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Yeah, echo the sentiments floating around that Reigns not being around these last two weeks feels like awful timing to flatten a guy out inadvertently. It is vintage Triple H though, insist on being put in the position to put the other guy over, but the entire promotion is about him on a weekly basis, he steamrolls the guy, will lose in the end, but the next week it's straight back to HHH trying to get his heat back.


Mania 30 was a classic example. Dominates Bryan for months, loses on the big night, next night on Raw Evolution leaves him a crippled mess to set up the next feud, the Shield. Shield matches end with putting them over, great stuff, except it moves to Seth's turn and HHH as the king of the show. And we're still there. I'm deathly afraid of HHH losing at Mania and then insisting on being involved in the next big angle (with Shane, perhaps), that is still more important than anything else. Broken record on the Trips power plays, I know, but they're not doing everything to get Roman over until they get all the wrestlers out of the shadow of the Authority. Consider that Austin Vs. Vince went a total of 16 months before they fucked Vince off at Fully Loaded 99. The Authority has been around for two and a half years. Bloody hell.


It was lovely when they broke Taker's streak and Bryan vanquished everybody and it felt like they were going to get rid of all the old tropes and give us a new WWE. Mania 32 feels very much like that time is overdue. 


AJ Styles looked awesome last night, Goddamn he was great.

Edited by Liam O'Rourke
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I just don't hold with the opinion that he had all the tools to be the top star.

Who's even said that?


The post above mine that I was replying to:



Reigns had everything to be a star and they wasted him by making him Cena.


We don't even really disagree that much and I respect your opinion - we only differ in that I think they have done as much as they can and yourself and some other posters think that they should have done more to protect and push him. Both of us agree on what his limitations are... I just have the opinion that these overshadow the positives to a point where he is never going to 'the guy' no matter how he is booked :)

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I just don't hold with the opinion that he had all the tools to be the top star.

Who's even said that?



The post above mine that I was replying to:




Reigns had everything to be a star and they wasted him by making him Cena.


Ah, Fair enough. I think he's referring to the same things I mentioned. Reigns has the elements they want but I don't think anyone is blind to his flaws. They're never going to get anywhere near the finished article these days because there's nowhere else for people to become seasoned. It's not just a Roman Reigns debate. They've done a shit job with Wyatt, Ambrose and Rollins too. None of them are anything like the stars they should be although Ambrose has some of the D-Bry qualities about him and is getting great reactions in spite of them.

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Having Reigns STILL be out after HHHs attack the other week hardly helps matters either.

Especially since Ambrose was launched through a car windscreen and was back in the same show.


To be fair, WWE have had no qualms making Reigns look a total fanny in the past few months. Just look at the Royal Rumble.


Oh, I agree with you I am just baffled why they are doing it.

Maybe I just refuse to believe they are THAT clueless.

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Why after seeing his best pal get smashed all over the gaff, then himself get volleyed about last week was Ambrose content to DDT Hunter then stroke the belt, bloke should have gone mental and destroyed some furniture all with a crazed look on his face. I mean, he's crazy after all isn't he, maybe just not in the revenge department.


Fucking hell AJ was good, that springboard inverted DDT came off a treat tonight, best I have seen it in forever, absolute credit to Kofi, the guy is so good in the ring, his timing is impeccable.

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You could see another Y2J heel turn coming a mile off. Jericho is suited more as a heel.  Looks like another Jericho V Styles match at Roadblock then. Or maybe it could happen at Mania with a stipulation added if Jericho doesn't beat AJ this time he'll never wrestle again. Or something to that effect.


I'm liking the new direction of Ryback just go to the ring kick the shit out of someone and then return to the back without fucking around and playing up to the fans and no more "Feed Me More" bullshit. 

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I think Shane vs Taker could end up a bit like Sting vs Hogan in TNA a few years back, a complete throw-back match that sounds a bit shit on paper but turns out to be an absolute belter and possible MOTY contender (unless you're a RoH/Japanese Indy work rate mark). Or it could just be a bit shit.


Either way it's certainly the most intriguing match on the card.

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I just don't hold with the opinion that he had all the tools to be the top star.

Who's even said that?

The post above mine that I was replying to:




Reigns had everything to be a star and they wasted him by making him Cena.

Ah, Fair enough. I think he's referring to the same things I mentioned. Reigns has the elements they want but I don't think anyone is blind to his flaws. They're never going to get anywhere near the finished article these days because there's nowhere else for people to become seasoned. It's not just a Roman Reigns debate. They've done a shit job with Wyatt, Ambrose and Rollins too. None of them are anything like the stars they should be although Ambrose has some of the D-Bry qualities about him and is getting great reactions in spite of them.

Yep, just to clarify I meant he had everything WWE look for in their stars.

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I am absolutely convinced that the WWE have pulled off a tiny stroke of genius with Shane McMahon. Even if the promise of change is all just for the sake of furthering the storyline until Dallas, they've essentially turned this build into a conduit for the past year of fan backlash against the product which is absolutely fucking brilliant, in no way accidental and shows WWE know exactly whats going on when they want to be.


You can call Vince being called out on air repeatedly over being out of touch just script dressing to further a kayfabe family feud all you want but I think what they've done here is used all that angry fan discourse and lack of enthusiasm for this years WrestleMania and when nobody was looking grabbed a pitchfork themselves and joined the fans. Listen to the pops for the idea of WWE's declining quality being something easily remedied by Shane taking over Raw. It's brilliant. Just like when they finally caught on with Bryan they've decided to ride the fans own wave with them. 


Dean Ambrose dropping kiddy one liners in his new guise as the uncrowned king was a dodgy sign though. Sure he's worked with goofy material for nearly two years now but the childish jibes last night seemed much more bullet point than usual. That brief pause after comparing kids to being "just like people but smaller" on his part seemed to be him more or less telegraphing "yeah that was shit, wasn't it."


Fans will give him the benefit of the doubt much more than they will Reigns though. He's their chosen one. Bryan was wank on the mic quite a bit too and nobody minded. And Ambrose does have kids to play to. He's over with everyone. 

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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Really enjoyed that Raw. The Owens/Neville match, Zayn surprise and tag title match made it an above par Raw on its own, but then you have this (from 2:02):



Da Big Guy delivering the running knee and following it up with a Go To Sleep hand gesture, in Chicago. What a man. When Punk finally returns, a match with Ryback (who will be the biggest star in the world by that point) will be MONEY.

Edited by PunkStep
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I think whats killed it with Reigns for me is him winning the title twice already, I think part of the fun was the chase for the title but he's already won it twice so does anyone care if he wins it again?


I thought it was a masterstroke having Sheamus cash in and they should have had Reigns chasing the title all the way to Mania with everyone wanting him to do it properly. 


Raw was decent, hot crowd, Tag match & Neville Owens was quality. 

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