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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Surprised Jake got such a prominent spot, but I guess that entrance music deserves to be in the main events. Jake now looks like a normal fella rather than a walking bollock, which is a bit of a miracle.


The Shield storyline is ticking along well. The fans in the arena seem to be into it and clearly view Roman Reigns as the star of the group, which will make life easier for WWE once they turn him babyface, as they'll not have to try so hard to convince us manky lot that he's their next star. The rise of Roman Reigns seems to be an easy project, as we're all after a bit of his cock.


Bad News Barrett is shite, but his rising podium is brilliant. Such as waste.

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Red, white and blue ropes make everything better forever. A good Raw that could have been a great Raw in front of a better crowd.


You can't complain too much though when you have JAKE THE SNAKE ROBERTS show up in a leather jacket looking like his day job is being a kidnapper. That music is fantastic to this day and as has been said the whole ring was marking out. Ambrose kind of dropped a half smile, half grimace when Damian was dumped on him that stood out a bit but hopefully nothing will come of it as it was just a bit of nostalgia tacked on at the end. Or was it? Jake surely at least now enters the arena of being a legend on tap, much in the vein of Slaughter and IRS [who I like to think just always, always shows up to Raw dressed as IRS, just in case you know].


Flair looked half pissed in the opening segment although it could be me reading in to things that aren't there or Flair just showing it more in his old age. I'm sure he was always half pissed whenever his job for the night didn't involve a match. He really is looking too sinewy to even do Old Ric Flair without a bit of tackiness about it these days. Lord knows how or why Triple H managed to keep himself away from the segment seeing as he is 'Naitch's biggest fan and you have the whole Evolution dynamic going on. A gullible part of me is actually swallowing up the "John Cena and Randy Orton fight in ordinary wrestling match, the way it should be" angle this is all playing out on and the idea that it could be there last time going at it and that we are getting it out of the way before WrestleMania has me not minding the 'Rumble match as much as I initially did.


Ambrose' channeling of The Joker seems to have stepped up a bit again since the whole crack in The Shield started being teased. He was all over the place in that Piper's Pit segment. Reigns still stole it though. The calm, smart arse line at the end of the other two's verbiage is working out well for him now and I don't think he should be doing any more than that as he slowly builds into the breakout star and main event player but it does make one wonder how he will change his game up once he gets there. What he is doing now, if he gets near enough for comparisons sake to that level Batista was at in 2005, is not enough I feel and that he needs a few more in ring trademarks and things he regularly says or does. I don't know ... it's like his act isn't quite complete yet.


Too Cool looked in fine tack. Alright Rikishi is a boat of a creature but for what limited things he has to do it worked out fine alongside the other two. Something about Grandmaster - chalk it up to him being Brian Christopher - tells me that it's that fake tan and last minute powder and gym blitz kind of in shape and not actual in shape but still I thought they looked well. Scotty II Hotty still comes off as one of the few people in the whole of wrestling who may be a pretty decent guy.


Daniel Bryan's cartoonish facials and po faced promo skills might have to do a small bit of catching up to really make the Wyatt thing lift. It's probably only going to last a few weeks though so whatever.


I can't remember anything else that happened apart from Arn Anderson now being one of The Godfather's hos. Sure am getting a bit excited, though. People start looking at the big neon WrestleMania sign all the time pretty soon.

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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They really should plan their RAW calender a lot better in the future. With the right crowd in the right state/city that Jake Roberts moment would have been amazing. As it was, it was just a little flat but thats no fault of the guys in the ring or Jake himself. The music is still brilliant and Jake looked the part, although he does look a bit too civilian with the short back and sides. A moment that fully deserved a show closing moment but it just couldve been so much more.

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Echoing the love for Ryback on commentary. I love the big guy so much.


Cole: So how did you come up with the name RyBaxel?

Ryback: Well Cole, you just put Ryback and Curtis Axel together, moron! Hahahaha!


I hope him and Langston have a proper feud. With arm wrestling, weight lifting competitions...all that good shit. It'll be gold.

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I was about ready to call the Two Cool and Rikishi return as moment of the night until Jake walked out at the end. Was trying hard not to scream out loud when his music hit in case I woke the house up. Kudos to WWE for keeping that quiet, just wish he'd done the DDT on Ambrose before pulling the snake out

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Anyone else catch one of the lads in the ring say "it's PG now Jake, PG!" when Jake was waving the snake around?


Indeed :laugh:


Was it the Roadogg?


Is there a special technique to brandish a snake in a PG manner?


I would guess not holding it between your legs dangling it in someones face?

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