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The Relationship Thread


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Can't speak for anyone else, but I personally would be overjoyed if a woman asked me out - mainly because it just doesn't happen normally; it's usually down to me to ask her out.


Usually it's a guy asking for this sort of advice, so I'll tell you what I (and others) tend to say: Go for it. The worst thing that can happen is that he says "No", and you've got just as good a chance of getting a "Yes" anyway. Not to mention that, even if he turns you down, you should feel good for having the courage to put yourself out there. You won't make a tit out of yourself - if he says "Yes", all great, and in the off-chance he says "No", if he's worth a damn, he'll be nice and polite about it. If he's a dick about it, then you shouldn't give a shit because he wasn't worth bothering about in the first place.


Put it another way: would you rather risk regretting never finding out what might have been, or the possibility of being rejected but at least knowing you had the nerve to ask?

Edited by Carbomb
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Girls asking is fine.


I'm equally terrible about approaching women, and would prefer them to show the first signs of interest. On the occasions where I have made the first move, it's usually resulted in expressions of either confusion or revulsion.


Even if he's not interested/already attached/celibate/gay, he'll appreciate the fact that someone was interested in him. Men's egos are fragile like that.

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I got asked out by a Girl In 2009 for the 1st tine ever


Here we are 7 years later I am now married to that same girl with a beautifull daughter


Go for it as others said its better to have asked and been shot down then to do nothing and spend the whole time wondering what might've be

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Yeah it was pretty nerve wrecking, made worse by the fact he was one of my cousins best friends and when I mentioned he and I seeing each other my cousin had said over his dead body and told my fella to stop speaking to me (which lasted all of about 2 weeks).


We had been friends for about 8 months when I told him. We'd become very close in that time and spoke pretty much everyday throughout those 8 months other than those 2 weeks

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Good luck, Monkee. Hope it works out!


Going back to the Tinder debate. I'm banned and have been for 6 months for no reason and no response from Tinder Support, Tinder CEO and various questions on their FB and Twitter.


Lesbian dating is fucking weird, as all everyone seems to want to do is swap pics and vids, an actual date is apparently beyond comprehension.. 

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Possibly full of a lot of "curious girls" in a "safe place" looking to do the least bit of experimenting they can. I could imagine Tinder was full of those types which would make it a fucking pain for genuine girls.


I'm genuinely worried about a few of my guy mates back home about to hit 30 and none have had much of a snifter of a lady as far as I know (although I honestly don't know with two of them they couldve had some experiences). They must all be super shy by now about it. I really want to help them sort it out and find someone nice. The problem is I can't see that ever happening if they stay in their dead end jobs in the village we're from. I'd love to drag them out to Asia with me as I know they'd find a nice simple girl out here probably more in tune with their lifestyles and accepting (this is not a knock on western women in case anyone wants to bring that argument up, just accurate for this situation). If it didnt last it would at least give them some life motivation perhaps which they don't have right now.

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