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Hasn't Zayn only had 2 or 3 appearances on Raw altogether?


There was the match against Cena where he injured himself swinging his arms about during his entrance. He faced Miz last week, but I can't remember any other Raw matches or appearances. So to say that he showed up one week and just started having overlong matches with the Midcard Club is a bit of a stretch.


Of course, I could be wrong, but I don't think he's been on Raw that much at all.

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Has Sami Zayn cut a promo yet? Or had a backstage vignette or video package? Admittedly, I usually watch Raw in the background whilst I tidy my flat, and I almost never watch Smackdown, but it feels like he showed up one week and then immediately just started having overlong matches with the mid-card chumps. I had such high hopes for him, but it feels like his call up to the main roster may have been the worst one yet.

A couple of backstage promos I think, and there was a Miz TV feat Owens and Zayn on a Smackdown that I really liked.

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Jesus Christ, give him sometime. Take away the rumble appeance, he showed up again on the March 7th RAW, which was only 2 weeks ago. What are you expecting to him to have done of significance in such a short amount of time?


And worst one yet? Tyler Fucking Breeze, Bo Dallas and Adam Rose arn't exactly setting the place on fire are they

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Tyler Breeze is easily the worst of the callups so far


At least Bo Dallas, Adam Rose, The Ascension had some vignettes to introduce them and had a bit of a push for a month or so when they debuted, Tyler Breeze just appeared one week out of the blue and on Smackdown no less as well If I recall


Was given an awfull Feud and storyline with Ziggler and Summer Rae which resulted in numerous pointless rematches between the 2, after all that Summer Rae and Breeze just seperate with no story or anything and in the 3 or so Months since then I think he has had 1 maybe 2 Raw matches. 

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My thinking is that at least Adam Rose and Bo Dallas had vignettes to build their debut up, to give them a bit of a character, and Tyler Breeze was injected into that feud with Ziggler and given a valet. I know it's early days, but I expected more. You only get one chance to make a first impression.


Plus, you can say he's only been around three weeks, but that simply can't be true. That boring, back and forth match with Stardust at Roadblock lasted at least seven months.

Edited by Supremo
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I sort of agree with Supremo. So far, the decision to add him to Raw/Smackdown has felt a bit arbitrary. I'm sure they have plans for him in the future, but he just seems like a complete after thought due to 'Mania. No idea why they didn't wait a month or two, but again the decision seems like it was made on a whim.


Maybe the idea is to keep his push low-key to replicate the Daniel Bryan thing, but WWE are hardly subtle (or, indeed, any good) when it comes to planning this sort of thing.

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I think it's fair to say that so far they have made a dog's dinner of nearly all of the NXT call-ups over the past couple of years. I think the Wyatt Family are probably the only act they did really well with, with months of massive hype culminating in a heavily promoted and therefore hotly anticipated debut segment on Raw. It felt important. The Shield weren't even an NXT act, so I can't count them. The majority of promotions to the main roster have come in the form of appearances out of the blue, expecting the broader TV audience to already know everything about the characters from the Network exclusive niche product.

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That Undertaker announcement was weird. Ending the show with a Braun Strowman match was weird. The Wyatt's are still hovering worrisomely close to the Lesnar/Ambrose feud, and Mania in general. I hope they don't get involved and fuck it all up with their shitness.


I almost feel sorry for Roman, as he's looked like a badass the last two weeks but he's so utterly dead in the water that it doesn't matter.


They continue to make Ambrose look the man with those out-of-arena segments. Seeing Funk was cool too.


So yeah, Dean Ambrose and AJ/Jericho are totally carrying my interest in Wrestlemania.


It's hilarious that Sin Cara, Zack Ryder and Stardust have got a spot on the Mania card, especially considering their role last night was to play the part of 'shitarses Owens would happily face'.


Fucking Zack Ryder.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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That Terry Funk segment was lazy WWE at it's finest. "That Foley bit from last week turned out well. Let's just do it again with someone else."


Then halfway through it one of the idiot announcers blurts out "That's Terry Funk! "...either you know who Funk is or you don't. And while you can imagine Dean using the barbwire bat there's no way he's using a chainsaw unless they are actually going to murder Brock on live TV. And the final bit of intelligence insulting was Dean wondering if Funks chainsaw still works after all these years despite it clearly being a shiny brand new chainsaw they obviously just bought for the segment. Ugh.

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Pretty inconsequential show. Hilarious that after two years of complaints about no build for guys outside the arena, no training vids, etc, we get MMA coaches, Wrestling legends, training videos and putting over the legit toughness of ... Shane McMahon.


I enjoyed the Ambrose and Funk stuff. Because it's something, fucking anything, different. Same with the Reigns/Trips stuff again. Roman standing staring ruefully after the car is typical WWE shit production but at least the brawl was something other than a match no-one wants to see.


The New Day insults to LoN were dire. And I know I should be over this by now but Rusev losing still makes me cry my fucking eyes out.

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Ryder being given a Wrestlemania spot is proper 'don't ask questions' stuff. It can't be a reward for working with the useless lump he's with on NXT. Sin Cara I can look the other way at because he's at least been on TV, but Ryder can go whistle.


Im looking forward to Ambrose pulling out a chainsaw at Wrestlemania though, why else have that segment. Obviously he's missing, but I reckon take a swing and cut the announce desk in half of something

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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