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Been suffering with incredibly bad heartburn/acid reflux recently.

Tell me how to get rid of it, as I can't afford to eat fucking Rennies all day.

Also, and this is devastating obviously for me, could it be caused/worsened by crisps, on particular maize ones, as it's happened a few times after eating them.

For noting, I don't have a terribly unhealthy diet but I do eat/drink a lot of shit. 

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31 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Been suffering with incredibly bad heartburn/acid reflux recently.

There isn't one solution. I've had acid reflux all my life, and I highly recommend this book to help diagnose which type you have:

Coping Successfully with Hiatus Hernia https://amzn.eu/d/hXLHX5K

Sometimes it's diet, sometimes it's a sleeping issue, sometimes there is psychological reason, sometimes it's a slight misalignment of the oesaphagus (this is my issue and very complex to fix with surgery). I have to watch what I eat, but more importantly when. 

Read up about it, but expect to talk to a consultant for a true diagnosis. Bad news: a friend of mine has been working towards a solution for over a year, a miserable yoghurt and water filled year. 

But lay off the Krunchi puffs anyway. 

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20 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Thanks @Onyx2 much appreciated. 

I smoked today after not doing so for a few weeks and that seems a trigger as well.

I will never ever give up crisps or spicy noodles. I'll crush up Rennies on them if I have to.

I have some ongoing health problems and one of the cocktail of drugs I’m on is Omeprazole, which helps with the acid reflux amongst other things. However I’m not sure if I’m prescribed it as something to deal with the side effects of some of the other drugs, but it’s worth mentioning if it’s continuous to your GP and see what they say. Hope you get better, you crisp loving motherfucker. 

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As some of you saw back in July I’ve been working hard to lose some weight this year.

Had my final weigh for the year this morning, and since January 1st I’m down a total of 64lbs.
While progress has slowed down since around August, which I knew would happen at some point, I have still managed to lose something each month apart from one, where I gained 1lb in October.

At the risk of sounding like I’m putting myself over, I’m really proud of what I’ve achieved. It’s been hard work and while I’d still like to lose a little more (maybe another 20lbs would take me just under 15st), I feel physically better than I have in many years

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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  • 3 months later...

Was regularly hurting/straining my back last year lifting my baby daughter in/out of her car seat. Did a few weeks of a movement course and was feeling 100% . Started back swimming in Jan and was up to 1.5km and ……….fucked my back again with the fucking car seat..

So frustrating, cant so anything strenuous now for a month and can see my progress whittle away and the pounds slowly re-appear. 

Just felt like a bit of a moan/rant…

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1 hour ago, Browser Brady said:

Was regularly hurting/straining my back last year lifting my baby daughter in/out of her car seat. Did a few weeks of a movement course and was feeling 100% . Started back swimming in Jan and was up to 1.5km and ……….fucked my back again with the fucking car seat..

So frustrating, cant so anything strenuous now for a month and can see my progress whittle away and the pounds slowly re-appear. 

Just felt like a bit of a moan/rant…

Try planking daily mate. Start with whatever you can do, and build up. I don't know where you're back pain is but most people get it in the lower back, planking literally strengthens the whole area of the lower back where its common to get pain. 

Working a lot on hips and mobility aswell can alleviate back pain. 

Keep it moving as much as you can aswell with back pain, funnily enough one of the worst things you can do is sit and not do much. 

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10 hours ago, NeverYield said:

Try planking daily mate. Start with whatever you can do, and build up. I don't know where you're back pain is but most people get it in the lower back, planking literally strengthens the whole area of the lower back where its common to get pain. 

Working a lot on hips and mobility aswell can alleviate back pain. 

Keep it moving as much as you can aswell with back pain, funnily enough one of the worst things you can do is sit and not do much. 

Do you know what, this is great advice.

Thanks. Sometimes just seeing things written down helps. Just a standard plank or side planks too ? 

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17 minutes ago, Browser Brady said:

Do you know what, this is great advice.

Thanks. Sometimes just seeing things written down helps. Just a standard plank or side planks too ? 

Standard plank mostly but side planks won't go amiss. 

This one sounds funny but holding the position in a deep squat helps aswell, or 'the horse stance', goes to work on lower back, hips, and strengthens that area aswell. 

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I’ve finally got back up to benching 160kg nice and clean after my bursitis last year severely hampered my pushing strength for months and months and then I got back up to a 250kg deadlift after months of being stuck back on 240kg and I pulled a muscle in my sexy arse cheek. Think I gain more injuries than actual gains at this point. Started to concentrate on less arduous tasks and have been getting my 19 stone thunder chunk frame to do over 10 pull ups since the first time ever. 

