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LPW Nemesis - A real treat (Mention UKFF at the door for free entry)


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I hate myself for doing this but Adam, please read this. I have some advice for you.


(1) Learn when someone is taking the piss, and don't rise to it.


You've repeatedly displayed that you don't understand when someone is just having a laugh and respond to them as though they are serious. Never mind the free tickets/rumble/pie gags, some of the utterly ridiculous things that people have come out with in this thread that you seem to have taken at face value have me asking myself serious questions about your ability to function socially, never mind promote a wrestling event.


(2) Learn to not blow things out of context. Or be a hypocrite.


You use phrases like "bullying" and "harassment" because people have been taking the piss about pies, free entry and the raffle/rumble. You respond with curse words and PMs to members. You talk about going to the police - do you know how ridiculous that sounds? "Officer, some lads took the piss out of me on a wrestling forum." Yeah, I'm sure they'll get right on that after all the murders, rapes and robberies. Also, if you want to be less of a laughing stock, don't post that you aren't posting in the thread any more and then continue to post. Over 20 different times.


(3) Learn professionalism.


(3a) Do not rely on USING the word "professional" because professionals don't need to.


Seriously. Mark Sloan, Andy Quildan, Ben Auld, the PROGRESS lads and any promoters of repute in the country don't need to harp on about how professional they are, because it's evident by their conduct. Primarily, as has already been pointed out, good promoters don't make press releases or forum posts referring to themselves, only to the show. The show is all that matters. This whole thread has been you bickering with forum posters when you should be shilling the hell out of the show. If the show doesn't feature guys that are known outside the local area, highlight how the ticket price represents great value for money for a full card. Draw people's attention to positive feedback past events have received on forums or social media. It's the show you promote, not yourself.


(3b) Get your SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) in order.


If the promotion is to be seen as professional (as you would so dearly love) then anything released in connection to the show needs to be free of some of the glaring errors that litter your posts. I'm not saying it needs to be perfect Queen's English, but sorting out your/you're, there/their/they're and the "could of" abomination is a must. It probably seems minor to some people, but half-arsing this element of your promotion just reeks of "small time." If you're not great with it, get someone else to proofread your stuff for you.


(3c) Absolutely ZERO cursing, picking fights or sending PMs.


Seriously, is this not obvious? The expression "the customer is always right" is not literally true, of course, but the second you start taking an abusive stance against anyone while operating in your capacity as promoter of an event, other potential customers see it, and will be turned off from supporting the product and by proxy supporting you. Having a go at people on a wrestling forum for "not being professional" is ridiculous too - none of us have any obligation to a level of behaviour you deem as "professional" as the majority of us are just posters, and the small number of contributors who are active participants in the business, are by and large not posting on this thread as a representative of their associated promotion i.e. in a professional capacity.


(4) Pay closer attention.


This is probably the least relevant to being a wrestling promoter, but it's apparent that you've repeatedly made requests for moderation to Tiger Rick, who ISN'T a mod, and reported the posts of Butch - who IS a mod. I'm not being funny, but this basically suggests you're oblivious to where it says Moderators under Butch's name and where it doesn't under Rick's. Come on. Reading, it's not hard.


I know it's been said already, but 50-odd pages don't happen if you don't keep biting to all the piss-taking. It gets old quickly if you don't respond - but you responded every time, which was hilarious, consistently bleated on about being professional, which was funnier still, and told us a dozen times a day that you weren't posting any more, which is oxymoronic. You're probably posted more about not posting here any more than any other line of conversation.


If any of this has been of value to you, please present me the pie of my choosing between the raffle and the rumble.

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There is no way he had the reading comprehension or attention span to read all that. You're just pissing in the wind, as is everyone who has tried to give him 'serious advice'. So you're either being dumb, naive, or just love the sound of your own voice and showing how much better you are.


Not aimed at air raid, but in general.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Some of these posts have been ok but there is some rubbish on here and I am asking to remove them parts. We don't need 52 pages should only be 5

Why should my very truthful and honest comments about your shitty attitude towards myself be removed Adam? To make you look better? I could be wrong, but i assume you'd want those removed right? It's about time you faced up to facts mate. Even if ALL the pies, peas, rumble, free entry etc related posts were removed and only factually accurate ones remained. You'll still be seen as a bellend, as you have acted like one throughout. Challenging me to a fight and acting like a bratty kid just because when you messaged me i didn't say what you wanted to hear. Was i rude to you? No. Was i talking about pies? No. I was just straight with you about how your actions have made you look and how it has fuelled this thread to some insane levels of activity. There is nothing you can do here that is goign to make you look any better, nor to get people to feel sorry for you. Best advice, suck it up and grow up.

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You talk about going to the police - do you know how ridiculous that sounds? "Officer, some lads took the piss out of me on a wrestling forum." Yeah, I'm sure they'll get right on that after all the murders, rapes and robberies. Also, if you want to be less of a laughing stock, don't post that you aren't posting in the thread any more and then continue to post. Over 20 different times.



I refer the honorable gentleman to the case of Regina vs Benny which set new president on what wacky shit people will take to the police on this forum.


I'm sure there's a case of Mathews vs UKFF too, although these is still a super injunction on that, boyo.

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I'm in the break room at work and a group of people are talking about some event with karaoke and "Pie and Peas not included" and I honestly think they're on about this.

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I'm in the break room at work and a group of people are talking about some event with karaoke and "Pie and Peas not included" and I honestly think they're on about this.



Nah, they've got that wrong for starters.

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  • Paid Members


I'm in the break room at work and a group of people are talking about some event with karaoke and "Pie and Peas not included" and I honestly think they're on about this.



Nah, they've got that wrong for starters.



What is for starters? Soup of the day with bread roll? Prawn cocktail?

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