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The Relationship Thread


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Also, you're six weeks into a relationship. That's not a foundation for deciding someone is your soulmate; you're still just in that stage of getting to know them.


It's tempting to take the rush of excitement and new relationship energy and decide this is the most important thing in the world but that's not how you create something genuinely lasting. It's taken me a long time to realise that, but it's how I managed to go from jumping between relationships every time that energy died to being able to create a real emotional bond with another human being.

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Genuine Q: why do you guys who've used online dating sites assume that the women on there get bombarded with messages right, left and centre?


Generally, many of them are not shy about forthcoming about the fact they have had twenty billion messages, one of my friends set up a POF account and before she had even uploaded a picture or fleshed out her profile she had 20 messages, none of which were the infamous PoF meets, which are always zillions of miles away.


Add to that and the messages put in profiles about loads of randoms and on associated forums and the like and the hype builds. Basically, the 'accepted' ethos is that women dont have to do the work as the men will come to them. Hence you get a lot of frustrated genuine men, who get no response or lots of 'looks' and no messages and women who cant or dont want to differentiate between genuine and asshole because many messages will be about cock. Of course there will be exceptions, but it's basically Laura Mulvey. Women to be looked at by Men for Sexual pleasure.. 


Tinder is even worse for men, the swipe and meet will get you plenty of bots/fake accounts that will sendyou to spam/virus infected dating sites, because they are easier to use, completely defeating the object of using them in the first place

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I'm obviously the beast I think I am, then, because that's not my experience at all.

When I was on PoF actively I was the 'man of a million views' I think my profile is still active, dunno not checked.. It stands at something stupid like 50 mutual matches and about 700 views.. Responses... Less than a hundred and that includes the PofF invites


Though I did meet lassy mentioned already on there, but in the flesh before we'd sorted a date on there.. which was odd. Same pub at same time. Hang on arent you.. Oh yes I am.. AWKWARD lol


You 'a beast? of all the things, one of the best posters on here and genuine.helped me enough when looking for present for EX of DOOOM!.


Take PoF as basically being the local fleapit nightclub of lore. People are there to pull and fuck all else. If you want to play the game you have to get involved as in be an active participant The poetry reading difiicult type wont get anywhere as pof etc requires contact. and being silent and brooding doesnt translate well online. Even with a fricking quill in mouth, lol.


As mentioned before women generally don't have to do this. You are different,  so mail people keep it light and daft, if nothing still happens get a profile review on the now well hidden PoF forums and see what can be suggested, Don't get disheartened when and if people dont reply, it's not actually a blight on you, unless you are stalking them, but more a case of fickleness and so on. For blokes tats work.. Bumblebee worth airing?

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Can't really give much advice on the online dating front because my experience of it has been awful. Although saying that, a few have moved into being Facebook friends and even though the majority of them have all got partners now we've become good mates in a Facebook sort of way. 


As for the floods of messages to women it's such a huge myth. The majority of messages I got weren't the kind of people I would want to associate myself with, and that's the politest way I can put it. I wouldn't be surprised if they had been on Jeremy Kyle at some point. I remember one evening Millard and I were chatting about my experiences and to give him an example of the kind of messages I was getting I sent a screen cap of one, and the sender resembled Timmy from South Park. He then called me a heartless bitch for taking the piss out of a person in a wheelchair and they need loving too. Truth is I couldn't give a damn about that, it was the fact that he tlkd lyk dis and called me things such as bb and told me how he was going to show me a good time in a not very nice way. 


It did produce some amazing date stories though. Like the born again christian who told me about his snipped penis 20mins after meeting him whilst I was eating a burger. He also left his wife just a month prior, lived with a gay priest and regularly spent weeks here and there living with the monks at the abbey to clear his conscience. I came away with valuable information though because he told me which of the Island's churches were basically massive swinging groups.   

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  • 2 weeks later...

Without being all facebook attention seeking girl here I will just add one thing.


Fuck relationships, fuck love, fuck being there for someone and actually making a life with them. Just fuck all of that.


Now with that said, what's everyone's thoughts on rebounds? Are they healthy, is it just a case of not over thinking it?


And as a mid twenties guy, is it ok to not think about the future and just have fun? I know it's somewhat of a stupid question, but I have had 1 one night stand in my life and hated it, I didn't like it for myself or the girl. It's just a horrible thing in my mind. Plus I actually like talking. Conversation is something I love, Sometimes more than Sexual stuff. But that has gotten me to a point where I don't want to pour my heart out and care for someone as much as I have.


I don't want to do any of this out of spite, but at the same time I don't want to have to think about being alone. Which I guess is where most rebounds occur.

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Nope, enjoy your twenties if you can and savour every wonderful moment coz you're about to spend your thirties being fucking miserable and worrying about everything possible.

When you know you're officially a worthless cunt like ol Branquey here, is when you actually care about the wrapper that's been left or dropped on the kitchen floor.

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