, but made by the guys behind The Witcher. Oh my fucking golly gosh.

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I don’t own an X Box and never plan on it but the Microsoft press conference was a lot of fun. 

So far Devil May Cry 5 is probably a day one purchase for me, pumped for the Sony conference tomorrow for Death Stranding, The Last Of Us Part II and the Resident Evil 2 Remake.

Edited by TildeGuy~!
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Bethesda might have just won the E3 press conferences this year. Poked a fair bit of fun at themselves, no cringey voiceovers (that one Microsoft had on The Division 2 was the absokute dirt worst), likeable speakers, and the whole thing just felt really sincere. They've got some tremendous looking games coming up, too. Rage 2, Doom Eternal (more info in August), Elder Scrolls Blades (pretty much a full Elder Scrolls game, only on mobiles and for free), the new content for Prey looks really fun despite the actual game being dull as fuck, and there was the tiniest reveal for the Elder Scrolls 6.

The Fallout 76 online stuff was a big surprise, with the inclusion of what almost seems to be their version of GTA's heists, where you buddy up with your mates to access a bunker, launch a nuclear missile then head off to loot the remains of whatever you've blown up. They reckon the whole thing's playable solo though, which is good news for the antisocial ones. And it's out this year! Hooray! 

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Todd is a dick. When he announced Elder Scrolls Blades, my heart sank. Then to announce ES6 right at the end...

Fallout 76, I'm worried it's not going to be as immersive, the gameplay trailer looked very "battle royale"-esque in places.


EDIT: Also Fallout being always online means no modding, which sucks.

Edited by bigfoote
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Bethesda left me cold, I just can't get excited for their games after Skyrim and Fallout 4 boring me to tears.

Now the Shadows Die Twice and Cyberpunk 2077 trailers gave me goosebumps, can't wait for either of those and the new Dying Light has me interested now they have the greatest videogame writer on-board.

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31 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

Bethesda left me cold, I just can't get excited for their games after Skyrim and Fallout 4 boring me to tears.

You shouldn't be allowed to have nice things.

Waking up this morning to Bethesda announcing they are working on ES6 was a fantastic start to the day. I'm sure it'll be Q4 2019 at the very least before this is released, but at least we know it is being worked on. RDR2 and Fallout 76 later this year, fuckin' A.

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Current speculation is late 2020 as they said that ES6 is the game which they're working on after Starfield

EDIT : Also Starfield is confirmed as a next-gen game so isn't likely to be until 2020 itself. We might even be into 2021-2022 for ES6.

Edited by Bicurious Dad
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