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The Relationship Thread


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So... After weeks of fannying around and chickening out I finally plucked up the courage to [sort of] ask this guy out.

After giving this guy my number I've never seen him since. He's never come back in the pub. He probably did himself in laughing when he sobered up or something and can never show his face in the boozer again.

Don't be like that, maybe he's dead.

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So... After weeks of fannying around and chickening out I finally plucked up the courage to [sort of] ask this guy out.

After giving this guy my number I've never seen him since. He's never come back in the pub. He probably did himself in laughing when he sobered up or something and can never show his face in the boozer again.



That's shitty but I still think its better to risk it and know where your at than always wonder what if. 

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So... After weeks of fannying around and chickening out I finally plucked up the courage to [sort of] ask this guy out.

After giving this guy my number I've never seen him since. He's never come back in the pub. He probably did himself in laughing when he sobered up or something and can never show his face in the boozer again.

I know it's awkward to be around someone who has shown an interest in you and those feelings aren't reciprocated, but that's a pretty chicken shit way to act.

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Gus met Sally girl.


We fucked. She got back with her ex (relationship) I told her she was a moron. She agreed. She was pregnant. It was mine. It destroyed our friendship (the ex bit, not so much the pregnancy) I'm drinking recklessly, even by my pathetic standards.


Kudos to whoever said it would ruin everything and apologies for such an appalling and self-indulgent post on, of all things, a forum ostensibly about wrestling. I'm in the wake of a truly appalling hangover and would rather vent here than phone relatives or something.

Edited by Gus Mears
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Maybe he did a Dryathlon or one of those stupid things where you stop drinking.

Well, he can go fuck himself too then.


Dryathlon? He can still drink lemonade or something, or just ring her and arrange to see her somewhere other than the pub (somewhere like Kew Gardens, for example).


Unless he has a really, really good reason then bollocks to him. He's the one that's missed out and has painted himself as shallow in the process.




Gus, vent away mate.

Edited by Nostalgia Nonce
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Abortion. It's for the best although it makes me feel sad just thinking about.


It's the person she's with, not the fact that she's with someone. Amiable, but utterly fucking useles. I'm there a few days ago when I got the, oh so happy, news (incidentally dropped on me at 2AM while plastered, she then started kissing me: god knows why, to confuse me more?). I'm basically calling him a useless, sackless, twat infront of her and him and she fucking agrees! I'm looking at him and thinking just hit me, shout at me, do something to show that you're not the gormless and vacant pillock I'm accusing you of being. He stands there, looking confused because I'm likely using words with more than 3 syllables.


I don't know who to talk to. This isn't one for my parents (when is it?), nor any of my other close friends. Yeah, I would talk to my best friend, but it might be slightly inappropriate since she's going out with someone I despise and is pregnant with my kid.

Edited by Gus Mears
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Number one: Gus, I'm utterly fucking jawdropped at your predicament. That is some Albert Square stuff!

So there's definitely no chance, none, of you and your one getting together on a permanent basis or at least having a crack at it? Myself and my ex had a child, by accident, out of a relationship that was purely based on clubbing and pills. Soon as she found out she was pregnant, after my initial freak out and selfish, horrendous comments like "Is it mine? Well you're a flirty cunt, so I have to ask! I'll never see the Beach in Thailand. I won't ever get to Ibiza! etc etc", we knuckled down and became responsible adults and what have you.

She's now a manager in Hewlett Packard and I'm not.

But we stayed together for a few more years, and when we broke up, we remained civil and put Jake first all the time, and I swear Stavo, that young lad changed me for the better and made a man out of me!

It might be worth thinking about...but it's a fucked up sitch you're in, there's no hiding from that.


Number two : Monkee, forget about that sap. Seriously, do you really want a coward in your life anyway? Lot of lads would drag themselves by the ballbag through a field of broken glass, salt, cayenne pepper and vinegar to get a lass like your good self, and I couldn't have put it any better than our Digby there.

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Nah, I did actually end up asking her out a few weeks ago in the throes of booze. Both said the big L word which makes me feel even more of a clown. She wanted to talk to the one she's back with to see where they stood because they were on hiatus, which is fair enough. Now, keep in mind, I haven't asked a girl out in a proper relationship sense for five years, it's been a collection of pithy and meaningless one night stands/uni etc. due largely to previous, horrific, relationships, so it's a big deal for me.


I'm basically left wondering what the fuck is going on until I get a text message detailing that she's back out with this other plank 30 minutes before I'm due to go over there. Anyway, that's when the how-do above happened. I don't think I've ever seen anyone look quite as sheepish as her.


She's going through an appalling bout of anxiety at the moment, and I get that, been there and got a rhinestone studded, Chris Jericho lighted, T-shirt. The utterly frustrating thing is that got back with this guy because it is easy, not because it is right. I knew this and she told me as much. He lives around the corner, will cook her dinner every night, clean the flat and tell her she's a fucking sun flower to placate any trials or tribulations. All while doing a fuck-ton of Columbia's finest every other evening. No prospects, no career, not even good looking. But, malleable and expendable once the anxiety subsides a touch and she doesn't need someone about to basically be a member of the Molly Maid's.


I'm not doing great in all honesty. I drove around almost completely at random for most of yesterday afternoon pretty dazed, stopping off, walking through random woods and shit and listening to 'It's No Game (1)' by Bowie as loudly as my stereo would let me while screaming. I felt moderately better. I'll be honest, the thing that has really upset me most isn't even the child thing (which in fairness probably should). It's the fact that all of this has destroyed one of my closest friendships and a bunch of other friendships that I have basically though her (I live 30 miles away and don;t work there any more).


Kids already gone now Scott, I'm afraid. I'm not ready financially, but would have made a decent fist of it. She certainly wasn't ready in present condition. Much obliged for the advice though, really appreciate it.

Edited by Gus Mears
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Monkee its always hard maintaining ones self esteem. As much as people can tell you what a great person you are remind you off your fantastic virtues the unfortunate fact of the matter is that a good proportion of men are silly little arseholes and there isn't anything you can do about it except by thankful you've dodged a bullet

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