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Do you realise how many of us have wished we had a girlfriend that dressed up as ROTJ Princess Leia?

Yeah, unfortunately it seems to be hard work weeding through the douche bags, and sadly many blokes fall into the stereotype's that men get, for some reason that is unknown to me completely. Keep going Monkee, there is somebody out there for you! 

Edited by Mr.E
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Just ask her out you big fanny.

Late reading this but it's made me laugh/choke/fart all at once on the train. The fact everyone is now glaring at me makes it even funnier.


The simple things.

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Well, I've got a date on Saturday. Is it a rebound, maybe. Do I actually like the girl, yes. Do I feel slightly better about myself than I have the last fortnight, definitely.

Apologies for my post above given your circumstances. Sounds horrendous but glad you're in a better place. What's your expectations going in?

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No worries dude! We're chatting and it's actually entertaining. Random shit about Midsomer Murders, Girls Aloud, fake beards. My bread and butter.


Laid off the booze for a few days and went for a 8 mile run. Feel a lot better. Expectations... I don't even know. Just getting out is a real improvement.

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Good stuff. As much as I love my whisky, I do feel better after a few days off it.


Hopefully it goes well & continues being stress free and simple. It's something I would like to experience again at some point. Married for years and flings along the way, nothing is simple any more.

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So, had my first Bumble date. But not with any of the people I'd previously mentioned. Was matched by the app, she started talking to me soon after and by the next day, we met up. Was nice, and we're meeting up again in a few days.


Another lady I've been chatting with for a little while, I'm meeting up with for lunchtime coffee this weekend. She's pretty delightful so hopefully it translates to when we meet. Lol

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Strange days, I found out in the space of a week that two of my ex fiancees are pregnant with their new partners. Both came completely out of the blue. One was in person with a definable bump, though she didnt recognise me. the other via a facebook profile change  that saw on one of them On This Day updates.


Given that we actively tried to have kids going as far as IVF or had multiple scares with all three of those i ve been engaged too, how am I meant to feel? I cant have kids now because of the hormone treatment, but all three have gone on to have kids or are pregnant,is weirding me out. I appreciate life goes on and am happy for all involved, however the shock and the sort of kick in the teeth at something in part which caused break ups, in one of the cases. What am I meant to do? shrug brush it off or try and work through it as logic would say that clearly the problem was me, despite the IVF tests showing otherwise.

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So I've been out of my long term relationship for about 9 months now and been interested in this lass for a bit. She invited me on her birthday night out with others last weekend. Things were going well, we went for a meal, I gave her a present I knew she'd like, things seemed to be going well. Moved onto the club, she introduced a bottle of Vodka to the table. I had a bit, trying to fit in, not much of a drinker and that's when the shit hit the fan...The next 3 hours are a blur but by her account I made a bit of a tit of myself. She's still speaking to me 3 days later but what does the UKFF think? Have I blown it?

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