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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I was surprised how many people said they looked the business. Less so Anderson, but I thought Gallows' ring gear was ridiculous. He looked like a latter day Nasty Boy cosplaying as The Punisher. Which, as I type, I realise it doesn't sound that bad but nah, not for me.

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I was surprised how many people said they looked the business. Less so Anderson, but I thought Gallows' ring gear was ridiculous. He looked like a latter day Nasty Boy cosplaying as The Punisher. Which, as I type, I realise it doesn't sound that bad but nah, not for me.

It's certainly no Cesaro's Velcro suit :)

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I'm taking the week off Cesaro.


I feel like I shouldn't carry on tub thumping.


And fairs fair, he did look cool as fuck angrily shaking his tits at Mizter and Mizzes after clumping him with an uppercut...


...nah, just kidding. He looked shit. His taunt looks like his arms are dual canons on a tit tank.


But, no, I'm having the week off...

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I worry long term for Gallows and Anderson. I think people are buying into this idea they are Hall and Nash, and they arent. They got a bit of hype when they arrived, and even though I like them both, they arent anything special. And Fin Balor isnt Hogan or HHH or Ric Flair. He's not the big star with the gift of the gab leading the gang of rebels. Generally for groups like this to work, you need the big leader at the front, giving it large and they dont have that. They had a decent tag team and Fin Balor, who hasnt set the world on fire in NXT just yet. This Bullet Club thing might be the new League of Nations in a few months.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Gallows is great. But so is Luke Harper. My point is that its not like this is a different guy to what they had in 2010. Its not like Gallows and Anderson can live on their "they were good in Japan" status for much longer. Which seems to be their whole gimmick at the minute.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Its not like Gallows and Anderson can live on their "they were good in Japan" status for much longer. Which seems to be their whole gimmick at the minute.


I don't know, it worked wonders for Giant Bernar...oh. Carry on.

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There's a few people in here putting the ratings on Reigns and I don't think that's far. He's barely on the shows outside of one short promo and a match. If they really are changing direction, they'll have to stomach the ratings drop for a while.

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There's no single wrestler on the roster that can carry the company yet but it's one of the most diverse and talented roster pools they've ever had. WWE's fan base is now so wide and varied, and there's so much programming, that you'd think they'd push a few different wrestlers - kind of one star for each section of the audience. Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins would fit that bill perfectly. Raw would be much more bearable if each third was built around those three, rather than the entire show (and company) being built around one guy. It'd take so much pressure and heat off Reigns too.


For all the reasons Attitude didn't sux, one of the main reasons was because of how diverse the main event crew were. Austin, Rock, Trips, Mankind, Undertaker. They were all unique. Even for much of last decade you still had Michaels, Undertaker, Cena, Punk, Bryan. Now we've got Reigns, part-time Lesnar, and a few others way below that.


Edit: Meant decade, not year.

Edited by Undefeated Steak
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The trouble with Luke Gallows is he's fairly rubbish at being a big serious wrestler. He's great at being Sex Ferguson or fucking about in shoot interviews, but it never really translates to the wrestling stuff in what I've seen of his career so far. But the APA did a lot of comedy and it helped them tremendously, so I feel like that kind of role (which isn't a million miles away from what he's doing now) could work for him. His partner should be Domino though.

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Blaming Reigns for falling ratings is fairly ridiculous as ratings have been dropping for years. Ratings have been consistently going down with fan faves like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and John Cena in the top spot. There's loads of reasons why they are going down, but the main one probably is that WWE just isn't paticularly interesting as a whole any more. There hasn't been consistently good programming for years now and it's just led to general apathy which is why ratings haven't stopped dropping.

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Well, it's the lack of star power. They don't book anyone like a star apart from Reigns, who's unfortunately very much not the guy, despite his oft-repeated wooden promo. He's not the only problem, but if people aren't staying tuned (or even staying in the building, as apparently happened this week), then that's really the ultimate indictment of how much people are buying into him.


The whole "he appeals to kids" thing doesn't wash, either. Kids make up 25% of the audience. Kids are far, far easier to manipulate than adults. So really what they're saying is, "we can manipulate children to cheer who we want them to." Great job, guys.

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