I don’t think I can stay motivated without having strength goals but I’m going to concentrate on higher rep lower weight support lifts around the big lifts and pick up the hiit for cardio because under this juicy exterior lies the body of Bolo Yeung.

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49 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

I’ve finally got back up to benching 160kg nice and clean after my bursitis last year severely hampered my pushing strength for months and months and then I got back up to a 250kg deadlift after months of being stuck back on 240kg and I pulled a muscle in my sexy arse cheek. Think I gain more injuries than actual gains at this point. Started to concentrate on less arduous tasks and have been getting my 19 stone thunder chunk frame to do over 10 pull ups since the first time ever. 

I don’t think I can stay motivated without having strength goals but I’m going to concentrate on higher rep lower weight support lifts around the big lifts and pick up the hiit for cardio because under this juicy exterior lies the body of Bolo Yeung.

Strong numbers there mate. Plenty of rehabbing the living daylights out of it and proper warm ups have you back in full form soon enough. 

Good goal with the 10 pulls and I personally love calisthenics, both bodyweight and weighted, alongside regular strength and hypertrophy training. I'd say weighted pull ups is the number one back exercise in my opinion, and if you do feel injury prone In certain areas weighted calisthenics can provide gains and a more natural movement. A friend of mine had major issues with his rotator cuff and even after it was better he could feel it sometimes during bench and OHP, I told him to work his way toward weighted dips, both on bars and rings, and weighted deficit push ups and his push strength is still brilliant and chest and shoulders very aesthetic. It doesn't always work that way though, weighted dips can still exacerbate a rotator cuff issue, but it doesn't in all people.


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My heart seems to have gone down the Kermit, or whatever the potentially non-serious version of that is.

Before Christmas I'd got fit as a fiddle and could do 60 or even 90 minutes on the Peloton, doing the hard classes and whatnot. I hadn't dieted with it so weight was broadly the same, but whatever.

I got ill at Christmas with Covid, and the first workout back was a bit of light yoga and I passed out after 15 minutes. Presumed it was just a bit of post-covid gip, so gave it another week and since I've been able to do 30 minutes running every now and again (though far harder to recover than prior to Christmas). Anyway, last month or so my resting heart rate seems to have dropped from the 60s into the low 50s, and my heart keeps stopping at night. Every night for weeks up at 3am as my heart just completely stops every 20 seconds or so. 

I went to see a GP, who sent me to a cardiologist... he's broadly confident it's nothing serious (though maybe a bit non-committal for my liking), but is sending me for an Echo tomorrow and then getting a 7 day monitor fitted later in the week.

Bit gutted to be honest, as its making it a) harder for me to commit to exercising in case my heart pops and b) paradoxically, it's had me comfort eating shit food which makes it worst.

36 years old, 18 stone and a dickie ticker? Good grief. Where did it all go so wrong? (Not a question that needs answering, you bastards).

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Covid is such a fuck. Just the, y’know, 200 deaths in the last week. Blows my mind how normalised it is now. No boosters for working age people, no paxlovid for working age people, just get seriously ill for a few days with usually weeks of recovery and potentially months or years of the virus just hanging around your system causing all kinds of havoc. Cheers tories!

Sorry @d-d-d-dAz not trying to armchair diagnose you, it just reminded me what a shitter covid is. I hope it’s nothing too serious and you’re back to full pelotonning soon. 

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5 minutes ago, hallicks said:

Covid is such a fuck. Just the, y’know, 200 deaths in the last week. Blows my mind how normalised it is now. No boosters for working age people, no paxlovid for working age people, just get seriously ill for a few days with usually weeks of recovery and potentially months or years of the virus just hanging around your system causing all kinds of havoc. Cheers tories!

Sorry @d-d-d-dAz not trying to armchair diagnose you, it just reminded me what a shitter covid is. I hope it’s nothing too serious and you’re back to full pelotonning soon. 

To be honest, I've been trying to downplay the covid thing as I don't want to sound like one of those tinfoil hat guys, but both the GP and the specialist have now said they think it's more likely that than it is lifestyle specifically (as I say, I'm a big lad but got a bit of muscle still on the frame, the weight fluctuates a bit and I've always maintained fairly decent cardio fitness - at my most out of shape I could still do 10k walks or jog for half hour).

It is mad to think the damage covid still causes, if it does turn out to be that.

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