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Michael Owen Hates Films / UKFF Loves Food

Devon Malcolm

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as soon as I read the line "Your Mother Wouldn't like It" I immediately thought of the line "Let's go and meet the gang ... at Palace Hill"

I actually read this with the theme tune playing in my head with that line.

Edited by Carbomb
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Your yorkshire should be crisp enough that you can fill it with gravy and it keeps it in there.  Personally, I bloody love Yorkshire pudding the way my mum used to make it, in a huge tray, so the crust is about 2 inches deep and the "middle" is a large slice.  

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Ha, butties on a Sunday Roast, not done that in years.


In the olden days when men were men they'd use yorkie like bread bowls to eat their food in then eat the bowl afterwards. Well that's what Mr Worrall said in history class. That's how a yorkie should be treated.


I have about half a loaf with every meal.


Yorkshires, if that's true, sound similar to the original make up of the North Wales delicacy of the Oggie. Thick pastry so miners wouldn't get coal dust on the lovely lamb filling.

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Disgusting talk, crispy yorkshire's are the spawn of satan. when they come out they should be slightly crisp around the top with a soft base and then drowned in thick gravy. I also don't want a slice of yorkshire from some massive yorkshire i want it served whole so i don't dream of what i'm missing and i want plenty of them. Should always be homemade too.


Really wish i was having a roast beef dinner tonight :sneaky:

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What's with these arseholes who do these Yorkshires that are supposed to melt in the mouth as well? So much fucking air in them that they'd fly off in a light breeze.

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I don't like roast dinners, because I've never had a good one. Everyone whose house I've ever had roast dinner at does bad ones -- this might be due to a lot of them being Irish or of Irish descent, what with Irish cooking/food being worse than a paedophile's hard drive. I've never ever had decent steak except at restaurants, either, but at least bad home cooking hasn't put me off steak. It has put me off Sunday dinners big time, to the point where I'll usually only have roasters and Yorkshire puddings. Everything else is just too likely to be horrible, and even the potatoes are a risk. I find that I'll enjoy pretty much any Yorkshire pud though, homemade to Aunt Bessie's to Tesco value and whatever else. I've even had those ones with the curry in, I think it was Iceland that did them. I wasn't a big fan of the combination, but the pud itself was alright.


I like the idea of going to a carvery or something and having a proper dinner, but what if their beef is made of rubber like every single bit of beef that everyone I know has ever made? What if they use horrible tinned or mixed frozen veg like all my friends and family? Then I'm [whatever a roast dinner costs] out of pocket and I look impolite to a waitress.


That's why I'm getting my Christmas dinner from McDonalds again.

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I don't like roast dinners, because I've never had a good one. Everyone whose house I've ever had roast dinner at does bad ones -- this might be due to a lot of them being Irish or of Irish descent, what with Irish cooking/food being worse than a paedophile's hard drive. I've never ever had decent steak except at restaurants, either, but at least bad home cooking hasn't put me off steak. It has put me off Sunday dinners big time, to the point where I'll usually only have roasters and Yorkshire puddings. Everything else is just too likely to be horrible, and even the potatoes are a risk. I find that I'll enjoy pretty much any Yorkshire pud though, homemade to Aunt Bessie's to Tesco value and whatever else. I've even had those ones with the curry in, I think it was Iceland that did them. I wasn't a big fan of the combination, but the pud itself was alright.


I like the idea of going to a carvery or something and having a proper dinner, but what if their beef is made of rubber like every single bit of beef that everyone I know has ever made? What if they use horrible tinned or mixed frozen veg like all my friends and family? Then I'm [whatever a roast dinner costs] out of pocket and I look impolite to a waitress.


That's why I'm getting my Christmas dinner from McDonalds again.


It's like listening to Rainman talk about hot dinners.

Edited by Bill Diarrhea
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My introduction to roasts was school dinners as it's not something we've ever had cooked at home. Needless to say they were fucking rancid, so that is my association for them now. It's not like I haven't had a decent one since, but even a decent one is just alright; never something I'd choose given the option.

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Hot water burn gravy!




Most carveries are shit, mate, but you might find a decent pub that does a good one near you. The vegetables are usually the best thing of a crap carvery.

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