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Owens/Zayn & Jericho/AJ would be two good additions to Mania's undercard IMO.


Owens/Zayn has a great little back story to it with being mates, the indies, NXT etc, and Jericho/AJ with a bit more heat instead of just wresting to see "who is the better man" should give the match a fresher feeling.


Still not convinced that's where they will go though, and can just see all 4 lumped into some sort of multi man match for the IC title though.


I also imagine the tag titles will be a 4 way New Day/Uso's/Dudleys/League of nations now?

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I hope they don't just stick Owens and Zayn into a multi man match. If your going to bring Zayn up you need to showcase what he can do, which won't happen in a multi man match because at some point he'll end up on the floor for five minutes until his next spot comes around. If they're going to do Zayn v Owens, I reckon it could be a really fun way to open the show

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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It's mental that in the final month on "road to WrestleMania" one half of the main event and supposed new number changer is such an after thought. I imagine Reigns is turning up at Roadblock to save his pal to the sound of ringing boos, but really the main event people probably want the most is Ambrose v Lesnar for the title. But it's, again, mental if they go that way given the amount of time spent on this eventual title match.


Pretty mind-boggling they've done 2 long builds for Reigns and completely botched both of them. It could have been 3 years of them getting it wrong if they didn't decide late in the day to give the fans that excellent Bryan WrestleMania.


Anyway, decent show. Shane should just stick to doing the muay thai clinch because his punches still make Randy Orton look less of a star.

Pleased Jericho has turned heel; he has a chance of being genuinely dynamic and interesting as a heel, and it's a long time since that was the case. Their match was good fun and AJ Styles is the best seller in the company.

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They'd be mental not to go Owens vs. Zayn one-on-one at WrestleMania, with their backstory and ability it could turn into a classic and really rocket launch their careers.


If there's any multi-man match it should probably involve Kalisto, Neville, Ryback etc for the US Title. Styles & Jericho have done enough to warrant a singles match also.

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To be fair 'they' haven't. WWE have done absolutely everything in their power to get Roman over.

They've cut his balls off repeatedly

Only because they have repeatedly been forced to because he is not good enough and the pushes haven't turned out as planned.


Cena, Bryan, Punk were given some right shit to work with in the past (Tag team with Kane being the least imaginable booking ever for example) but they always injected enough of their own persoanlity to make it watchable. Reigns has been given ace stuff to do but no amount of excuses is going to change him from being a very good worker who has little charisma. He is the casual fans' Cesaro.

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It's been said already but Neville vs Owens and Y2AJ vs The New Day were both fantastic TV bouts not only because of the wrestling but also the logical booking and future potential of the post match shenanigans. Really enjoyed it.




As I fully expect The New Day to retain against AJ and Jericho what are the chances of Jericho going full heel afterwards leading to a fourth match at 'Mania ?

It sounds a little groan-worthy at first but a proper heel vs face dynamic with a gimmick thrown in (2 out of 3 falls ?) could make it feel special enough for a spot on the card.

Called it, sort of ?

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Reigns has only been given two good angles since The Shield broke up. The aftermath of TLC and winning the title the next night. And unsurprisingly the fans loved it. Everything else he's been given has been dog shit.


If you're going to push a guy to the top you have to protect him and hide his weaknesses. WWE have failed to do this. The fault lies with them alone.

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Reigns has been given ace stuff to do

Sufferin Succotash, Batman, do you really believe this shit?



Most eliminations in the Rumble, only one to keep the shield music/attire, Main event at Mania vs Brock Lesnar still fairly warm of hot off breaking the streak with Paul Heyman selling his balls off to get the match over. Went over Daniel Bryan who was fresh off his big return, post Mania feuds against Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt and The Authority...got to lay his hands on Vince McMahon, booked to win the title tournament, rarely gets pinned and never submitted. That's pretty much their entire playbook at the minute. Yes, most of it has been shit...I just don't think that's because he hasn't been given the opportunity.

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They'd be mental not to go Owens vs. Zayn one-on-one at WrestleMania, with their backstory and ability it could turn into a classic and really rocket launch their careers.


If there's any multi-man match it should probably involve Kalisto, Neville, Ryback etc for the US Title. Styles & Jericho have done enough to warrant a singles match also.


Meltzer says the singles match is Kalisto/Ryback and the Owens and Zayn are in a multiman. I thought that seemed pretty obvious when they kept Neville around for the angle and didn't really dwell on it like they would a major singles programme. Bit of a shame.

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The Shield music and attire is detrimental. Aye wrestling a title out of each others hands is great booking in a feud with Brock Lesnar. Put him over the most popular guy on the roster, yep that will get him over.


Everything you're mentioning booking wise is the reason he's been a big steaming pile of turd. No-one is saying they don't try and make him look strong. They just go the completely wrong way about it. Reigns had everything to be a star and they wasted him by making him Cena.

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The Shield music and attire is detrimental. 


Agree, but it was never meant to be detrimental. I can understand why they did it.


I just don't hold with the opinion that he had all the tools to be the top star. I think he has some of the tools but I don't agree that he has what it takes to be the top babyface. He is in the Orton/Cesaro category for me and would be better of working heel for a while and seeing if they have more success that way.

Edited by boytoy
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I just don't hold with the opinion that he had all the tools to be the top star.

Who's even said that? I don't think anyone's ever claimed he had everything which is why he needed their help. He's needed them to book to his strengths for the last couple of years and it hasn't happened. He doesn't have the natural fan support that a guy who's grown up through the indy's does so he shouldn't be absorbing losses or being put into stupid multi man matches that he isn't going to win. He doesn't have great promo skills so he shouldn't be doing Cena promos. He's a fucking mountain of a man so he shouldn't be crying and selling like someone's just stolen his last Rolo. They've got all the small details wrong with Reigns for two years and they're paying for it.


He didn't have all the tools but he had what they want. He looks great. He can stand up against anyone. He can have really good matches. And importantly, he's a smart and willing ambassador. They won't get many guys like that, they've got to work with them or they'll suffer as Reigns and Ryback have.

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Having Reigns STILL be out after HHHs attack the other week hardly helps matters either.

Especially since Ambrose was launched through a car windscreen and was back in the same show.


To be fair, WWE have had no qualms making Reigns look a total fanny in the past few months. Just look at the Royal Rumble.

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