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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Aye that's cool cheers, I assume WWE edit and send out those formats to sky. I agree that match is prime for the scrap heap, but it's the debut of 2 new stars who caused a bit of havoc. There was no replay or 'look what happened earlier' which I assume were also scrapped.


A daft scrap in my book, unless they don't plan to use them on Raw.

I reckon this sort of editing suggests Sky edit it. They have that Raw Highlights on Sky1 also which I assume gets a third edit

Possibly, but they must be told 'who' to edit, how would they know to edit the fucking uso's, unless the sky editor is in the know... If they are in the know, WWE should bollock them for editing out the debut of 2 new stars.

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Yep, it's the dialling code there. Hence Tazz's tiresome "DIAL IT UP, COLE!" whenever he'd set up the move.


God, Tazz was shit on commentary.


I once saw a "WWF Tribute" show near Manchester where 'Raymond Stereo' set up his finisher and the ring announcer tried to get people chanting 0161.

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Aye, that's cracking — reminds me of someone mentioning Leo Casino in the deadthread on Off Topic — I wasn't paying much attention, thought that Leo Casino was someone who'd passed away, who I'd never heard of. Leo Casino is a blinding name, would make a great gimmick — I'm imagining Alexei Sayle's Bobby Chariot character, as a wrestling gimmick.

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Sure beats Dave Mysterio Jr, who I saw on an NWA New Jersey show and wasn't even meant to be a "tribute."

I bet you've seen some shit in your life, Lister, have you ever wrote about the worst of the worst?

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I wish crowds would stop chanting for JBL. Call yourself a smart fan? Then boo the fucker for being the absolute shitarse that he is. Actually I don't care if you're a smart fan or not, stop trying to get yourself over by whatever twisted logic you think chanting for that bellend makes you clever.

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Looks like we're getting the Bullet Club v The Shield soo, then. Be interesting if that finally gets Reigns his cheers. Great matches ahead. Wonder if Balor joins them?


Miz is doing a fantastic job dragging Cesaro up to a decent level. In the midcard, he's a sublime heel.

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I wish crowds would stop chanting for JBL. Call yourself a smart fan? Then boo the fucker for being the absolute shitarse that he is. Actually I don't care if you're a smart fan or not, stop trying to get yourself over by whatever twisted logic you think chanting for that bellend makes you clever.

This crowd popped for James Corden. They forfeit any right to be called smart.


By the numbers show. Gallows and Anderson attacking Reigns and the "Are they working with AJ?" dilemma was the only really interesting aspect.


Reigns' "I'm not a bad guy..." line is already wearing thin. Use it as a tag line by all means but never have him say it again.


Enzo & Cass vs. Vaudevillains in the tag final is a surprise but welcome.


Can't decide if that tiny video package on Apollo Crews is progress or not. It was just so bland, bit like poor Apollo. Was thinking it's a pity they don't have an X-Division. He'd blow people away in those matches and his lack of charisma wouldn't matter.


Sheamus was World Champion in December. Now he's taking the fall to get over a guy for an IC title shot. What a drop.

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Reigns' "I'm not a bad guy..." line is already wearing thin.

Absolutely. They're shitting this up already. It was brilliant and natural when he first said it, repeating it every week and ramming it home is not the way to go. Have other people reference it, such as commentators, as much as they like but if he keeps bleating on about it then he sounds like a stuck record chump.

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(Theyre doing WCW'S idea)


I'd do something inspired by the DDP/nWo angle, where Gallows and Anderson keep trying to recruit their old pal and get involved in his matches, but he doesn't want their help.

They cost him the Reigns match out of spite, along with their "real leader" Finn Balor and you do an AJ/Balor feud out of it. If they were going this route though, you'd think Balor would have dropped the NXT belt by now.

Surreal seeing Gallows and Anderson doing references to their podcast on a Raw segment, although saying things are surreal in 2016 WWE is getting a bit redundant. Excellent stuff.

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